I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 1062, Replay British High School

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Mozhou Base sent Chen Hao to the contact point, Chen Hao opened his own car, first returned to the car bed show at the scene, and he put the phone on the road, and then put on the Bluetooth headset and prepared to answer the phone.

I have a tight phone to answer it, it is ok, there is no big thing, he will go back to the show first, and communicate to the north. See that he basically takes over the entire lathe business, and then assured Hao Ran Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.. If you are promoted, he will be officially turned to be the general manager. If the three-month assessment is qualified, it will be officially turned.

"Chen, you can rest assured, I will definitely operate the company, dry down the triangle lathe!" To the north to ensure the road.

He stands straight, the sound is loud, it seems that it is very confident.

Chen Hao said: "Yes, the key is the last sentence, I am so good to see you!"

It has a few-cost lathes, and this company is closed. The key is that Chen Hao wants to see the results early, and the biggest investment in George in China will end. This has a revenue.

"Okay, up to a month, I will let you see the result!" I promised to north.

Chen Hao nodded, and then patted his shoulders to encourage, leaving the garment factory.

He went to the airport next. Chen Hao had already wanted to go home. White Ho City has Zhou Xi Tong, Yunyang City has Cao Rui, now his heart, you have to go back. Sweet.

Chen Hao bought a ticket to Baihe City. It has not met Zhou Xitong in the past month. Chen Haoxin is still missing.

At the time, Chen Hao saw the news in WeChat, and asked Chen Hao without empty, the date of writing was the day before yesterday.

Chen Hao quickly sent a voice message, saying that he had an empty, and asked her.

"Hello, Hello, Luo Jia is filming, I am her assistant, Luo sister has recently encountered some trouble ..."

Chen Hao watched the reply is a tight in his heart, thinking that his sister encountered anything, busy asking "what happened"?

Female assistant reply: "Chen You don't be nervous, there is nothing big, it is a plot, I didn't take it for three days, she and the director were very upset, now I can only shoot it first."

It turned out to have problems in the play. The first performance is the film that is relatively large. It is inevitable that Chen Hao is not good at playing, but his sister is difficult. He is a brother, you must have to see it. Look, I can't give up Luo Xincheng in order to see my girlfriend, Chen Hao is not a person who is heavy.

So Chen Hao will change the plane ticket, fly to the Fangyuan City, and visit the scene.

The plane arrived in more than an hour, the two cities were not far away, Chen Hao came this time, in addition to Luo Xin did not tell other people, he hit a taxi from the airport, came to the English high school, film shooting scene .

When I arrived at the door, I recognized Chen Hao at once, and I immediately went a gift: "Chen is always good!"

"Hello, I came to the guest, I didn't know where to throw, I let the principal pick me up." Chen Hao remembered that the security of this security guard was very serious, and he didn't want to be a birman who was difficult to do.

"no, I'm fine!"

The security guards of the security guard: "You are a big boss, the whole school is yours, what come to the guest, please enter!"

Said, he opened the door.

Chen Hao laughed, it seems that this security brother has read the sleek recently, yes, it is worthy of praise.

After Chen Hao entered the school, he saw the crew to shoot sportsmen on the playground, and the surrounding students worn in sportswear, in carrying out various sports competitive sports, the original school is really organizing sports meeting.

But think carefully, this is a middle school, not June 1 or autumn, which door sports will be opened in summer?

Chen Hao saw a few students just came down from the runway, drinking water and resting, he walked over, I would like to ask if I asked.

"Wow, your big brother, you are so handsome, add a friend!"

A high school girl who has a few acne, swaying mobile phones, turned out to look at Chen Hao's value, today's little girl, bold and spicy, and ten years ago, Chen Hao is going to school, there is a clear difference, Especially this is the international demonstration high school, and foreign teachers bring westernization education model, but also deepened the nature of students to pursue freedom.

"Thank you for your recognition, your friends are free, your students' must have to study hard."

Chen Hao gave a decline, don't say such a little girl who didn't open it, it was the Chen Zi letter and Duan Shan Shan, Mozhou Base, and he was also awarded.

"Cut, no strength!" The little girl was coming, let Chen Hao can't help but.

"Little sister is not angry, I invite you to eat ice cream."

Chen Hao saw these children, he remembered his secondary school era, there is a natural close sense, and decided to work for several students.

"This is what you said, don't regret, I have to eat a giant ice cream!"

"The handsome guy is really bright, I have to eat the rare, plus a wrap, you don't object?"

These five middle school students have reported what they want to eat.

"Nothing, you have been open to eat, I have to have a lot of bags today." Chen Hao was played, he said.


These students are very simple, Chen Hao said to the guest, they will take Chen Hao as God, and they will pounce into small shops everywhere.

Chen Hao gave the small shop a stack of pink banks, and then said that they didn't have to find it. These change sent the store, and next students came to eat, they were deducted from the inside.

"Handsome guys are too devoted, how do you call it?"

This group of middle school students, each took a bunch of snacks and asked worship.

"My surname is Chen, you can call me Chen Ge."

After Chen Hao mixed with them, he asked them, how can I start at this time.

A boy said: "He has cooperated with the crew. This crew has to take a campus sports meeting, find ten students to shoot, the effect is not good, and then our principal is a thigh, and the sure will put the autumn sports will give it ahead of advance. I just gave the crew to the crew. "

"I still have three seconds of lens, Chen Ge, wait for this movie, I invite you to see, you also see my performance." Another boult said excitedly.

"Hey, Chen Ge, I will tell you, do you know who you are in this drama?" Another chubby boys said eyes.

Chen Hao is so funny, he also wants to hear the image of Luo Xin in the eyes of the little boys, so they pretend to ask: "Oh, who is it?"

"It is Luo Xin! It is the big anchor of the Xinxin platform, old is beautiful." The fat boys said excitedly.

"Just, it is better than the live broadcast, I am old!"

Several boys talk about beauty, suddenly become hot, as if they can't finish the topic.

"Cut, she is not beautiful, I will make a makeup, pull a double eyelid, better than her!"

Inside the student, only the acne girl is talking, it is no wonder, the same sex.

See this female life to insult the Luo Xintang who liked, the fat boys immediately returned: "To pull it, if you go to be starring, then directly changing the horror film, then scare the audience. You can't afford."

"Dead fat pig, you are looking for death, the old lady should tear your stink!"

The acne girls are angry, and the claws will be scratched with nails.

"Mom! The ghost wants to eat people!"

The fat boys screamed, when they got up, they ran, the girls were chased behind, and other boys were in the stupid, a good youthful painting, let Chen Hao also have to open.

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