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At the end of the matter, Chen Hao returned to the Baihe City, first took a look at home.

Since the business of Hao Ran's company, he rarely arrived in the company. He first came to the Haoran trading company in Zhou's International Building, which is the first company he opened. Has commemorative significance.

However, when he came down from the car, he was surrounded by a group of reporters.

Chen Hao frowned, did the rumor do not solve it? How did this reporter still, he felt that the reporter was annoying, of course, Zhu Min except.

However, these reporters opened up, Chen Hao knows that he wants to be wrong, not to ask about the gossip.

"Hello Chen, I am a reporter of 'all the way to watch the car network'. Excuse me, is it true?"

"Mr. Chen Ha, what is the price of the luxury can't make? Is it a new energy or a traditional internal combustion engine?"

It turned out that these reporters were in order to make car news, then Chen Hao also interested in answering one.

Chen Hao said: "Entering the luxury car industry is true, I do have this intended, but the specific vehicle data has not contained, there is news, will be announced in the first time."

The next reporter, the words are sharp: "That is to say, you and other new force cars are almost in the PPT production cycle."

This kind of rhythm is tailored to the interviewer nerves, then detonating the emotions and gets the junction of the news. Chen Hao is very familiar. Can you picked the loss in one or two words.

"You are not right." Chen Hao said.

The reporter immediately said: "I guess you also answer."

Chen Hao immediately said: "I am not as good as they, they have at least PPT, and my car enterprise is an employee, there is no one, I only have an idea, I belong to the air."

Chen Hao took a little self-deprecating, attracted a reporter, but not only returned the reporter, but also left a humorous impression.

The reporter's tactics failed to ask: "Is this not flicker?"

"How can this be flicker?" Chen Hao said seriously, "The ancients said that the gentleman said that it was difficult to chase, although I wouldn't call the gentleman's morality, but I also know a spit a nail, I said If you do, what do you think I did not dare to return to China? "

This has also triggered a few people's laughter, and there is a reporter to review: "Chen's reputation is the barrier dripping, the spine of the domestic lathe industry, he has such strength and chest, will not flicker netizen, to him The public figure is not good. After all, Chen Gong has a listed company, and it does not have to consider stock price issues. "

"You are here!"

Chen Hao handed the reporter, "Go in with me, I will give you a separate interview time."

The twenty-year-old male internship reporter is difficult to cover a surprise color. I didn't expect him to have a personal color. I actually got the favor of Chen Hao, so I took my mobile phone and my microphone.

He was originally fighting other peers, and even the equipment is also rough, but Chen Hao will see that he has no old fritter reporter's oil, and reports can be made truth from facts.

Chen Hao took him to Zhou International's living room, although it was borrowed from its own girlfriend, but the staff on duty, I saw Chen Hao, I nodded, and then got a tea drink for him.

"Sit, don't restraint." Chen Hao is sitting on the sofa and accepting his interview.

This young reporter is still a little cautious. He gave the tripod to the support, and he began to prepare an interview. But before the beginning, he looked at another working mobile phone, there is company colleague in the trick.

When the preparation is over, this male reporter asked: "Mr. Chen, I want to ask a few key issues, is your new car company?"

"Solar capital." Chen Hao said, "I am full of money, don't need financing, if you want to listen to capital."

The male reporter admires, Chen Hao's clouds are light and light. It is really a model of young people. It is almost a number of years. He is just a new point step into the workplace, and thousands of salary per month, but Chen Hao has become a boss of a number of households, wealth is not estimated, this gap is really big, you can only show that Chen Hao is excellent in others.

"So, is this new car company name?" Male reporter asked.

Chen Hao said: "Oh, I want to make a chance to openly announce that my new car is now collecting trademarks and logo to the whole society, winning the bidder, will be more than 10 million, I can be more than Xiaomi, they changed LOGO is 2 million, I will give it directly 10 million, so everyone should design it with heart, at least to convince the netizens, convince me, can't let others think that I was cheated. "

Chen Hao took the tone of tone, and he smiled a male reporter. He suddenly realized that he couldn't laugh when he was interviewed. This is very amateur, but it is uncomfortable, but it is uncomfortable.

Chen Hao was laughed by him, saying: "Don't be nervous, it is ordinary chat, you will treat me as your buddy, don't have pressure."


This male reporter was comforted by Chen Hao, completely lost the initiative of interviews, and was used by Chen Hao, and used him free of charge.

This is also the reason why Chen Hao is looking for him, saving effort, he can control the overall situation.

When male reporters are adjusted, then ask: "What is your car company, how much is it?"

This answer should be careful. If it is less, it will be accused of being a whimsical day. If you say more, it will be considered to be blown, and the number of investments will not be expected in the future, so Chen Hao decided. Say a number of insurance.

"Lei Shi is said to invest 100 billion, although I am not as good as Lei, but this number can also take it out, and the conservative estimation will invest more than 10 billion yuan in the future."

The male reporter listened to the two eyes, and quickly brought this figure. He purely in the field of consumers, I felt that the domestic cars, I have to catch up, just like a lot of industries, corner overtaking, no longer received abroad Enterprise constraints.

Subsequent reporters asked some details, the final interview time was extended to 15 minutes.

Chen Hao wants to let the reporter finished the things that he beloved. The interview can be over. He got up and shake his hand, let the female staff on the side, give the male reporter a group of souvenirs, after all, The publicity, Chen Hao will not be embarrassed.

"But I finally want to ask a question." The male reporter said slightly.

Chen Hao smiled: "You said, as long as I can talk, I know all."

He speaks very sleek, and it can be said that this male reporter has not heard it, it is not Chen Hao's opponent.

Male reporter asked: "It is what you have a few days ago, I would like to ask, do you really plan to prosecute related responsible people?"

"This question is good," Chen Hao said, "I saw that the other party has apologized, there is a good idea, I hope they can learn the lesson, since they have apologized, I will temporarily forgive them."

Since I know the journalism and the reporter Zhang Hui's entrance, Chen Hao also said that it is beautiful, and can increase its own image.

"Okay, thank you very much for your answer!" The male reporter made the gift downstairs, this interview was smooth, it is estimated that he will tell Chen Hao.

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