I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 1024 Yingpei High School

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The next day, the members of the crew of the crew of the crew of the crew of the crew in the morning, and then quickly finished breakfast, driving to the main shooting site, a private high school of an international school.

This "English" International Demonstration High School, the construction of the construction is two years, the construction of the school has become a European style, and the new is like building art exhibits, it looks pleasing.

Xu Guard has tried to take two plays here, and it feels good. It is discussed with the principal, leaseing three empty classrooms used to shoot, here is the main access.

Before the crew entered the campus, there was security to check, and there is even security door, all facial recognition, not the school faculty and staff can't enter, and everything is in line with railway international, quite standard.

The crew is handled by the guest, Chen Hao and Luo Xin have just come today, so fill in the registration formula is allowed to enter, although it is trouble, Chen Hao appreciates this serious thing style, I think this school hardware is good, manage rigorous management, Very promising.

When entering the campus, you can see the teenagers who wear the British wind uniform. The boys are white shirts, and girls are prosecutive skirts, and they are better than the traditional blue white sacks of my country. Go, here go to school, mood is different, many sunlight.

"Yes, there will be children in the future to go to school." Chen Hao commented.

The speaker is inadvertent, the listener has the heart, Luo Xincheng suddenly asked: "Brother, then do you like a boy or girl?"

"All, I am in good agreement, don't pick gender." Chen Hao said.

"Really opened." Luo Xin said.

When they came to the shooting venue, the tables and chairs in the empty classroom are ready-made, prop mutters.

Several important actors, such as male protagonists, both men and women have been in place, are the value of idol level, although there is no red star, but the glazing value is not lost.

Of course, the female Lord Lu Xin is the top priority. She has already replaced the school uniforms of the school. This can take advantage of the school students, shoot some lenses, and all the groups are all saved.

Makeup artist is given to Luo Xin makeup, because it is a campus drama, it is mainly made of light makeup. If the lipstick is close to nature, wear a beautiful Luo Xint, and the big eyes are flashing. It is equipped with deliberate pureness. Just like an angel of the world, holy and beautiful.

"The image is too good!"

Even Xu Guard can't help but admire, and several actors are also lucky to partner with such a beautiful heroism.

After the makeup, shooting is about to begin, the director briefly says the play, this play is the interaction between several major actors before class, there are some micro-faces and small actions, so more test acts, before the shoot Xu Gui does not know how the final effect is, everything depends on the play of the actors.

"Well, the first scene is seventh, start!"

Xu Guided yells, the camera started to shoot from Luo Xin, and then turned to the front.

Men's and Luo Xin said a word, Luo Xincai's mastery is very good, with normal tone, she is also coming from the student era, there is experience, this performance is great.

Then the close-up of the male master, he saw the criminals of the secret love chat with the male, could not help but show jealousy expressions.


Xu Guard is stopped, this shooting failed is that the male is too much, as if a vinegar break.

Xu Guard came to correct the way: "Yang Kai, you have to understand the character of the role, the man is proud, he is jealous, but will try to avoid being seen by others, so you have to pay attention to facial micro-face, you try Come once, find a feeling. "

Yang Kai is an actor name to play a man. He has played two youth films before, and it is also an experience. It is only the first time when it is a man, so it is a bit nervous, playing anomaly.

He brewed, then did a jealous expression of less than a second, soon he quickly returned to normal, but he worked hard, from the deformation of the fist muscle, it appeared very hard, use this to reflect him Inner emotions.

"This time is much better, but it also needs to be optimized."

In Xu Gui's follow-up, Yang Kai has mastered the trick, he tried twice, it was more than a "ok" gesture, indicating that he can.

"That's good, the lighting camera pays attention, start!"

Xu Gui once again launched the shooting, or the story just now, then this shot gave the male master, his face had no expression, but the eyes have a slight flashing, then the close-up will give him the pen in his hand, almost bend it. .


When the content of this game is finished, Xu Guoke stops, this time his expression is relaxed, a lens can be successful twice, it is already very fast.

However, this plot is more important. In order to avoid it, it is too much trouble to avoid the incident, so Xu Guida will take a lot of choices when you go to the last clip.

This lens is taken, then the props and operators will start busy. Some people give the actors to the actors, the propsters move the props, prepare for the next shooting, the entire crew is busy.

Chen Hao saw a long time, the original film and television drama is like this, and the lens for a short walk will cost for half an hour. This is also smooth, if it is some martial arts or action play, may come back and forth It took a long time for shooting, it's not bad for a day.

Chen Hao looked at the shooting, and Chen Hao also felt very interesting. When the gap ended, he gave Luo Xin past some small snacks and let her supplement physical strength.

The actors are still sitting in the chair, but the spirit is always tight, the brain is running, nor is it easy.

After more than two hours of shooting, Luo Xin felt exhaustion, which is more tired than her live broadcast, but it is tired and happy, live broadcast is not long, the performance is the cause of her pursuit.

I have been photographed at noon, and the team members have to take a break. They booked a box, just eat in the classroom, because the school has provisions, their crew can't go to the normal student teaching area, and they cannot interfere with the daily life of students.

Xu Gui did not take care of eating. He went to find the principal of the school. To quickly finalize the lease contract, he will be relieved.

However, he didn't see the principal, only to be disappointed, hoping that this piece did not have any moth.

Chen Hao followed the box and then left the school, because he may agree with him yesterday, and the braid brother who was taught by him. The theoretical theory.

When Chen Hao came to yesterday's shooting place, I found that there were already a lot of deceased small scorpions, and dozens of eyes, there are dozens of people, and they are really not rare.

Chen Hao has appeared, and the little scorpion has a disturbance, then the braid brother appeared, he posted several plaster on him, it seems that it is not light yesterday.

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