I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 1098 hits it without discussing

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When Chen Hao walked out of the hole, it was already in the sunset, with Chen Hao's excellent vision, soon found a small black spot in the sky, it was the enemy's drone, it was really a soul.

Because I was worried that the Head of Heads was blocked, Chen Hao came out, in addition to the aircraft and punch gloves, there was no technology glasses and communications, so the investigation is limited, the enemy has a gun, will first attack.

But don't be tight, Chen Hong is alone, and a person is a military.

It is necessary to fight against the other party, first abolish the other's eyes, that is, drone, it is simple to deal with this stuff, and it is good to apply him.

Chen Hao opened a billion subsidy app, searcher drone.

Daxin Master professional-level drone, price of 490,000, subsidized price of 15 yuan.

Chen Hao took a blind machine, the exaggeration style of the science, a bit micro-shrinkable fighter, because there is no military product in the billion subsidies, this is already good enough, all is titanium alloy, strong Another is also equipped with a variety of HD probes, and the eagle eye system makes investigations easier.

"You are the one!"

Chen Hao bought it directly, and the Master drone appeared in his feet.

Chen Ha took the controller. After starting the switch, the drone will be empty, and the noise is much smaller than the ordinary civil model. The power is strong enough, and it is a penny.

There is a LCD screen on the controller. The view is very large, and there is a radar system, soon locked the enemy drone on the screen.

After the zoom, Chen Hao was unmanned by the enemy, which is two or three thousand cheap goods, and his professional-level civil drone is not comparable.

Now Chen Hao is a "rushing toward the other party's cheap drone.

Although the civil engineered drone has no attack of weapons, Chen Hao can be used as a weapon because of the use of foot, special porcelain, itself can be treated as a weapon, similar to the water droplets in "three bodies".

Under the very close range, the other party seems to find Chen Hao's drone, there is a movement that has changed, but it is a dimension than the Master drone speed, and it hits it directly.

Chen Hao looked away, two drones hit together, the other party's unmanned machine became a lot of parts, while the silver Master drone, still flying in the air, this time Master wins, it can be said, it is a hundred The victory of billion subsidies.

"He fights!" Chen Hao snorted, and then manipulated drones to fly.

This drone costs, the communication is far away, flew out of one kilometer, there is still clear image to transfer.

Soon, Chen Hao saw the desert, two jeep came to this direction, the drone is what they put, and there are several locals in the car, and AK will kill this.

At the local, AK47 is the most popular firearmeter, although it has been born for more than half a century, but its relatively excellent performance, the quality of the law, external low price, specially welcoming, almost people.

The Master drone locks them, next to each other.

The local people also found that the drone was shot, but their guns were slim, and they were empty.

But this also wakes Chen Hao, and he controls the speed of the drone to increase the speed, avoid being locked by the other party, as long as it has no regular winding, the gun method of these blacks is the bullet, the bullet is also playing.

Chen Hao welcomed them, while walking, there will be a battle for a while.

Chen Hao has always been in the face of the battle. Nowadays, it is different. In this uncompected small country, treat the enemy is kind, it is cruel, you can get rid of the enemy, they can get up from the ground. I will shoot behind you.

And weekly, I have already given Chen Haku. These local armed members are all kinds of human beings, so they are like facing those evil transformations, they need to end them directly, in a sense, this is benefiting Local people.

Chen Hao looked at the coupons in the card coupon, which would be used this time.

Chen Hao Ear heard the roar of the car, and also saw the jeep from the hillside.

Under the sunset, the local people on the two cars saw Chen Hao, and they made excited cheers because they found two days and finally discovered people, but they didn't know that they will be horrible. " grim Reaper"!

Because there is no other armed staff around the surroundings, in order to avoid many dreams, Chen Hao is planning to speed up the speed, so I have prepared two spells for them.

One is a flame, which can release a super high temperature flame. The other is a lightner. You can instantly release the super high voltage current. Chen Hao uses these two spells, send the enemy to the road.

Maybe they want to grasp the lives, this car just shot gun, shouted, let Chen Hao hands hold his head, but there is no first time to shoot.

In fact, they didn't have a chance. Chen Hao was in the simulation of the stunt. Of course, it is not the exaggerated bullet time in the hacker empire, but preparing to pull the trigger from the opponent, Go to the bullet route, thereby reacting in advance, this kind of skill can only be obtained.

Chen Hao touched the shot of the transformation, probably three or four% success rate, no 100% affected, but he had a self-confidence to avoid the shooting of these blacks, so there is no first time, but waiting to arrive. The effective range of the spell.


A local person who knows English is anger from Chen Hao, but he sees that Chen Hao's mouth is slightly picked, and it seems to have a mockery.

Just when this locally god, the effective range of the spell was satisfied, he resolutely **, and the target is aligned with two Jeep.

The first vehicle used a flame character, and suddenly broke out the orange-red fireball from the car, and the few people on the car shrouded in, separated by a second, and burst into a miserable call, people inside "Fire", didn't wait for them to jell, the super high temperature flame ignited the fuel tank, took a explosion, and raised a black smoke in the original place.

The car stopped, becoming a bears burning frame, and the people inside did not ran out.

The jeep car is not good, the lightning break is burst, a chain-shaped lightning hits everyone in the car body, the super high voltage, let them have no electric shock, all fall.

The driver did not move on the steering wheel, but his feet also stepped on the throttle, so the car was still driving forward, but there is no one in the car.

Chen Hao turned to the car, and the advanced quantity, the jeep just after his side, Chen Hao directly jumped into the bus, one foot put the driver, he stepped on the brakes, the Jeep finally stopped.

The lightning summary is instantaneous, and it disappears after the release of all the electric energy, Chen Hao has controlled the jeep.

It is still quite amazing. This speed doesn't say that the enemy of the two cars is solved.

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