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The wine is full, Cao Rui went to clean the tableware, threw it into the dishwasher, wait until the family, the two could not help together.

It is no wonder that the house is too big, two, if it is not united, then the space is ignorant.

Chen Hao opened the home theater, just in a new movie, he also bought two packs of popcorn in the billion subsidy app, and Cao Rui one person, while eating, it is very pleasant.

Time is long, Chen Hao directly with the behavior of large variable items, there is no deliberate obstruction, so this popcorn, just like magic, from his hands.

Cao Rui pays attention, but she laughed, I didn't ask, I didn't say anything.

Chen Hao also found that he was too losing, actually forgot to cover up, if you lie, it is too low, after all, this tens of millions of subsidy APPs have changed, and they have not been able to use magic.

Cao Rui is not outsiders. In this regard, I have been silent in this area, and I may have more separation, Chen Hao Shen, decided to explain it.

"Cao Rui."


"You saw it, actually ..." Chen Hao said.

"If it is difficult, you don't have to say, I understand." Cao Rui reported smile.

"I ... actually a special function, you see it, you can change some objects."

Chen Hao finally found an euphemistic reason, it is not lying anyway, there is a billion subsidy app, his behavior is indeed a specific function.

"Well, my boss is the most special one."

Cao Rui did not feel surprised. She knew that Chen Hao was not mortal, she had a lot of magical abilities, such as this ilo, such as today's big bunch of furniture, Chen Hao can explain her, representative Take her as outsiders, this is the happiest place.

Cao Rui did not have been in this question, asking the East asking West, soon attracted by the plot in the movie.

The two were sitting on the sofa at this time, Cao Rui was porn with a special man's breath. Suddenly, asked in testivity: "Can I borrow your shoulder for a while?"

"Please." Chen Hao took the initiative to make it up.

Cao Rui placed his shoulders in Chen Hao, so it felt more comfortable, suddenly happy, complete the entire movie smile.

After a movie is finished, the two have not been moving for a long time, and they all feel that it is so beautiful, do not want to destroy the current atmosphere.

Finally, Cao Rui looked up and found that the neck was a bit stiff, and it took a pain.

"I will take it for you."

Chen Hao said, came to her, and gently pinched her shoulders.

After all, Chen Hao often went to Hu Bo, and also learned a lot of Chinese medicine crafts. This is one of them. Although the technique is not more subtle, but alleviates the pain of muscle joints, or can do it.

Cao Rui's skin is very tender. Chen Hao took a long time to practice, and the rough hand touched it, he felt the lactide tofu, very Q bombs.

Chen Hao had to sigh, the woman is really the masterpiece of the Creator, the fierce is like water, and the enthusiasm is like a fire, which is fascinated.

With the progress of the massage, Cao Rui has closed his eyes. Wait until Chen Hao took ten minutes, asked her "Okay?" Cao Rui did not answer, she fell asleep.

Also, Cao Rui's work intensity has been very big, usually less than 8 hours a day, it is a job, which makes Chen Hao hurt.

When Chen Hao is running soft, gently picked her, then carefully hugged her up, put it on the bed of the bedroom, and closed the lights for her, I hope she can be a good dream.

When Chen Hao came out, I found out that time I went to practice fist.

First, I first played a five bird, and then began to practice the bird play in the beginning of the initial peep.

The bird play is a flower dance hand, and Chen Hao is learning two, simple summary is that the sky is high, the swallow is a long jump, as for more high air turning, flashing, can not master, only First learn from simple learning.

However, this simple two-style learning has already made Chen Hao battle to enhance a big cut, the martial arts have been fresh, that is to simulate the battle in Panlong Base, and then abuse those virtual enemies, and they will have a long, waiting for George's triangle. The lathe is not late, then it is not too late.

After practicing, Chen Hao's clothes have been humid by sweat, returning to the bathroom, then lying comfortably on the bed, soon sleeping.

The next day, when Chen Hao was awake, when I went downstairs, I smelled a meal, Cao Rui's apron, is busy in the kitchen.

"Boss, you woke up? I have made breakfast, so I am so good, you take a look." Cao Rui shouted in the kitchen.

Chen Hao went to wash, and then found that the table was all the breakfast of his love. Even the current grinding soy milk has, do so much breakfast, take a lot of time, Cao Rui will get up very early.

"You have worked hard." Chen Hao is thankful.

"Nothing, I am suddenly falling asleep yesterday, I am very embarrassed." Cao Rui said.

"Nothing, you should sleep more."

"Not sleepy, I slept for ten hours yesterday, I have already slept, and today is full of spirit." Cao Rui put a fuel gesture with a full energy, and smoked two people.

Two people sitting together to have breakfast, very warm and sweet.

After dinner, the two took a break, missed the early peak, driving out, visiting the city of Mozhou, not traveling, but looking at the city environment here.

Here is the heavy industry aggregation, many steel processing, heavy machinery, and there is even a special industrial area aggregation.

The industry is relatively developed, but humanities are more behind, and air quality is better than Baihe, which can be said that the development industry is more special.

Chen Hao has a number, here is suitable for heavy industry and supporting facilities, other industries are not suitable, the lathe stores you have to open are in line with the requirements.

In the afternoon, Chen Hao took the phone to the apparel factory manager, saying that the warehouse has been vacated, the decoration team is accommodated.


Chen Hao took Cao Rui and drove to the scene.

Chen Hao has nothing to pay attention to the environment, as long as it is easy to facilitate the shelf for the lathe display.

The scene is in full swing, it is estimated that tomorrow will be completed, then Chen Hao's lathe also needs to prepare in advance.

Chen Ha was ready, he booked hundreds of various types of lathes in the billion subsidy app, which is to compete with the triangle lathe, and these latches are mainly similar to the door products.

Chen Hao's lathe is more advanced than them, how do you play cheaper than them?

These latches belong to bulk items, they all order in advance, Chen Hao is scheduled before coming, and I will arrive at the time tomorrow, completely.

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