You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!On the way back, Chen Hao asked the beauty assistant's opinion while driving.

"Cao Rui, what company do you think we will establish?"

"I think, boss, you have a lot of rare commodities, so you can become a trading company, so that your business scope will be larger." Cao Rui said after thinking.

"Okay, it's called Haoran Trading." Chen Hao happily decided the company name.

"Ah, I'm just talking casually, maybe it's too much consideration, boss, do you think about it again?" Cao Rui said hurriedly.

"It's okay, I had this meaning a long time ago. We are heroes and see the same." Chen Hao smiled.

Cao Rui was relieved when she heard Chen Hao say this. She was afraid of affecting Chen Hao's future development. She was so timid and cautious because she cared too much.

When everyone had a dinner together in the evening, Chen Hao notified the other two of the news of the establishment of a trading company. As for the company name "Haoran", it was taken from his name.

"I totally agree!" Xing Zetao raised his hands, just like surrendering.

"I think there is something lacking." Xia Jing put forward a different opinion.

"Oh? What good advice do you have," Chen Hao asked.

"Just call it Haojing Trading Company." Xia Jing suddenly said a strange name.

Cao Rui immediately understood the meaning of this company and immediately objected.

"What a great meaning, look at The website is big, it is the combination of the names of founder Dongge and Jing's wife. This Haojing Trade is also the combination of the names of me and the boss, and it has a good luck."

Xia Jing said of course.

"Ahem." Chen Hao, the boss, doesn't know what to say.

"I object, you are carrying private goods, and you firmly oppose it!" Cao Rui is out of anger, and the company can't be called Haojing, even the name Haorui Trading is better than that.

"I think Haojing Trade is the best, Xing Zetao, what's your opinion?" Xia Jing was pressing Lao Xing.

"I abstain!"

Xing Zetao is now learning fine, he will never participate in the war between women.

"Well, now 2:1, it's still called Haoran Trade." Chen Hao made a decision and ended the farce.

Chen Hao then said: "Cao Rui, you will go to the Industry and Commerce Bureau for a run starting tomorrow, and you will be left with the license application and related procedures."

"Okay, I must finish it as soon as possible." Cao Rui nodded.

"Then what am I doing?" Xia Jing took the initiative to ask.Zhuiwen Novel Network

"You are a good chef in the restaurant, don't you now have the title of the first beautiful chef in West Street." Chen Hao teased.

Because Xia Jing’s dishes are delicious and the people are beautiful, she was posted on the Internet after the customer’s filming, and there is a trend of popularity in Douyin and Weibo. Now she has a nickname, and indirectly, it has also become a fire in France. restaurant.

Therefore, it was a wise move for Chen Hao to hire Xia Jing as a chef, otherwise a restaurant would not have such a reputation in the short term.

"That's true, I said I was the best beautiful chef." Xia Jing didn't hear Chen Hao's jokes, and was very proud.

"Well, it's a good thing to have this confidence." Chen Hao said cooperatively.

"Hahaha!" Several people were amused, with laughter.

So, in the next few days, everyone is busy.

Cao Rui went to the Administration of Industry and Commerce, the Taxation Bureau and other departments to go through the formalities. Xia Jing was also practicing cooking, promoting the business of braised pork and skewers. Under the word of mouth from customers, almost half of the city’s residents knew about it. There is a French restaurant that makes stewed pork and skewers authentic. For a time, I suspected that the owner was a mixed race living in France.

Of course, if you are famous, there will be right and wrong. On this day, a group of uninvited guests came to the French braised meat shop.

The restaurant clerk came up to greet them enthusiastically and asked them what to eat, but the young man with yellow hair rolled up his sleeves and exposed the hideous poisonous scorpion tattoo on his arm, and said arrogantly: "Know who we are, call your boss come out."

The buddy's heart shuddered, and he said that he had encountered the fault, and quickly said: "Our big boss is not here. Chef Xia has the final say."

"I'll take care of you, Chef Summer, Chef Winter, call out quickly, brothers have something to do with him."

The young Huang Mao is very arrogant. He stepped one foot on the chair where the guests were sitting, and he did not speak morality or etiquette at all.

This guy couldn't help but went to the back kitchen to inform Xia Jing, who was practicing knife skills, and she came to the front with a kitchen knife.

I thought that the chef here was a middle-aged man with a big head and a thick neck. Who knew that he was a big beauty with a fiery figure. These young people were shocked that their chins were about to fall, but then, the brutal face was Put on a lascivious smile.

Huang Mao looked at Xia Jing up and down with wretched eyes, and suddenly said, "Beauty, are you doing live broadcasting?"

Indeed, according to ordinary people’s understanding, who is still fumigated by oil and smoke when he is so beautiful, isn’t he good to be an internet celebrity, anchor or puppet?

However, not everyone thinks like this. Xia Jing does not rely on her face to eat, but lives on her own labor.

She was too familiar with men’s aggressive gaze, and immediately said with a cold face, “What are you looking for me for? Hey, are you polite if you take your feet off?”

"The beauty is angry, and she hastened to stand upright."

Huang Mao made a false criticism, and then a few young people really behaved a little bit.

"It's just a small matter for us to come here, beautiful women, we find a place to talk slowly." Huang Mao invited.

"No time, I have something to say, I still have to work." Xia Jing is still cold, she has a carefree attitude in front of Chen Hao, and in front of these unkind men, she becomes a little pepper.

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