You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!That night, Chen Hao exercised in the room. He bought a few simple fitness equipment to maintain the amount of exercise at home. He knew that life is the principle of exercise. Even if his muscle strength is strong enough, he must maintain it daily, otherwise he will use it as waste. Retire, no matter how strong and not exercise, will become a middle-aged fat man in a few years.

When the doorbell rang while sweating like rain, Chen Hao took a look and found that it was Xia Jing. She was still wearing a set of pajamas with slings, leaning forward and backward.

She held a yellow pillow in her arms, and also carried a small lunch box.

Chen Hao's heart shuddered, thinking of Cao Rui's previous warning to him, should he use anti-wolf spray today?

Xia Jing walked into the room familiarly, and said to herself: "My room is too deserted, it's better for you."

That's right, now there are only two of them on the whole floor, each of them is really deserted in each room, and only one piece can alleviate loneliness.

"I just cooked the preserved egg and lean meat porridge, you can eat it as a supper."

Xia Jing put the lunch box on the coffee table, and Ge You lay on the sofa and turned on the TV, and watched the variety show on Mango Channel, just like at her own home.

She is the beautiful chef of the restaurant, the steward of the French braised meat shop, and Chen Hao's own capable subordinates. If it is difficult to drive out, she will toss and Chen Hao will continue to exercise.

"You have a good figure." Xia Jing put her chin on the back of the sofa and looked at him with a smile.

"It's okay."

Chen Hao dealt with it casually.

After finishing the exercise and sweating, Chen Hao went to the bathroom to take a shower, because there was still a lady in the room, and he locked the bathroom door deliberately to avoid unexpected situations.

After taking a shower, she found that Xia Jing was still watching TV. She grabbed a handful of snacks and stuffed her mouth from time to time. She didn't know what to keep in shape on a diet.

Chen Hao sees that she eats with them at every meal. She is not afraid of meat and vegetables, but her figure is still perfect. I don’t know how she keeps it. It can only be said that she is talented. The fat absorbed in the food is accumulated in the accumulation. The place.

Chen Hao looked at the time, it was ten thirty in the evening, and said, "Hey, turn off the TV after watching the TV in a while. I'll go to bed first and won't entertain you."

"You go to bed so early, don't you come to watch TV together?"

Xia Jing smiled and raised her eyebrows.

Such an obvious hookup made Chen Haoton feel uncomfortable. He remembered that women are reserved, and men have to spend their time chasing after them. However, this Xia Jing seems to have no idea what reservedness is. She has always been stern and delicate. His collarbones were all exposed without noticing it.

Although her figure exploded, Chen Hao only admired it for the most part and didn't think too much about it. At the moment, she just treated it as if she hadn't heard it, and closed the door, lest she couldn't sleep at night after watching too much.Biquge vp

Before going to bed, Cao Rui, who was far away in her hometown, also sent a WeChat message, nervously asking Chen Hao, did Xia Jing do anything wrong?

Chen Hao listened to the faint laughter from the living room, and in order not to worry Cao Rui, he said "No".

"That's good, remember to thank her for the fruit wine recipe. The winery has already started brewing." Cao Rui sent a good night emoticon.

Chen Hao also said goodnight and turned off the lights to sleep.

After sleeping for a few hours, Chen Hao woke up thirsty and got up to drink water. When he found that the TV was still on in the living room, playing soap operas in the night theater, Xia Jing had fallen asleep on the sofa, and she was sleeping well. Huo, the corners of his mouth drooled.

Chen Hao is speechless, this girl is really big, she actually fell asleep unsuspectingly in his man's room, that is, he is a gentleman, otherwise she will definitely be eaten up.

After drinking the water, Chen Hao found a thin blanket to cover Xia Jing, but couldn't move her eyes away. Xia Jing had her pajamas rolled up because of her poor sleeping posture, and Chen Hao saw something that shouldn't be seen.

Chen Hao had only one word left in his heart for a moment, big...

Such a beautiful woman is not defending against him, and it tests his willpower. Chen Hao took a deep breath and hurriedly avoided his eyes to cover her with a blanket in order to attack his subordinates in order to change his body.

When Chen Hao returned to the room, he finally suppressed the beautiful thoughts in his heart, thinking that if this happens every day, his small body can't stand it. It seems that he has to find another place to live, and he is spurred by Xia Jing every day. , Sooner or later we will break the ring.

After this episode, Chen Hao tossed in bed for a long time, fell asleep in a daze, waited until 7 o'clock in the morning before waking up, and went to the bathroom with sleepy eyes.

Pushing open the toilet door, they found that there was a person sitting on it. Both of them looked as though they had just woken up, and they were still not sober. After looking at each other for a few seconds, they woke up, and it was Xia Jing sitting on the toilet.

"Ah! You big gangster! Peek at girls!"

Xia Jing yelled and threw the paper towels and other sundries around him.

Chen Hao withdrew embarrassedly in the "fire of bullets", and only reacted vigorously when he ran out, and went to the bathroom at home by himself. Why did he become a gangster?What's more, he really didn't see anything, all blocked by pajamas, not as clear as last night.

"I said, you are at my house, it would be too much to scold me as a gangster, right? Go back to your room quickly." Chen Hao said angrily.

"Hmph, you are the big gangster!"

Xia Jing came out of the toilet after going to the toilet, still looking reasonable, but she quickly solved the embarrassment for Chen Hao.

"I forgive you because you covered me with a blanket yesterday."

After speaking, she opened the door and left by herself with a yawn.

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