You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!When we went to bed the next day, Chen Hao finished washing and turned on the phone to see if there was any news last night. He suddenly found a new message in the tens of billions of subsidies. He clicked on it and found that the Coca-Cola he had on the shelf was sold. 3 yuan has been credited to his account and received a 4-star praise.

Chen Hao was a little puzzled, just comment, why is Coke not a five-star praise, but a four-star?

He searched for help instructions in the software, and he really found it. After the system was updated, the help system was much more detailed, and there were instructions on selling goods and star ratings.

It turns out that this star rating is not the same as Taobao. 4 stars is the upper limit of ordinary products. As long as there is no defect in the product description, the buyer will give a 4 star rating. If the product is average, it will be rated 3 stars. This will not affect the merchant. Reputation, if it is dissatisfied and extremely poor 2 stars, 1 star, it will affect the reputation of the business, and ultimately ban business qualifications.

The five-star praise, the highest honor of tens of billions of subsidized goods, is for good products that exceed expectations. This is an affirmation of the product and a special honor. In addition, the system may give away some products that have received five-star praise. Other rewards to encourage sellers to provide more quality products.

The rewards of the system have always been good, which is good news.

In the morning, Zhou Xitong called and said that the floor for his office had been vacated and asked him to take a look.

Chen Hao called Cao Rui and Xing Zetao and set off together.

When he knocked on Xing Zetao's room door, the kid was playing a chicken game on the computer. He heard that he was going to see the office, but he was reluctant: "I don't have to go, it's the same for working at home."

"Can you guys have some good prospects? In the future, the company's network security will be left to you. It is nothing to stay at home. Look at the people in Ali Dharma Academy who are also engaged in IT. They are all worshipped now. Great technology, don’t you want to be someone like them?"

"That's right!"

No one wants to get ahead. Chen Hao's words aroused Xing Zetao's self-motivatedness. He immediately turned off the computer, changed into clean clothes, and went out with Chen Hao.

This time because there were a few more people in the car, he drove his extended Rolls Royce out to the restaurant and picked up Chef Xia. After all, she was also an employee.

Xia Jing had been tired of staying in the restaurant for a long time, and when she heard of such a fun thing, she took off the chef's clothes and got into Chen Hao's car.

But she is not doing her job properly. Now the stewed meat she is good at has been cooked by the clerk, and the manual work is done by men. As for the most important secret stewed meat recipe, Xia Jing is in charge, and she is not afraid of being stolen by others.The latest novel

To say that the best lo-mei shop in France now sells is all kinds of lo-mei. It is in short supply for a few large pots a day. Sales easily breaks through the ten thousand yuan mark, and the trend is increasing. Xia’s unique stewed meat has already conquered the majority. The taste of the masses is enough to create a broader market.

"Wow, this car is so stylish!"

It was the first time for Xia Jing to take an extended Rolls Royce. The luxurious interior in the car surprised her. She opened the car refrigerator and took a bottle of ice coke, poured it into a goblet, and drank it as red wine. .

Xing Zetao was also an otaku. He couldn't help it as soon as he saw Happy Water from the Fat House, and asked for a drink.

Cao Rui covered her eyes with her hand in the co-driver, as if she didn't want to see the embarrassing scene of these two people. Sitting in a Rolls-Royce drinking coke is too shameful. At least a glass of red wine is worthy of the value of this car. .

When the car drove to the downstairs of Zhou's International, two young staff members, a man and a woman, came to greet them. The man was Zhang Liang and the woman was Wang Mengmeng. They were arranged by Zhou Xitong and they were specially taken to check the office.

"Your President Zhou is too polite." Chen Hao and the two employees said politely.

"Ms. Zhou?" Xia Jing suddenly became a little wary, and asked: "You don't know that Zhou Xitong, right?"

"Yes, it is our President Zhou." The male employee said with respect. In Zhou's International, Zhou Xitong, who is beautiful and capable, is almost the idol of all young employees.

"When did you and Zhou Xitong met? What kind of relationship have you developed?" Xia Jing asked with a serious expression.

"Hey, don't think about it, do your own job!" Chen Hao also wanted to criticize her, lest she be on her behalf, his relationship with Zhou Xitong has nothing to do with Xia Jing.

"Huh, man!"

Xia Jing snorted, as if she could see through Chen Hao's scumbag nature, she clearly had the world's first beautiful chef by her side, and she had to go for three and four.

Chen Hao ignored Xia Jing, who was in the second grade, and had followed the two employees upstairs.

Their office building is on the 16th floor, which is an auspicious number. And when the door lock was opened, Chen Hao entered an empty office area. The compartments have been basically renovated. The area is about 400 square meters. Offices and meeting rooms. , Staff lounge, etc. are all available, that is, furniture, tables and chairs have not been purchased yet, and Chen Hao needs to purchase it himself.

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