I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 1087 enters the luxury car area

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Zhu Min came to interest. She also listened to Chen Hao to say this topic for the first time. I feel that there is a news that I can dig, so I continue to ask, let Chen Hao tell his investment plan.

Chen Hao said: "I am more optimistic about the little millet, he is a new energy car, the main purpose is to create the first car of young people, should be mainly low-end."

"So what about you?" Zhu Min understood the essence of holding, immediately asked.

"Since Lei wants to build the first car of young people, then I want to complement each other, build the first light luxury motorcycle of young people!"

Chen Hao picked his eyebrows, secretly gave Zhu Min, a praise of praise, and showed that she didn't know.

Zhu Min's mouth, she was teased by Chen Hao, but I can't laugh when I interviewed, I can only hold back, put the lips, then continue to listen.

Chen Hao continued: "Now people have pursued luxury cars, there are many paragraphs on the Internet, such as king from Ferrari, I would rather sit in BMW crying, don't sit on the bike, I really want to say this is a sad idea The value of the car has the upper limit, millions of people, tens of millions of luxury cars, nothing more than selling a brand value, in order to be ambient, let foreign companies have earned a lot of foreign exchange, create income to other countries, but in turn Become the capital of sanctions my country, very sad. "

Chen Hao said high, and the great righteousness said: "Since this, then why don't I make a luxury car? I want to use the shortest time, put the price of the luxury car, let some young people buy a luxury car first, then Buy the rich luxury car to foreign exchange, this is what I have to do in my businessman. "

Zhu Min said: "Your idea is very good, now my country is still a blank in the high-end car industry, and I am looking forward to your Hao Ran car!"

Chen Hao said: "It is still in the idea. The brand name is not set. Haran is not loud enough. Maybe I will take a more atmospheric name. At that time, there will be a reward collection name to the society. Please pay attention."

Zhou Xi was also surprised by Chen Hao's charging plan. Because I have never listened to Chen Hao, I asked him: "Is you really true?"

"Of course, when did I say false?" Chen Haurong said, "But this thought is just just, the car, most of them are foreign brands, this is alive, this profiteering, They earn, I can also. "" Well, I support you, Zhou International has a lot of auto parts production factories, can help you solve many problems. "Zhou Xi said.

"Is it a discount?" Chen Hao jokes.

"I am yours, what do you say?" Zhou Xi sent a "autumn wave" in the past, see Chen Hao's heart, he holds Zhou Xi Tong's hand.

I haven't been intimate with Zhou Xi, I have to be well happy this evening.

Zhu Min saw that they were intimate and found opportunities, and then continued to interview: "Master, you have some private reports on the Internet. How do you see?"

Chen Hao said: "Those purely rumors, the latest apology announced that I think you should also see, this has caused serious damage to my personal honor, I will pursue the responsibility of these bad media."

Zhou Xi also tightened Chen Hao's arm, then said: "I believe my boyfriend, what kind of person he is, I will prosecute, I will also prosecute the institutions and individuals that spread rumors, and I want to explain it here. , I will quickly register for marriage, and you can't damage my honor, please stop this behavior immediately, otherwise the consequences are at your own risk! "

Zhou Xi Tong said this, he domineering side leaks, and the sharp face couldn't help, just like the Queen, like the military order, heard Chen Hao secretly thumbs up to her.

Zhu Min also admired, but she is a reporter, an interview cannot bring some subjective emotions, and can only say some official sets.

The expected purpose has been reached, and Zhu Min ended an interview and turned to other celebrities.

Chen Hao and Zhou Xi Tong's speech have caused applause, there are many business celebrities around them, they are interested in them, they will talk through this opportunity, I hope to talk into some business.

Nowadays, the domestic wind is the most competitive commercial elite. It is necessary to count Chen Hao. The previous Xinxin platform, and the current high-end car bed industry, it is caused by the existence of the discussion of the whole people. Although the Haoran Group is not the country, but the visibility is not small. Not inferior to some national levels.

And he has just announced that the entrepreneur of the luxury can't enter the luxury car, some of the entrepreneurs related to the auto-related industry, have come to the relationship closure.

So the whole chamber of commerce, and he is a lot of people around him.

The result is also gratifying, collecting a bunch of famous brands, and some bosses of the car enterprises, there is a intention to cooperate with Chen Hao. After all, Chen Hao is in the luxury car route, and the low-end cars are different, there is no grab business, so There is feasibility in cooperation, such as substitute or providing patented technology, in summary.

The luxury car is just a thought, the specific direction has not yet, and it is necessary to find a professional person to study.

The wine will end at around 10 o'clock, Chen Hao and Zhou Xi Tong will bid farewell to the president of Cui Yong Bing, and then left the hotel.

Chen Hao opened him with a $ 50 million Apollo super run. It is of course great to be great. It is calculated in accordance with cost. This car is more than 10 million, but it can sell 50 million high prices. Earn more than 40 million, although there will be no more people, but the world can sell several sets, especially the Middle East, so much, this business is too profitable.

"I will go back to the intention, and I will build the automobile factory next year." Chen Hao said.

"Well, anyway, your Hao Ran Industrial Park is big enough, and it is more than enough to accommodate a car." Zhou Xi smiled.

She also thought: "After driving the luxury car produced in my husband, then there is a face."

"You said it, you can be opened, the car has a face." Chen Haha smiled.

After waiting for the villa area, Zhou Xi came to his villa with Chen Hao, and the two loved his hand in hand.

Originally, I would like to find Chen Hao's girls. When I saw Chen Hao's true girlfriend came, I didn't think about it.

Among them, there is the biggest flow of flowers, live broadcast, the grass is over, watching the curtains between the Chen Haoyou block, it is dull and self-calling: "The stinky brother, definitely doing bad things!"

She also didn't know which one of her life. She was not bad to her, but she was uncomfortable, so she went to Luo Xin to sleep, and two little girls who were doing diseases can find a common language.

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