You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Jiafeng Winery is located in the township not far from the village. I only found out that this winery occupies a large area. It is one of the largest enterprises in the township. It has been an old enterprise for more than ten years. It is said that the director is an old company. Winemaker, opened this winery after being laid off from a state-owned enterprise in the early century.

Chen Hao came to the entrance of the winery and was stopped by the security guard. Cao Rui went up and said in dialect that they were discussing business with the winery owner.

Seeing that Chen Hao and Cao Rui were both well dressed, the security guard registered and notified a young girl in the factory to be in charge of the reception, and led them in.

"Are you here to buy wine? Just talk to the salesperson." The little girl said.

"It's not buying wine, but talking about raw materials business." Chen Hao said, "I need to see your boss."

"Our boss Xiao Hu hasn't come back for lunch, so wait a minute and I'll call."

The little girl then went on the phone and told them later that their boss came back in about half an hour and asked them to wait here, and made two cups of tea for them in disposable cups.

Chen Hao looked at the tea foam floating in the quilt. He didn't know it was a few years of Chen tea, and neither Cao Rui went to drink it.

Through chatting with the little girl, I learned that the old factory director retired last year due to physical reasons and gave the winery to his son. Now Hu Xiaoman, the factory director’s son, is headed.

Cao Rui understands a bit. No wonder this winery will suddenly become unfavorable this year. It is probably related to this new owner.

Said they were waiting for half an hour, but Chen Hao and Cao Rui waited for almost an hour before the door of this office was pushed open. A drunken young man came in outside. He was wearing an open suit with crooked tie. , Drunk and confused.

"Just look for me, hiccup, what's the matter?"

Hu Xiaoman burped a drink and sat staggeringly on his boss chair.

"I'm here to discuss whether your factory can buy apples from farmers in Caojia Village at market prices?" Chen Hao said.

"Purchase at the market price? My 2.5 cents is the market price." Hu Xiaoman rolled his eyes and said, "Their apples cannot be shipped, and they will be in bad hands in the future. I will pay 25 cents or take care of them, or else. You can't make any money."

This person disturbed the market price and looked reasonable. Chen Hao, who was watching, wanted to fix him.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little bit stiff, Cao Rui came out and said, "Boss Hu, I think business is all about making money. This time the fruit grower has encountered some difficulties, but you may get a little profit this year with such a low purchase price. It hurts the fruit grower’s heart. It’s hard to think about cooperation later, so the best way is to make some profit so that the fruit grower will remember your good. After all, Jiafeng Winery has been in business for so many years. Everyone had a great time working together."

"I need you to teach me? Do you pay for the purchase money..."

When Hu Xiaoman raised his eyelids, he was originally dissatisfied, but after seeing the beautiful Cao Rui in his drunken eyes, a smile suddenly appeared on his face: "The little girl looks really beautiful. Since you have spoken, it won't give you face. It’s not very good. Or else I’ll have a drink with my brother at night. We said at the wine table, "I will serve my brother comfortably, and the purchase price is all my word." Happy novel

"You!" Cao Rui was also pissed off by his rogue behavior, her pretty face flushed.

At that time, Chen Hao's eyes turned cold, and this kid actually dared to think of Cao Rui's idea. Chen Hao stood up and angrily: "You drank too much, right? Do you know what you are talking about?"

"Didn't I talk about business, tell you, I know a lot of girls in the city, and people want to sleep in my bed, but they have to be embarrassed and pretty. I can afford to let that girl accompany the wine..."

Before Hu Xiaoman finished speaking, Chen Hao splashed his cup of Chen tea on his face to sober him up.

"Yes, you dare to splash me!"

The drunk Hu Xiaoman was furious. He stood up and picked up the heavy ashtray on the table to smash Chen Hao, but Chen Hao squeezed his wrist first.

Hu Xiaoman's face suddenly changed, and then he screamed like a pig, feeling that his wrist was about to break.

"It hurts, it hurts!"

"I still know it hurts, I thought you are not afraid of you, I am not afraid!" Chen Hao snorted coldly.

At this time, the little girl outside heard the cry, came in and saw the conflict, and hurried over to persuade her to fight.

Cao Rui also came up to pull Chen Hao's arm, fearing that Chen Hao would be responsible for breaking someone.

"Boss, I'm fine, don't worry about a drunkard."

The two women were persuading him, and Chen Hao let go, but Hu Xiaoman had already had a ring of bruise fingerprints on his wrist, fully comprehending the strength of the strong diamond finger.

Hu Xiaoman, who had survived the catastrophe, didn't learn the lesson, but furiously said, "Call all the workers in the factory and beat me to death!"

"Then you try." Chen Hao stared at Hu Xiaoman coldly. The anger in his eyes caused the drunk to see it, and his heart trembled and he woke up a lot of alcohol.

The little girl in the winery knew that things were not easy to cause trouble, so she didn't go to call someone, but made peace in the middle.

Hu Xiaoman also took pictures of Chen Hao's momentum, and he was a lot of counseling, but he was still cursing, "Okay, dare to move me, then I won't accept apples. Let your poor sour fruit farmers' apples rot in the ground. Offend me, so that you can't eat and walk around."

He misunderstood Chen Hao as a member of Caojia Village, so he angered the fruit farmers.

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