I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 1014 Captain's Strength

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This time, Zhixiang pigs talk to Chen Hao, after all, listening to Ai teaching, far without teammates, good experience, some actual experience, AI can not teach.

In the science and technology classroom, Zhishan is in front of holographic projection: "Our base weapons are divided into melee and remote, remotely generally energy firearms, and some special weapons such as sounds, you know Yes, because the outer proofer has no permission contact. As for the weapons of the melee, it is similar, such as the charging gloves you have used, volatile, and the laser sword used by the clown. These basic are auxiliary role. After all, the general battle With remote weapons, you can solve them, very much melee. "

Chen Hao thought that the melee weapon was in the face of energy guns too much loss. If you encounter your master, it may not be close to the opportunity, even if there is a malfunction of the emission clearance, but also hold more energy guns to make up for it. The firearms are more powerful than the Battle.

He is not currently a formal member, can't receive energy weapons, so now I can only look at it.

Zhixiang continues to introduce: "Other auxiliary items have shockballs, all kinds of mines, whispered, etc., and the kind of clown is similar, but our dragon's weapons are more excellent."

"Defense equipment, is usually wearing protective clothing, can be puttop bullets, swords, short quenches, sudden heat, etc., is more excellent than the current bulletproof clothing, but also systematic protection, additional preparation The energy gun has a special protective cover device. But this device is so slow, usually in the one-time equipment, can prevent the 50,000inar equivalent energy gun shooting, there is no way for the exceeding range. "

Chen Hao is nod, so that it is not a master of the protective cover, so the technology arrived at the hierarchy of Hanglong, or the attacked and weak, still be careful, otherwise it will explain the life.

"In fact, it doesn't have to worry too much. Although the energy gun is strong, but there is a weakness, even the fastest dot mode, there is a rechargeable process. If you do your exercise, you can perceive in advance, so that avoid or open the shield. This should be practiced. "Xiang pig explained.

This science, I didn't end, but I didn't end, the mysterious organization of the nature of , all kinds of black science and technology are endless, it is not finished in the morning, but considering that the greed is not bad, So first here, in the afternoon, in the afternoon, the team will work together.

Team training is carried out in the outdoor training ground, there are various terrain to choose from, because the task is carried out in the city, so the squid captain chose the city market to train, there are some buildings, and the AI ​​robot playing passers, can be appointed The team played and attached the real practical environment.

This kind of training team is often doing, and the battle is very intense, but today is mainly to make Chen Hao, so they slow down.

The squid captain entered the instruction, let Ai play enemies and hostages, then the squid rely on the images provided by various reconnaissance equipment, and teach Chen Hao to analyze the battle, how to choose the most reasonable offensive mode.

Here, the squid allows Chen Hao to put forward his own opinions. He is not a simple oral refute, but let Chen Haolai will be a team commander, command the battle, so that it is very embarrassing.

Chen Hao is also a young person, there is a spade and arrogance, and then a challenge.

This is a training task of rescuing hostages. More than a dozen kids detain a hostage in the room, they need to rescue hostages and annihilate or arrest the kidnappers.

Chen Hao followed the road in the police film, and the strongest squid team in the team was long as an assault. Then other people used the descendant to enter the tape to the tie, with shocking, the pigs as a sniper, the overall situation, He broke through him.

According to Chen Hao's envision, such a combination is the strongest battle, it should be easily taken.

Others have no objection, according to Chen Hao's command to enter the battle position, then to the time, they launched an attack at the same time.

The front is very smooth, and most of the robbers have been solved in an instant, but still mistakenly, the first successful squid captain was played by Ai, and was sentenced to death, and there were bombs on the hostage, all were fired. Previously, someone detonated the bomb, Chen Hao and the successful snail were determined seriously injured, the seal was slightly injured, and only the pigs outside were intact.

The battle is over, the hostage is killed, and our personnel have a three injuries, of course, is the worst F-class evaluation.

Chen Hao had a fever, he realized that the importance of a qualified commander, he is still a desirable, but the team cooperates is not a personal heroism, can't rely on certain.

The battle of the war, the squid captain gave Chen Hao's lesson, and he arranged the seal to attract the attention of the kidnapper. This offense is not big. It will not let the robbers feel the trend, and will not die, then they will accidentally Once from all points.

When waiting for the war, it is time to show the mackerel. Where is the player shooting, which enemy shooting is properly arranged, this period makes full use of each person's specialty, Chen Hao is fast enough to take the protection shield I will blocked the bullets in front of you, and I protect my teammates.

When the last two AI kidnappers discover, it is impossible to take the bomb, and immediately by the squid captain, the personality is successfully rescued, the kidnapper is all hanging, the task is A, the excellent grades of the formula.

Seeing this situation, Chen Hao admires the commanding ability of the squid captain, no wonder he can be the captain, others also obey the command, he does have the ability.

However, Chen Hao pays attention to a thing, that is, the best results of fighting rating are s. He believes that this team played very well, no one was injured, the hostage security, and he also commented on the A level. Chen Hao wants to be in the case. What kind of record can be evaluated as a S evaluation.

After the squid captain, I laughed and said: "Our violent burst-in rescue, of course, can only be a, if you want to play the S-class evaluation, we will need a Level 2 warrior, kidnappers, no death, use time control Within 10 seconds, you can reach the level. "

"Level 2 Warrior!"

Chen Hao is in the middle, today's Zhilong has given him a science, the members of the Longlong are sorted by the strength level, respectively, the official membership member, then the official member of Level 1, then the elite member of Level 2, usually strength Each high level can be rolled with the next level member.

Of course, there are also members of the legendary level 3 king, just in the legend, no one has seen, maybe no one can reach the strength of Level 3, in the record, it is comparable to the existence of the superhero, the body defense Bullets, free-handed steel plates, strong strength, simply unimaginable.

Because Pan Long did not have any level of grade certification, this should be only a Du, even the squid, they have never seen a 3-level power.

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