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The teammates have a fire, and Chen Hao is also an opportunity to use a special spell - gravity.

The gravity of the earth is g, as the earth-growing earth man, human beings have long habited this gravity value, while the gravity effect is to enhance the gravity of the monomer target, increase ten times!

Ten times is extremely horrible concept, like a weight of 10 pounds, it will become 100 pounds, 100 pounds of weight, will instantly increase to 1000 pounds, while gravity, level 2 experimen The body weight of the orangutan is a chain of chains that bind it.

This gorilla is more than two meters, and it is active as a diamond, and the weight is more than 300 kilograms. Otherwise, there will be so much strength, and a palm of the ruthenium.

Its muscle strength is extremely developed, so it can drive your weight, but after Chen Hao used gravity, it has to drive the weight, it turns into 300 kg * 10 = 3000 kg!

What is the concept of weight 3000 kg? That is three tons, equivalent to the weight of some light sedans, that is, the experiminal gorilla that flexibly flicked in the bush, suddenly gave it a car.

Its muscle strength is not enough to withstand such a large pressure, so it is directly on the ground, and the stroke is difficult, and the bones are too high, and the sound of "" is issued. The edge of the break.

However, this is only temporary, the most deadly is the rear while shooting to its energy beam, the big power model of the release of six sound players, that is the sickle of the dead!

If it is usually, the experimental gorilla can easily escape this long-distance shooting, but it is robust to compromise, every leg is as if there is a jack, and it will not step.

Since it is not open, it still has an energy shield. It has before the energy beam, it can only be strong, but a small group energy, how to prevent six big powerful energy bombards, When the light of death was blooming in front of it, the experimental gorilla sent a sudden roar.


This is also the last shout in this world, then the six light hits its huge bodies, then be hurted, the whole body is burned into a black ball through the light, and it has a black smoke. Under the role of great gravity, in the ground and deep in the dirt.

Subsequently, the gravity time ends, everything is restored.

Six team members left a taking care of Zhigang, the remaining five nervously moved forward, and went to the scene.

Chen Hao's critical feeling has been released. He knows that this gorilla has been hung, and he has made a "safe" gesture for his teammates. He then uses the Swallow's efforts to copy the water, and several landing came. Between the experiment, I found a humanoid pit on the ground, about half a meter, just embedded it in it.

Chen Hao also wanted to observe near, and he smelled a cocuard, and this orangutan appeared into black charcoal, and he wouldn't go to his hand, so Chen Hao did not go to play.

Until at this moment, these team members looked at Chen Hao's eyes changed, turned into a fear of facing the strong.

From the beginning, they were very despised for Chen Hao, and they were very despised. When Chen Hao, Chen Hao, who had the ability to detect the experiminary, until at this moment, in Chen Hao's command, they easily kill this fierce What kind of ability is this level 2 experiment?

Everyone is not angry, the 05 team 1 death 2 injuries are enough to explain the problem, their teams have just fighting the experimoctures, the captain is seriously injured, this is still in the case of Chen Hao, otherwise the captain of Sichuan Feng is only afraid of fierce Less, and they don't have a good way to take the experimoctive body.

However, Chen Hao suddenly made them shot, they did it, after the flexible laboratory body, just like a few tens of aged erase, the steps were not open, and they were killed by them. This fantasy The plot, all the director of Chen Hao.

It can be said that Chen Hao is a power to restrict the experiminary, and then six players have played a role in fixed fort, so this battle, Chen Hao should be interested in!

Chen Hao's strength, and completely convinced all teammates. Now the captain is injured. They will not be asked to Chen Hao.

"Chen Hao, what should I do next?" Blue Cat asked.

He has seen the biggest for Chen Hao, and now is also the most shy. When he is, his face is red.

"Blocking the scene, don't go to the experimenter, waiting for the headquarters." Chen Hao said.

"Yes, I will listen to Chen Hao." Yanchu Feng also said in the team broadcast.

The team members are in the heart, this level 2 experiment, obviously beyond the ordinary level 2 strong, is the ability to stealth and circumvent the detection, but also to hear, obviously there are many secrets, they know, I know, I am harmful No, so the isolation belt is found, and the five team members are guarded around, and strictly prevent accidents.

Chen Hao returned to Yanchuan Maple, "rabbit eight brothers" with first aid kits are giving him bleeding.

Duchuan Feng's crushing fracture, the muscles are also pressed into meat, there is no possibility of renewal, and it is necessary to use the above limbs. Now the medical conditions are limited, they will have an alcogeal needle and the hemostatic bandage, and then wait for rescue.

Zhuan Feng is also a man, although it is a cold sweat, but he didn't call a pain, just bite the teeth.

Although I have a micro word in Chen Hao, I immediately trust it, and I will protect my teammates immediately, and Chen Hao has given a ritual ritual.

Zhuan Feng screamed, said to Chen Hao: "Before I can't do it, I review, I will never look at anyone in the future."

"Don't talk, I will send it to your memory number, and I will talk back and talk back." Chen Hauguo said.

Yanchuan Maple nodded, then closed his eyes to lying on the ground, so as not to affect the wound.

Soon, there was a voice of other people on the communicator, and the surrounding groups came over, a total of two groups, including the attack of the 05 squad of the attack.

"You ... I really kill the experimo, have not injured?"

The captain of the 05 team, asked in a meeting.

"Yes, but our team leader is hurt, and others have no injury, then under Chen Hao leaders, kill this gorilla."

This time I learned the sayingmone, I was proud of speaking, his expression, like a winning soldier in the "bright sword", full of proud expressions.

"Chen Hao? Is he not a foreign person?" Others are more shocking. When is a compact member, the enemy is a strong experimoctive, the enemy is 2-level with invisible ability, which is more exaggerated than mythology.

The players in the scene have almost all have a new person's task. Those who have the bodies of the helpers are highly proud, but they have to die, they don't help you, thank you, how to get the MZ-27 team, it will come, Chen Hao has become their core, is this possible?

However, the facts are placed in front of it, but they don't believe in, especially the captain of the 05 team, see the laboratory body, still have a lingering, and when the teammate of the teammates, his captain, can only look at it, counterattack Can't do it.

He painfully closed his eyes, but he had to admit that people and people are different. This subscriber member Chen Hao is much stronger than they, and I can't afford it.

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