I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 1054 I can't see the enemy

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They still didn't wait for Chen Hao. Chen Hao spent more than 40 minutes, only found their position, these seven people are searching in carpet search, leaning against life detectors, not finding different shakers.

However, such a few people, in a large-scale primitive forest, really like a diloy in the sea, can discover, purely by luck.

"If you can think of something good way." Chen Hao is thinking.

Suddenly, he moved in his heart. The key to "find things" three words, let him think of the last implementation task, relying on the top of the treasure rat, the mask clown, is it possible to apply it here?

Just this time I wake up a bit late, looking for a baby in Yunyang City, spending a few girls in the city, and I can't help the thirst.

"Right, the last customer service seems to be able to provide delivery service!"

Chen Hao gave this sentence, so I opened a billion subsidy VR mode, and I asked the customer service 9527: "Can you transfer the treasure rat?"

Customer Service 9527: "Yes, transfer 20 points!"

"Is this expensive? I still spend it too much!" Chen Hao feels a black customer service.

Customer Service 9527: "It is too expensive to be transferred."

The customer service answered, as ever, no employment pressure, the arrogance is so arrogant.

"Then I choose to buy one." Chen Hao decided to maximize the benefits.

Customer Service 9527: "Sorry, the treasure rat is temporarily out of stock."

Chen Hao: ...

Chen Hao is speechless. It seems that this customer service is to eat yourself. 20 points can even buy a few spells. If this task has so many people, you can observe it first, don't worry.

Speaking of the spell, now I am refreshing every week, Chen Hao is bought, there are few more, wait until it is needed, now he has three bottom out, so this task, he It is also "grain" in your pocket, and you don't panic.

Suddenly, Chen Hao had a feeling of being stared by the beast. He suddenly turned to the right direction, there was a wild grass with a pace.

This is purely the sixth sense because his life detector, there is no suspicious organ, Chen Hao, is convinced of his sixth, this has made him avoid many crises.

"Everyone is careful about 3 o'clock." Chen Hao reminded teammates in the brigade communication channel.

Although these teammates don't ask, but the sin is not dead, Chen Hao can't foresee danger, and I don't inform them.

"3 o'clock? Nothing, are you timid?"

As a result, the teammates wanted to have an eye, and the life probe did not have alarm, and there was nothing.

"Cut, the rookie will come to the rookie, who is coming from the rookie, but please keep silent, don't mess, ok?" The teammate called blue cat said impatiently.

Chen Hao did not empty and his mouth. He has already made a battle posture. It is already ready to start the cold break. First, the firepower is scavented. Even if he is too sensitive, it will lose a spell, it is not a matter.

As a result, when Chen Hao was ready to release the spell, the grass was slightly moved, and the air seems to be a strange distortion, and the subtle sound, and then restored the calm, and Chen Hao's crisis is also gradually. .

This series of coincidences, prove that Chen Hao's premonition is correct, there is indeed something, but at this moment, it is strange, I can't see the mystery, what is it?

"Is the alien in the" Terminal Warrior "? Is it a special combat unit with optical stealth?"

Chen Hao's brain sea has a few ideas, but guess is not allowed, can only stare at the wild grass.

"Look, the rookie is estimated to be stupid, and it doesn't move for a long time."

I walked out of the seven teammates, still took Chen Hao, they were far away, did not hear those fine details, they trust the life detector, as long as there is no alarm, they don't have to be strange.

Chen Hao then made a careful, after ten minutes, still did not appear before the appearance, temporarily safe.


Suddenly, on the communication channel of their team members, suddenly sent an emergency alert.

"Warning! Warning! MZ-05 team, encountered a level 2 experiminary sneak attack, causing 1 death and 2 serious injury, the goal has stealth capabilities, and can escape the existing detection equipment, please quadly beaten immediately, to MZ-05 squad Here! After discovering the goal, it is dominated, don't die, the base level 2 strong is urgently dispatched, please keep the aid! "

"Repeat again ..."

This time, the sound is very tense, showing the urgency of the event.

"How is it possible? The 05 team is the bear walnit, they are all masters, how can it be like this?"

"Three deaths, isn't it 2 levels, we are not winning!"

"I can't say stealth, then we don't become a living target?"

Several players discussed slightly, they were nervous, and they took out the energy guns and aligned around, and the leaves moved. They all became a dragonfly.

"So flustered, what is it, is you still members?"

The captain of Zhuan Feng suddenly screamed, so that several kind people lived.

"The 05 team is not far from us, the danger is in front of you, is afraid, now in the opposite direction, I don't blame you!"

Zhuan Feng visited the players in front of him. They were ashamed, and the emotions were stable. No one is willing to be a species, they can't afford it.

"This is right, I will start the armorized head array, find the goal, give me a dead, don't see it, according to the part of the attack, I will throw the mark, as long as it It's not afraid of it. "

The labeling bomb said by Yanchu Feng is a special ammunition. There is no attack on itself after blasting, but it will release high-adhesive fluorescent substances. As long as it is stained, it will attach it to the object, and it will last longer, and Fluorescence can be detected by the device, which is equivalent to an anti-invisible means.

It can quickly stabilize the military, and also develop a simple and effective countermeasure. This is not waiting for the leisure generation. However, this fighter has a premise, that is, it is necessary to target the attack and swing Sichuan Feng, they can only defend against counterattack.

But let a Level 2 experimoctive take the initiative, then the people who are tricky are more fierce. Everyone looks to the squad leader who acts as a bait.

"Don't think so much, we only have a distance from 05 brigions, and you may encounter danger at any time, pay attention to the alert!"

After Sichuan Feng said, everyone helped him wear a portable armor. Several members of this helmet team have a few pieces per person, which is for today's situation.

These leg armor, bimous armor, helmet, etc. have a contour, and then they are in the same way, and then they are transformed with the Iron Man. The back is the mechanical automatic assembly. After ten seconds, I will thoroughly give Sichuan Feng. The cover is the same as the three soldiers, but it is only more focused on defense.

"Well, there is a Type A battle line, advance!"

Duan Sichuan Feng's energy gun is in the forefront, and other members of the small team are in the back.

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