I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 1052 Mutual Assistance Mission

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Mutual help: search for Level 2 escape experiments, the original forest in Mozhou 100 kilometers.

After Chen Hao finished the task, this electronic information is automatically destroyed, and it is not recoverable, which is the internal confidentiality.

"Level 2 experiment, is it the same strength as the 2nd-level transformation?" Chen Haiguang is a little dignified. If it is true, his strength is quite tasty, there will be great risks.

Pig Pig said: "The strength is really quite, but this laboratory is our prisoner. It is a foreign power to change by the gorilla. The animal IQ is limited, and there is a broken arm, there is also a hurt, the strength is big, It is equivalent to the level 1 transformation. But it escapes in the primitive forest, it is not easy to find, can only use people's tactics, so the Mozhou base will help other divisions, and our Baihe City base sent a few people It's far enough, so he wants you. "

Chen Hao learned, from his own place to escape a prisoner, saying that it is too shameful, it is estimated that the Mozhou Base is also forced to have no way to help with the colleagues.

The fragrant pig said: "This is the case, but this experimental gorilla has a level 2 strength, so your mission is just to find that after encounter him, you can evacuate it in the first time, inform the comrades, go around, they have Good equipment. "

This task is not very much, as long as careful care, it will not be too dangerous, you can pick it up.

"Okay, I took it." Chen Hao said.

"Well, I will know that you will accept, then you will go to the Mozhou base tomorrow morning, just open the call code in the contact, someone will pick you up." Xiang pigs.

"Okay, I remember." Chen Hao took the head.

Pig pool: "We all have a mission, or you have to go, this time you estimate that you and other strange members."

"Learn. You go out of the task, be careful." Chen Hao said.

"It's hard to care." The pig is a little happy.

"After all, it is a teammate, of course, I have to care." Chen Hao smiled.

The two then simply talked two sentences, and hang up the phone.

Chen Hao looked at the schedule. I was still going to leave after tomorrow, and I chaos his plan.

However, his plans and tasks are nothing, it is nothing, after all, the 2-level experiment is too harmful, and must first solve it, levy people's property and safety.

Since I have to go to the mission tomorrow, Chen Hao slept in the evening, and took a break over the five birds.

Early the next morning, Chen Hao picked up the neat, put on loose sportswear, driving from the outskirts.

Under the guidance of the communication device, come to the contact point, open the call code, soon there is a car to stop to Chen Hao.

"White River Base Chen Hao, composed personnel?"

Two Wespen Mozhou Base Logo on the car, who found that Chen Hao's identity and found that he was a slightly surprised.

"What's wrong?" Chen Hao asked.

"Is it conveyed incorrectly, this task is to surround the level 2 experiment, requiring a formal member, and did not let the computing personnel participated."

"However, he has a task to access the mark, indicating that the above review is passed."

The two Mozhou base teams do not understand each other, but according to the procedure, Chen Hao meets the regulations, they can only let Chen Hao go to the bus, first go to the base.

One of the high players report an abnormal situation to request verification.

There is not long after the car is driving, and the system will respond to everything is normal, Chen Hao freshes the task requirements.

The high son is wondering: "Strange, why do Baihe Base want to send a compilation person? Our base of our base does not dare to let them participate, it is too dangerous!"

After Chen Hao heard, he understood what happened. He originally used as a compilation person. It is not a task requirement, but this is the head of their black panther personally specified. He should have passed a special procedure, and he as a white river, Pan Long's strongest composite personnel, the strength is enough to perform the task.

As for evidence, it is a series of tasks that Chen Hao completed, and in the duel field, the ants, ants, ants, the ants, this is the strength of his official member.

Chen Hao, certainly not self-blowing, showing that he will prove himself than some official members.

The car stopped in the Mozhou base. After verifying the identity at the door, he put Chen Hao into the base.

Chen Hao swept a circle and found that the architecture of Baihe City base is similar to the underground architecture.

After entering the base, you will receive Chen Hao by the ground person who wears uniform. It is a little girl in his twenty years old.

When she saw Chen Hao, she didn't consciously blush, but also quite, this is the normal reaction of the girl to see handsome guys.

"Excuse me, where is the task equipment?" Chen Hao asked.

"Ah, sorry!"

This female land, this is aware that he has lost his attorney, the blush is like a monkey butler, with Chen Hao to the hall, she fled and left.

Chen Hao smiled and shook his head. The style of this Mozhou base, and the white river base has a clear difference. Baihe base staff are generally aged, and these shy women's strengths are missing. More, they like the gossip.

There are some basic equipment for free, but some big murders need to be received by points, because the entire dragon's database is connected, so the points are universal.

How Chen Hao is only a compilation personnel, the killing of the energy gun can not be equipped, only to rent the two familiar daggers and rush gloves, bring some auxiliary necessities, ride the suspension When I arrived at the airport waiting area, waiting for the next flight.

"Chen Hao, Baihe Base, Chen Hao, you are arranged in MZ-27 team, member of 8, your team number is 8."

Chen Haoyue's contacts sent a voice message. Soon, it showed his teammate information, which is a formal member of Mozhou City. The seven people bring luxury equipment, all energy guns. Weapons.

"Is it close to the weapon? Or compiled personnel?"

"No, how to assign us a compilation, this is not a new person, this is not a pit?"

"Is there a bug in the system? It's getting more and more magical. Who is it to us!"

These seven people met each other, seeing that Chen Haogen did not ask how strength, it is very dissatisfied with the identity of his compilation, after all, in their eyes, the compilation staff is synonymous with the rookie.

Looking at the seven teammates, I feel that I have to do something, and if this attitude is between the teammates, it is unable to cooperate.

"Dear, although I 8, although I have a compilation, but I will not drag you behind him." Chen Haolang said.

"The beautiful words are very good. After waiting until the departure, you will wait in a safe place, we will thank you!"

"Yes, you will be able to do things, but also tired us."

These people have seven tongues, and they are not optimistic about Chen Hao.

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