You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Sure enough, more than ten minutes later, the police station dispatched the police. The police were really familiar with this routine. They directly approached Chen Hao and told him in private that this is not a criminal case for public security. They can only mediate, and it is best to negotiate with the store. Stores report to the police for the same reason almost every day. In the end, consumers can only compensate the merchants for several thousand yuan if they want to calm down.

Chen Hao wondered, are businesses like them afraid to report to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau?

The police shook his head helplessly. He said that this situation had been going on for some time, and the other party had opened a shop well, but there was no further information after reporting.

"The police can't be unreasonable when they come. We missed work expenses, as well as the depreciation expenses of moving up and down, and we can't come down if we lose five thousand."

The lady boss was still clamoring over there, and the workers loading the car downstairs also stopped, squatting in the corner of the wall and smoking cigarettes familiarly. According to past experience, if the guests are overwhelmed by the trouble, they have to pay several thousand yuan, and then they move the furniture. Back to the warehouse, every day is a fixed subject.

The lady boss was triumphant, as if she had taken Chen Hao.

"You can't be so unreasonable. How can you blackmail if you don't buy something? Let's go to the market management to complain to you!" Cao Rui was also very angry. She was affected by Chen Hao and she was determined not to compromise.

Faced with the blackmailing and unreasonable boss, Chen Hao suddenly smiled mysteriously and stopped Cao Rui.

"Don't get angry with this kind of person, leave it to me, trust me, she will definitely be punished." Chen Hao raised his eyebrows and gave Cao Rui a "relaxed" look.

Cao Rui understood Chen Hao and immediately asked curiously: "Boss, what are you going to do with it."

"Of course I bought them all." Chen Hao said.

"Ah? How can I buy it all, at least a few hundred thousand more, the price of their store is too dark." Cao Rui said anxiously, for fear of Chen Hao being cheated.

"When have I suffered a loss, don't worry, how she eats it, she will vomit it twice."

Chen Hao comforted Cao Rui, and then took out his bank card, swiped it on the POS machine, and said, "Don't make noise, I bought these tables and chairs, and they will be delivered to me immediately."

"Really buy it? See if the money has arrived?"

The lady boss was so happy that she blackmailed many times, and she actually came across someone who wanted to pay the original price, which was a huge profit.

After checking by the cashier, 1.24 million has been credited to the account, and the boss’s face was happy. While scolding Chen Hao for “stupid fork,” she informed the workers below to continue shipping.

However, what the proud lady boss didn't know was that Chen Hao had quietly used tens of billions of subsidies to subsidize the VR model and purchased a 1 point free card.

The free card Chen Hao has used before, and it will offset the amount paid when using it for commercial payment. The actual expenditure is 0, and the real purchase is 0 yuan.

Originally, Chen Hao wanted to shop and buy furniture normally, and he didn’t even use the free card. After all, he had to spend extra points. As a result, the proprietress looked like he was appalled by an ugly face. Now that the situation is not good for her, she uses the free card first. Card 0 yuan to buy these high-priced furniture, but this proprietress should not think that he is a bully. The money that comes from slaughtering customers must be spit out with profit.Nuancai Literature Network

"Di, the free card payment is successful!"

There was a prompt in the app, and the lady boss also showed that the funds were in the account. Now the lady boss smiled and immediately notified the workers to continue the delivery. This order can make a lot of money.

Chen Hao looked at the smiling face of the proud lady boss, and made a call, and the target was Zhou Xitong.

"Xitong, do you have any acquaintances from the industry and commerce and taxation department? It's not that I want to do something, but I want to punish a profiteer."

Chen Hao stood outside the furniture store and said, and reported the name and address of the store.

"Okay, I'll do it right away." Zhou Xitong said neatly.

Chen Hao hung up the phone and decided to wait outside the door for a while to see what happened to the store.

In the end, it didn't take 20 minutes, that is, the time of driving. There was noisy footsteps from the stairs, and then a group of 30 or so uniformed law enforcement officers came over with serious faces.

Looking at their clothes, it can be concluded that it is the joint law enforcement by the Administration of Industry and Commerce, Taxation, and Price Bureau, but Chen Hao did not expect that so many people would come back all at once. This is a big battle.

The shop operators who were onlookers were shocked when they saw the uniformed personnel, and they all slipped back to the shop and waited, while the group of law enforcement officers came to the furniture shop and walked directly in.

"Hello, are you the owner of this store?" the law enforcement officer asked.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" The lady boss in the shop was a little confused.

"We have received reports from the public that your store is suspected of illegal operation, forced buying and selling, price fraud and other crimes. Now we are sealing it up in accordance with the law."

With that said, the white-gloved leader waved his hand, and his staff began to collect evidence in the store, and others began to clear the premises, preparing to put a seal.

The lady boss was stupid, and immediately said, "I know your business and industry chiefs very well. Is there any misunderstanding?"

"This time it was ordered by Bureau Zhao, and Chief Wang couldn't control us."

The leader didn't give any face, so he arranged for someone to close the store to collect evidence, and strive to end the entire work within 20 minutes, and give the people an explanation.

"It should be closed long ago, this shop is too dark!"

"It's just how many people have come to make trouble, but don't learn their lesson, let's stab the hornet's nest now!"

Nearby merchants and some customers who watched the excitement came out to give pointers. The so-called wall fell and everyone pushed them. When they were blocked, these people were not afraid. They all came to criticize the behavior of the furniture store proprietress. It can be seen that she has aroused public outrage.

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