I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 136 Palace Fruit Wine Recipe

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!"By the way, Ouyang Hai doesn't bother you again, right." Chen Hao asked casually.

"How dare he, he was educated by you last time, even his cell phone and WeChat were blocked, I still want to thank you!" Xia Jing smiled sweetly.

"That's good." Chen Hao nodded.

Later, the kind-hearted Xia Jing asked about the situation of the fruit growers in Cao Rui's hometown. Chen Hao told Cao Rui about staying in the winery. She would solve it with her.

Although Xia Jing had opinions on Cao Rui's hindering her from "private communication" with her boss, she knew which one was more important when it came to the big issues.

Hearing that Cao Rui was presiding over the production of fruit wine is related to the livelihood of fruit farmers, Xia Jing suddenly thought of something and said to Chen Hao: “I remember reading ancient book recipes at home when I was young, and there was a royal wine brewing method in it. It's for royal family members. It should taste good. I'll ask for the recipe, and then let Cao Rui make palace fruit wine over there. The effect is definitely good!"

"This is a good thing, then you go ask!"

Chen Hao is also very interested. There are many good treasures in the five thousand years of accumulation in China. This fruit wine feels good when it is heard.

So Xia Jing called her grandfather on the spot to ask for the recipe.

As soon as she said a few words on the phone, Xia Jing frowned, and it seemed that things were not going well.

The reason is that his elderly are unwilling to share the treasures. After all, the elderly are generally conservative.

"Our family doesn't make wine. What is the use of this formula? I want to use the fruit wine formula to benefit the people. Do you still agree?"

On the phone, Xia Jing's tone became octaves higher, and she became angry with her grandfather.

"It doesn't matter if there is no formula, don't be awkward with the elderly." Chen Hao whispered to the side.

However, Xia Jing was the spoiled eldest child with the parents. She suddenly pouted and threatened: "If you don't give me the fruit wine recipe, I won't get married in my life, so don't even think about hugging your grandson!"

This threat hit Grandpa Xia's vitals, and soon the old man compromised and promised to take a photo of the original formula and send it to Xia Jing.

"Great grandpa, long live grandpa! Wait for me to bring you a gift!"

Xia Jing became well-behaved in a blink of an eye, and the sugar content of her tone was so deadly that she made Grandpa Xia dumbfounded, and sighed that the female doll's house was too big to help him.

"Is this not so good?" Chen Hao didn't know what to say beside him.

"What's wrong, leaving the formula and not using it is a waste of resources." Xia Jing snorted, awe-inspiring, feeling that she was doing something good.Jiuzhou Chinese www.9zzw.com

Chen Hao smiled, there was nothing to do with this girl.

Xia Jing received a photo of the recipe in WeChat. The ancient books were all in traditional characters, and the writing was yellowed and damaged, and it seemed to be old.

The winemaking steps are a bit complicated, and the most critical formula is very clever. Chen Hao also thinks that this wine must be extraordinary.

"I passed the recipe to Cao Rui and asked her to start brewing immediately. The wine will be brewed quickly. It is estimated that we will be able to drink the wine made from the apples of Cao Rui's hometown in a week." Xia Jing said.

Although Xia Jing did not ask for anything in return, Chen Hao then called Cao Rui to pay attention to the confidentiality of the brewing formula and not to spread it outside. After all, it was something that Xia’s family treasured. In the future, if the fruit wine makes a profit, Xia Jing should be appropriately subsidized for dividends. Don't take other people's things for nothing.

"Good boss, I will pay attention." Cao Rui said on the phone.

"Then, you should also pay attention to your body and don't be too tired."

When he finished talking about work, Cao Rui suddenly asked gently, expressing his concern.

Chen Hao's heart trembled, thinking of their close contact that night, he felt a little nostalgic. The touch and the scent of the virgin body made people dreaming.

Chen Hao is not Liu Xiahui who is hard-hearted, he likes Cao Rui's gentleness, but the relationship between the two will not continue until she finishes working in the winery and returns to Baihe City.

Chen Hao was chatting with Xia Jing. Suddenly two young men with flowered arms and black T-shirts with wolf heads and a large gold chain around their necks came to the restaurant. You can tell who they are at a glance. Come Bad.

"Boss boss, gangsters are making trouble again, go and beat them!"

When Xia Jing saw the gangster, she was not afraid, but excited. She wanted to watch free martial arts movies for fear that the world would not be chaotic.

Among all Chen Hao’s friends, Xia Jing is almost the one who knows Chen Hao’s combat power best. After all, the two of them faced the group of hooligans brought by Zheng Dong together in the early days of their acquaintance. Chen Hao defeated him with more than one fight. , Left a deep impression on her, so much so that Xia Jing still wanted to revisit a big martial arts movie at any time.

Chen Hao frowned, wondering if the security in Baihe City is so bad?The hooligans come to make trouble in two days.

However, the two men with flower arms did not cause damage as soon as they came, but after seeing Chen Hao, they whispered to each other and walked over.

"Are you Chen Hao?" A man with flowers slanted his eyes and asked provocatively.

"Yes, what's the matter?"

Chen Hao stood up generously. He was 1.8 meters tall, taller and stronger than these two men, which put a lot of pressure on them.

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