I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 1078 gives the famous fire unicorn

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Seeing that John and the summer boss have conflicted, the waiter at the door will stop John, and listen to the boss.

"What do you want to do, do you want to limit my personal freedom? I have to tell you!" John shouted.

Text blessings quickly came out and worked, advised: "They are all displearmed, eliminate gas, is an evaluation, not!"

"Yes, but if you want to save the fund, you will go out of the restaurant, and all the catering stores in our company will not welcome you!"

Xia Jing waved, let the waiter let the waiter let him go, let him go.

Chen Hao was also very disgusted, John, I made a sentence: "All my companies will not do any business with you in the future."

"Who is rare! Self-righteous idiot!"

John's old head finished tape, and he walked out of Xiaoxia Restaurant.

"I dare to swear, you will not trim me back!"

Summer is annoyed, and it is necessary to chase out and foreign old man.

"Okay, let's go, I will pull him into the blacklist." Chen Hao said.

"Hey, that is, he is an old man, or else, I have already heard him!" Xia Jing took the sleeve, revealing the lotus root, a small white arm, very uncomfortable.

"The same!" Chen Hao smiled, he was a little with Xia Jing hero.


Xia Jing smiled, depressed gas also went a lot.

"Forget it, this is like this, we don't go." Chen Hao comforted.

Xia Jing said: "Well, I can't see the melin, why do we have a history of food in China for thousands of years, it is necessary to use foreign agencies to evaluate, this is unreasonable, I have never seen it."

"Since it is unreasonable, then break it." Chen Hao inspired Xia Jing.

"Yeah, then we organize a food restaurant rating agency in our country, is it good?" Xia Jing realized Chen Hao's meaning.

"Yes, you go to the operation, I will support you in my fund." Chen Hao took the head.

"The boss is too good! I love you!" Xia Jing held Chen Hao's arm and was tired.

"Tour the impact!" Chen Hao reminded her.

Other service students have been looking for, and they didn't see it.

"Hey, you see no one look at us." Xia Jing is holding Chen Hao's arm, but also use Q to play two times, but oil experts.

Tonight, this matter is quite added, soon, I will call Chen Hao, I will call Chen Hao, and the review is that he is not arranged. He said that he will try our best, and then change an accompaniment.

"No, no need."

Chen Hao did not blame him, and he didn't look forward to Mi Yin, anyway, he would intend to make his own restaurant rating organization.

Xia Jing is dealing with the remaining ingredients, of course, can not directly throw the trash can, let the service are placed in the canned lunch, and then take the service to take the service to get off work.

Of course, it is not letting them eat, but used to feed the pet, or the stray cat dog is used, the Xia Jing's restaurant has always been to deal with the kitchen waste. It is a good restaurant welfare, let the employees save a lot of pet feed money.

Xia Jing is also the Lord who is doing, she returned home, and she came to contact friends and relatives.

The people of the gourmet circle, she asked her grandfather, knowing many domestic top chefs, in advance, waiting until the organization officially established, the hotel where these chefs are located, they are all famous shops, after joining, it will definitely bring One wave of flow.

There is Chen Hao sponsored in the funds, and it is not enough. When you come out, you will have a good time to join the restaurant preferential measures, free of charge, and then play a lot of love, Chinese people's own catering certification, etc.

Then there is office and venue, which is not a problem in this area, and Xia Jing is not worried.

However, the most critical one is what the name is the name of this catering rating, this is not called Xiaoxue Rating, not only Low, but also personal color, not conducive to extensive absorption of potential customers, especially Xia Jing very ambition, First consolidate the domestic, then the organization has driven the organization to foreign countries, when the foreigners, take the initiative to ask for the addition of her organization, that is called the level, saving this vesicular feast.

Xia Jing's school is not good, and literary cells are even more, so I will give Chen Hao.

Chen Hao wants to think that the foreign opening is Miqin. In order to do it with Michelin, he must take a loud and connotation name. I want to want to hit the hormon, and suddenly I have an expression in my mind, that is, "fire unicorn"!

So Chen Hao used WeChat to send the name of the thought to Xia Xiao.

"Wonderful, fire unicorn destroys Mikin, everyone is 'Lin', fire can be burned, this name is good!"

After listening to Xia Jing, gave Chen Hao a big praise, and "fire unicorn" this word is eight sides, the gods in myths, just like Xiang Peng, Hongmeng, is so taking it.

So Xia Jing then began to be busy "fire unicorn" catering review company, the venue first vacated villas in the house, and after the Hao Ran's headquarters building is well, it can move.

In terms of recruitment, Xia Jing will ask Cao Rui to help, recruit administrative staff through the network and internal special tricks, as for the most important food commentator, Xia Jing pulled his grandfather, let him put some famous kitchen after retirement or After generations, apprentices, they came together, she gave high salary, as long as it was not the weird people of John.

In the early days of the organization, they will try it in the province of the river, and the company will go on the right track, and then push into the country.

However, the fire unicorn review company has just been in the preparatory stage, in a survey seminar, Xia Jing is splashing a pot of cold water by the interior practitioners.

He said that this food and beverage rating agency is impossible to succeed in China. After all, Mi Tin has been operating for many years. It has formed a reputation in the world, and the business cooperation model is relatively mature, and then it is divided into the field. How is it possible?

In the case of experts, I can't bring benefits to the restaurant. Who will participate?

Xia Jing on the spot refuteed: "Although there is no benefit, we can set up a special gourmet magazine, website, app, help the restaurant to promote, and cooperate with the US Mission, Popular Review, etc., implant the food advertisement in them, help join Member Publicity. "

Experts dismissed this, think that Xia Jing is talking on the paper, no economic common sense, he puts forward a key issue: "Your idea is very good, but how many funds you plan to invest in the early stage? This model is afraid of financing Can't finish it? "

"I have a fund, I am not enough to invest 10 billion in the early stage?" Xia Jing said.

"According to your assumption, you have to burn 10 billion, and you want to go back to this, this rating agency has limited capacity, you said that you will not collect member fees in the previous period, revenue is more difficult!"

"You may not consider the profitability of the profit, because I have a big gold spirit." Xia Jing said.

This expert has nothing to say, this year is really rich to make the ghosts, Xiajing's ideas are very ideal, it is very good, but it is not to make money, the big probability is the organization's loss, ask a few fools Earn a reputation with more than 10 billion or more?

However, there is really such a golden master, that is, Chen Hao, he is backed by a billion subsidy, so it is too easy to spend money, so spending money is unambiguous, there is no clearing concept.

Xia stangled, a group of convincing, giving everyone an expert, as long as the fire unicorn did not consider profit, only burning money, that is, the market share of industries, and squeezing the market share of the Mikin is late.

It is only good to join the fire unicorn without the disadvantages, and no payment is required. This kind of good restaurant owner will definitely not miss it, there is no reason to refuse.

Now Xia Jing everything, only owed a "fool" Golden Lord, who is willing to invest, so she took the plan, and found Chen Hao.

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