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Chen Hao fisted the first-class gangster with a punch, and then hit someone in the stomach with a steel pipe head. He deliberately kept his hand, otherwise his strength would be too great. If he let it out, he would be afraid that all the people in front of him would be broken. , Fate soon.



The hooligans knelt down one after another, holding their stomachs, and couldn't get up with a hum. Chen Hao kicked all the hooligans down after a few feet. There was no one to stand on the scene.

Chen Hao threw the steel pipe and hit the ground with a crisp sound, causing those hooligans to shake their bodies. They all looked at this handsome young man in horror. This was too good for a fight. Could it be the incarnation of Yen Zidan?

"Get up, wasn't it arrogant just now? How do you collect protection fees when you are all lying on the ground like this?" Chen Hao gently kicked the first-rate hooligan.

All the hooligans grinned with pain, and when no one got up, they all lay on the ground pretending to be dead. However, some hooligans immediately found that Chen Hao had an accomplice behind him waiting for an opportunity to attack, so his eyes flickered and looked forward to it.

Chen Hao noticed the abnormality and felt it for a while, and he noticed that someone was sneaking behind him. He turned around and kicked, and the person behind him was knocked down. It turned out to be the yellow hair that had just been knocked down.

After a second blow this time, Huang Mao lost his will to fight. He spit out acid water on the ground indecently. Just now, Chen Hao kicked him in the stomach. Huang Mao's stomach was turned upside down. He vomited everything he ate in the morning. Out.

At this point, Chen Hao finally managed all the hooligans in this nightclub.

Chen Hao walked up to Huang Mao and asked condescendingly: "Who instructed you to collect protection fees?"

"I took it myself, you wait, this is endless, our boss is Xijie Niu brother!" Huang Mao was still stubborn at this time.

"Brother Niu?" Chen Hao said, "I don't know, since you don't recognize the mistake, I will help you clear up."

Chen Hao suddenly raised his foot and stepped on Zhong Huang Mao's hand, and Huang Mao's tremendous power made Huang Mao howl immediately.

"Ahhhh, let go, it hurts!" Huang Mao shouted.

"Aren't you arrogant? Let me see how hard you are." Chen Hao sneered and increased the strength on his feet.

Huang Mao only felt that his hand was run over by a road roller, and the huge pain came like a tide. He trembled all over, and his forehead was dripping with cold sweat. This time he finally stopped being cool, and quickly asked for mercy: "Big brother, big brother exalted. Feet, I take it! Take it!"

"Really convinced?" Chen Hao asked.

"Really served, like a fake replacement!" Huang Mao gasped.

Chen Hao smiled, and really took his foot, Huang Mao pulled out his hand, and again, the back of his hand was bruised, soft tissue bruises were indispensable, fortunately the bones were not broken.

"This is the punishment for you to go to my restaurant to receive the protection fee. Don't stretch out your hand, you will be stepped on!" Chen Hao warned.

Huang Mao just cried out at this time and didn't dare to reply.

"Then below, is the punishment for you for molesting my subordinates, isn't it you can't control the thing under your crotch? I will let you remember!"

When Chen Hao said this, Huang Mao was shocked. He looked up at Chen Hao and asked in horror: "What are you going to do?" Think twice about it.

Chen Hao suddenly raised his foot and stepped on Huang Mao's crotch and smashed it hard to punish Huang Mao's tool for committing crimes.


Huang Mao suddenly raised his eyes, stretched his neck, and made a strange muffled cry. This is the case for any male animal being trampled on.

Huang Mao was immediately overwhelmed by the intense pain and passed out.

Of course, Chen Hao didn't kill him either. After all, the other party didn't succeed, otherwise it would not be as simple as a crush. If it is serious, he will definitely explode.

Chen Hao's punishment caused the other hooligans to tremble, and all of them turned into crotch sects, for fear that Chen Hao would come to them too.

Chen Hao stood in the field and said to them: "Today is to let you remember, don't bother my store and the clerk in the future, if you are not convinced, even if you come to me, the consequences are not as simple as today."

After Chen Hao finished speaking, he left a business card and left, leaving only the trembling hooligan.

They scrambled to see Huang Mao and found that Huang Mao was dizzy, so he hurriedly called 120 to send him to the doctor. At the same time, a little hooligan said angrily: "Brother Huang Mao can't be beaten just like this, we need Brother Niu to host. justice!"

"Yes, let Brother Niu be the master for us!"

The hooligans seemed to have a backbone.


After Chen Hao returned to the restaurant, Xia Jing immediately asked: "Has the gang resolved?"

"It's all solved, I guess I won't dare to harass in the future." Chen Hao said.

"Boss, you are amazing!"

Xia Jing suddenly stretched out her arms and rushed over. Chen Hao suddenly grabbed her arms. If she didn't stop her, she would be expected to stage a show of throwing her arms around the public.

"Cut, stingy, don't let me hug." Xia Jing in turn blamed Chen Hao, giving him a blank look.

This Xia Jing was really wanton and careless.

"Are you busy here, call me if you have anything to do." Chen Hao said.

"Okay, what do you want to eat tonight, I'll make something for you to take back." Xia Jing changed her eyes to a sweet smile.

"Whatever you do, I believe you will be delicious."

Chen Hao’s words made Xia Jing very happy and said, "I will definitely satisfy you tonight."

"Satisfy the boss..." This sentence was heard by the other shop assistants, and they suddenly thought about it. Looking at Xia Jing's hot figure, the enviable saliva almost flowed down.

Chen Hao was speechless, so he wanted to hire a moral education teacher to make up for Xia Jing's lessons.

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