I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 1068, is also a food for selling tires?

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The topic mainly surrounded Chen Hao's lathe exhibition, they have heard of the home, and the network is popular on the Internet. The sisters are also proud, after all, is their Haoo's career.

In addition, I asked Luo Xin's playing process. The girls were very curious. I heard Luo Xin's interesting process. This dance dance is eager to try: "Can I try to try a play?"

"This is to ask the brother." Luo Xin smiled.

Chen Hao said: "Of course, there is no problem, find a script that is right for you, you can take it."

Others play, they start from the group play, then there are groups of lines, then they are small supporting angles, important roles, and then the protagonist, where people need for a few years, slowly may need for halfway, while flowers and dances Luo Xincheng said Chen Hao's light. The first play started from starring, the end of others, but the starting point of the two, destined to let others envy the lemon.

"That is good, I want to play the martial arts film, my Huaxia, I have to cross the rivers and lakes, the demon is demon!" The flower dance suddenly put a martial arts, it seems to have such a gorge.

"Flower dance is really awkward, I really look forward to her martial arts card!" Everyone said.

Chen Hao also felt that the dance was suitable for shooting martial arts, but he also had a person, that is, Peng Yutan, the two looks worth enough, with her hands, don't have to give it, completely really gun, get the scene Absolutely hot, Chen Hao wants to feel blood boiling.

"Peng Yuyan is also together, how?" Chen Hao picked his eyebrows.

"Chen boss requires, then I can only follow." Peng Yuyan retired a look, the two belong to the heart.

"Good apprentice, we act together, how to play a teacher!" The flower dance graded Peng Yutan's arm and spoiled to the apprentice.

Peng Yuyan shook his head: "To act at the person, I am your master, you see you, how to have Master."

"Why do you, you all worship me as a teacher, now I want to change it?" Flower dance lifted his mouth.

"Who is like you, telling an out, I worship you as a teacher, that is, the Master of the lifetime, just a play, can be playing with you, we either do a double arrogance!" Peng Yoshan said.

"Okay, I will have a double arrogance, martial arts is ancient enough!" Flower dance laughed.

Chen Hao said: "Okay, I will talk to Mei Ling, let him choose a female theme of the ancient martial arts film, wait for a good script, then find a good director."

At this discussion, I set a film and television drama that Kung Fu Women. This script has not been shadow, and everyone is looking forward to it, and Chen Hao has already prepared the crew of the crew. They can't wait to see the martial arts tablets. .

It is better to hit the day, Chen Hao called Mei Ling, the head of the film and television company, said that the preparation of martial arts tablets and he said.

"Okay," Mei Ling agreed, "If someone else wants to shoot martial arts, I definitely not recommend, but I have seen the kung fu, I have seen it, the value is also high, and it is absolutely sold!"

"Then you go to prepare, right, Xu Gui's play is also killing, when he can shoot, let him shoot martial arts." Chen Hao said.

Mei Ling did not agree: "Xu Guard can't, the martial arts film is not good at, and it has been shooting modern or modern themes. I will jump to the costume. I am afraid that he can't control. I will find a professional martial arts film director, though Today, the martial arts film has not fallen, but those the second generation of Yuanjiaban is still in the past, find them to do martial arts guidance, and then with a strength director, it will not be poor. "

"That line, press you to do."

Chen Hao decided to make professional things, he did not participate.

Subsequently, the sisters began to narrow, Chen Hao got to work for Cao Rui, and then drive out the door.

Chen Hao parked in a secluded corner, and then two people took together to comfort the pain.

Chen Hao and Cao Rui's kisses were not as civilized as with Luo Xin. She took "wet" live. When Chen Haoxing got up, she started to solve Cao Yuxi buttons, she pressed Chen Hao's hand.

"Don't you still during the day, this is the time of work, if you want, wait for the evening, I will give you a door." Cao Rui said.

Also, in the car is not open, the evening is a great time, but the leave is not too too, I will be discovered by others, Chen Hao let Cao Rui give himself window, his bird play is not white, Sk to Cao Rui, it is easy to get a pleasant.

"Well, give you a window." Cao Rui smiled.

After Chen Hao sent Cao Rui to the office office, he drove to the construction site of Hao Ran Group, and the main body of the building has been built. At the end of the year, it will be completed. He will be completed next year, his Haoran Group, this huge The business empire will be completely completed, and will blow a hurricane throughout the business world.

When driving home, Chen Hao mobile phone has called, Chen Hao checks the call display. It is a very few Vice President of the Food Association, and Chen Hao took it.

"Chen, there is a big thing, I want to tell you!" "There was a surprise in the Wen Hongli tone.


Chen Haolai is interested, is there a big business to find him cooperation?

Wen Hongliao: "I have made a publicity before the small summer restaurant, I finally attached importance to the John Rating sentence of Miwin will rating in the restaurant tomorrow night. I will accompany you, please inform the summer chef, be sure to play, If you can comment on the Samsung of Michelin, then the scenery will be. "

Chen Hanti is boring, not the foreigner of the rating, what is the era, and also take the Ocean as a treasure, an old understanding what is the eight cuisine? Know what is the full man?

Then say the profit of the Xiaoxia Restaurant, compares his other business, open this restaurant, but also to find some things to find things, and nothing to evaluate.

However, since the deputy president of this text is so angry, then Chen Hao will cooperate, he will then notify Xia Jing, let her prepare it tomorrow, let the foreign taste Chinese food.

"Michelin, a selling tire is also a food?"

After listening to Xia Jing, I also came to the Social Society's stem. She is not a regular chef class, and she is purely interesting, Chen Hao does not require her profit, so I don't catch a cold in the Rice rating.

Although I don't care, I can't be shameful, so Xia Jing promised, she will be prepared, welcome this reviewer, believe in her cooking, conquer an extra more than enough.

Xia Jing also said: "Right, Chen Hao, everyone is ready to give you a wind, I will arrange it in my own hotel, the person is notified, you will come well."

"OK, then I will respect it." Chen Hao smiled.

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