I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 125: A Bet of 100 Million Yuan

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!Seeing Cui Yongbing's silence, Chen Hao decided to strike while the iron was hot: "Mr. Cui, he is a masculine man, one spit and one nail. I am willing to take responsibility for what I just said, or I can make a bet, just like Xiaomi and Gree. At the end of the year, my tax payment did not reach 30 million, and I lost you 100 million."

This time Cui Yongbing became interested, not because of the 100 million yuan win or loss, but Chen Hao’s confidence and an exception: “Oh? 30 million taxes by the end of the year? Did you know that it’s mid-year now, and it’s not full before the end Six months."

"Of course I know, but I have confidence." Chen Hao has a confident smile on his face. This can't be forced, indicating that he is really confident.

Cui Yongbing has been in the society for many years and has seen all kinds of people. He carefully examined Chen Hao and found that he was by no means a slanderous person. At the same time, he was impressed by Chen Hao's integrity, so he nodded and said, "Okay. Then I’ll make a bet, I’m willing to help a future tax star with a favor, but you have to think it through, but you think it through. If you don’t meet the standard, I will really ask for debt."

Cui Yongbing does not intend to establish a document, but if he wants to collect debts, few people really dare not give it. He is not only a rich business man, but also a guest of many big leaders. He speaks with weight and has a deep background.

Chen Hao didn't care, because he was quite sure that he would win the gambling round and didn't need to give this 100 million.

"A word is settled!" Chen Hao stretched out his hand and gave Cui Yongbing a high-five, which was regarded as completing a big bet of 100 million yuan.

So far, Chen Hao has successfully completed the set tasks. With the approval of the president of the Chamber of Commerce, his company will be smooth sailing without even using the prepared cigarettes.

But gifts must be given, otherwise they would be too innocent. Chen Hao took out the cigarettes in the bag and put them on the coffee table.

"What is this."

In the face of gifts, Cui Yongbing does not value him, his wealth, he can buy almost anything he wants to buy, and generally he is not easy to receive gifts from others, so as not to lose the tongue.

"This is one of my products," Chen Hao explained. "One of my trading company's businesses is high-end cigarettes. This is a sample provided by a supplier. I can't tell the truth. I heard that Mr. Cui is very good at cigarettes. There is research, so I want you to help me identify the authenticity."

Speaking of this, Chen Hao also pretended to be amazed: "Cui is not willing to help with such a small favor, right?"

It is also possible to say that Chen Hao's gift-giving art is such a vulgar gift-giving thing that Cui Yongbing cannot refuse. It is also a talent.

Chen Hao stretched out his hand to open the Baoliqun Fuchun Mountain Residence, drew out one and handed it to Cui Yongbing, and picked up the lighter to light it up.

Faced with such "enthusiasm", Cui Yongbing also acquiesced.

"Liqun Fuchun Mountain Residence? This cigarette is not easy to buy."

Cui Yongbing knew the rarity of this cigarette. Because of the low output, he also had to ask friends from the Tobacco Bureau to buy a few. After lighting it, he took a deep breath.

The cigarette was long and mellow, with a faint nicotine scent in the smoke. Cui Yongbing nodded and said, "This is indeed a genuine product!"

"Thank you, Mr. Cui, for helping me solve my doubts. I can purchase the goods with confidence." Chen Hao said with a smile.

"this is?"

At this time, Cui Yongbing saw the other wooden box in the bag, the exquisite packaging, and the faint smell of tobacco. As a senior smoker, he saw the extraordinary of this cigarette box at a glance.

"I asked someone to bring this from Cuba." Shuhuangswala Bookstore www.shuhuangsw.com

Chen Hao took the initiative to unpack, and then opened this precious box of Cuban cigars.

"Huh? This, this is the Cohiba spear!"

Cui Yongbing picked up a cigar and looked at it carefully, showing a pleasant look. As for the previous Liqun cigarettes, he could buy it if he wanted to, but this Cohiba spear cigar could not be bought if he wanted to.

Ordinary Cohiba spear cigars are only sold in a few local counters in Cuba, and are available in limited quantities, but this box of cigars is not the kind sold in specialty stores, but is a custom made by the heads of states of other countries and specially gifted to dignitaries. The cigar version is not available outside.

Cui Yongbing was only fortunate enough to have taken a few of them when he went abroad with the leaders of the domestic Ministry of Commerce. For many years, he has never received a whole box of Cohiba spears. He was overjoyed when he saw a whole box. It is more joyful than giving him a hundred million.

"You really have the ability to get such a good cigar." Cui Yongbing was intoxicated by sniffing the brand new cigar.

"Hehe, Mr. Cui just likes it, then you can enjoy it slowly, I'll go first."

Seeing that things were done, Chen Hao stood up and said that he was disturbing today and left.

Cui Yongbing immediately stood up and sent Chen Hao to the door. If someone saw him, he had to drop his chin. The people who could send Mr. Cui were all domestic bigwigs, and Chen Hao, a young person, actually had This honor has obviously been recognized by Cui Yongbing.

"If I want to buy cigarettes in the future, I can find you." Cui Yongbing said with a smile.

"No problem, as long as there are cigarettes on the market, I basically have them."

Chen Hao nodded goodbye and turned to leave.

After getting in the car, Chen Hao showed a satisfied smile on his face. The gift-giving operation was successfully completed. If there is no accident, just go back and wait for the license to get down. The city will take care of it, and no one dares to get stuck. .

Chen Hao drove away from the community, and at the same time notified Xing Zetao to clear the traces of his intrusion into the security system, so as not to leave trouble.

After everything was set up, Chen Hao notified Cao Rui of the matter and asked her to pay more attention to it. It is estimated that the business license can be obtained in the next few days.

"Boss, you are too good!" Cao Rui said admiringly on the phone.

"You are also very good. You did the job so well." Chen Hao also encouraged her.

"No, I can only successfully complete it under your guidance." Cao Rui said shyly.

Having said that, Chen Hao is still very satisfied with this beautiful female assistant. She can learn from lack of experience, but she can't learn her diligent and simple personality. In this impetuous society, she is commendable, and she usually wears all kinds of white shirts and black shirts. The secretarial outfit of silk stockings is worth her salary.

This made Chen Hao think about it, and waited a few months to give Cao Rui a raise.

After returning home, Chen Hao took a cold shower and lay in bed free to check his mobile phone. When he opened the ten billion subsidy app, he was surprised by a series of unread messages.

"Fresh frozen salmon sold 1.3 kilograms and received 91 yuan. Four-star praise."

"Fresh frozen salmon sold for 5 kilograms, and the payment was 350 yuan. Samsung's review."

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