You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Zhou Xitong curiously watched Chen Hao debugging the speargun. Faced with such professional equipment, she asked concerned: "Can you catch fish?"

"I think it can."

Chen Hao checked the spear gun and decided to try it first, so he replaced it with the smallest spear head. According to the location information provided by the monitoring, he saw a white and white fish on the blue water.

After Chen Hao took aim, with a "swish", the spear head flew out with a fishing line and shot into the water.

After setting off a wave of waves, it did not hit the fish this time. Since Chen Hao was operating for the first time, his head was a little bit off.

It doesn't matter, failure is the fucking success, Chen Hao retracted the tip of his gun and prepared for the next attack.

"Haha, I still want to catch fish with a speargun, it's fantastic!"

Tu Sensen laughed wildly, and another one of them caught a three-pound black snapper and yelled happily.

Chen Hao was unmoved, pulled the speargun back and reloaded it, and aimed at the fish just now. The sight has been following the fish. After half a minute, Chen Hao finally found the opportunity to take advantage of the fish rushing for food. , Pulled the trigger.


The speargun fired again, this time after it shot into the water, it immediately stirred up a splash of water and filled with red blood.

"It's hit, it's hit!" Zhou Xitong shouted excitedly beside her, happier than she caught the fish herself.

Chen Hao took the line and carried the fish on the boat. It was a seven or eight catties perch. This fish was very delicious and was a kind of sea fish that people often eat.

This fish alone crushed the opponent in weight. After all, their three fishes totaled less than seven or eight catties. Chen Hao won the fishing competition here.

"What a look, it's just a blind cat and a dead mouse."

Tu Sensen was very unconvinced, and immediately gave the beauties on his side a death order, asking them to fish energetically, and catch a reward of five hundred yuan.

When they heard that there was a bonus, they were crazy. Some of them were not good at fishing. They also asked other people who could fish on the spot to try to catch the biggest one.

Such a reward also has a certain effect. In a blink of an eye, they also caught two fish, temporarily winning in terms of total weight.

On the other hand, Chen Hao only had two fishing rods and Zhou Xitong was not good at fishing, so he hadn't gained much and he was about to fall behind.

But Chen Hao was not in a hurry. He was still observing the video from the monitor, looking for any special fish in the sea. Since he couldn't compare to the opponent in number, he must win in quality and catch one that made the opponent desperate. big guy.Thousands of troops

Suddenly, a huge black shadow knocked an underwater monitor into flight, but monitors from other angles captured it. It was a huge fish, which looked at least a few jins.

"Okay, it's you!"

Chen Hao also observed the big fish with naked eyes on the sea. It was many times larger than the perch he had caught before. This is a really heavyweight thing. As long as you catch it, you can call it a day. I can't finish this fish.

Chen Hao grabbed a pile of feed and threw it under the boat, trying to bring the fish closer. The fish was also very upbeat, and it was caught by the massive feed.

People die for money and birds die for food, and greedy people are about to be caught. Chen Hao has locked the position of the big fish from multiple angles with the monitor. When it opened its big mouth to eat the feed, Chen Hao suddenly pulled the trigger.

Perhaps the god of luck was also on Chen Hao's side. The speargun head shot out like a crossbow, hitting the target, and a huge red splash suddenly threw up on the sea.

"Great, hit!" Zhou Xitong clapped excitedly beside him.

Chen Hao also smiled, and then he shook the pulley to take up the line, feeling strong resistance, the strength of this big fish was really strong.

Because the speargun is directly pierced through the body of the fish, the fixation is very firm, so you don't need skills like a fish hook. The speargun only needs to vigorously collect the fish to perform miracles, and you can turn the wire-retracting pulley.

But this was strength. As the big fish was lifted off the water by Chen Hao, he saw a one-meter-long big fish fluttering in the air. The speargun penetrated the front half of it, and the red blood stained a piece of sea water.

The people on Tu Sensen's side were dumbfounded, and there was such a big fish in the coastal waters, it was unimaginable.

"President Tu, the people over there caught a big fish!"

A swimsuit girl who is not very flexible in mind is still reporting in surprise.

"Are you so big, shabi girl!"

Tu Sensen shouted angrily, using her as a punching bag.

This round was better than fishing, and he lost again. It is impossible for a fishing rod to catch such a heavy fish. Only medium fishing equipment like spearguns can do it.

Chen Hao brought the big fish up there. The crew who heard the news saw such a big fish and wanted to come and help pull it. In their impression, it took at least two or three people to bring such a big fish. A fishing line supports it, it is not easy for a person to exert strength.

"No, I will do it alone."

Chen Hao refused their kindness, his two arm muscles bulged, and he lifted the big fish to the side of the ship. Finally, he grabbed the end of the exposed hook, screamed, and lifted it with one arm. The big fish was thrown on the deck, making a muffled noise, and the fall was really strong.

The big fish flopped on the ground twice, and there was not much vitality anymore. Several crew members gathered around here, watching with surprise.

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