You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!The fight actually used a murder weapon. This was to put Chen Hao to death. Chen Hao was also angry. Everyone dared to kill him. He was not used to this brother Baihe anymore. He stepped back to hide. He opened the dagger, taking advantage of the opponent's old moves, he shot the snake brother's wrist, took the knife off first.

As a result, the snake brother played with swords all the year round, and his moves were quite flexible. When the blade retreated, he picked up and came back.

Chen Hao was shocked and hurriedly pulled his hands, but still felt a pain in the palm of his hand. After another look, there was a blood mark of about 2cm on the palm of his hand, which had been cut by the dagger. Fortunately, the wound was not deep and not serious.

However, Chen Hao narrowed his eyes. This was the first time he was really angry. The thunder became angry, and the blood splashed five steps.

Chen Hao suddenly rushed over, like a mad tiger, and Snake's heart was shocked, and he hurriedly waved his dagger.

However, Chen Hao grabbed the sofa cushion with his right hand and threw it over. The dagger plunged into the cushion and lost its sharpness.

Chen Hao took advantage of this moment and rushed over, using the sofa cushion as a defense, and pushed Brother Snake against the wall.

Brother Qiang struggled frantically, trying to pull out the dagger. Seeing that he was about to launch an offensive again, Chen Hao suddenly picked up Louis XIII's wine bottle from the coffee table and smashed it on Brother Snake's head.

Brother Snake's eyes were stagnant, and then a ray of blood shed on his forehead, and then he fainted on the ground and was stunned.

The quality of this wine bottle is strong, and it was not broken even if it was so cruel, but it was stained with bright red color. Chen Hao threw the bottle and kicked the dagger so that he would not be violent and hurt. The five people said "make and feel it"

It is true that it is self-inflicted, not to do a good business, and to provoke Chen Hao, this is called blame, and you cannot live.

Hearing the fight in the house outside, Brother Snake's Ma Zai yelled to rush in. Chen Hao didn't know how many of them there were, so he went over to the box door.

Now others are alone and need help, so he called Xia Jing's cell phone and asked her to bring someone over.

This entertainment city was run by Brother Snake, so there were a lot of him in it. Upon hearing the news, there were 20 or 30 people surrounded the box where Chen Hao was, smashing the door frantically, clamoring to remove Chen Hao. Piece.

At the same time, there was a group of menacing crowds who picked up wine bottles. They were the brothers invited by Chen Hao. They had been playing for a long time, and they were cool enough. Hearing Xia Jing's greetings, they carried them together. The guy found the place.

This group of people, more than a hundred, a large group of Wuyang Wuyang, blocked the corridor.

The so-called anger is hard to commit, most of the waiters in the entertainment city just come to work, and will not help Snake to help the abuse, and the real Snake's Ma Tsai was around 30 people at the scene, but was surrounded by more than 100 people. , The force of smashing the door suddenly became weak, and each one nervously confronted Chen Hao's friends.

At this time, the box door suddenly opened, and Chen Hao came out with Brother Snake. The group of younger brothers were filled with outrage when they saw that Brother Snake was hanging out, but they were still under control by Chen Hao, and they didn't dare to do anything.

"Let it all, be careful of your boss." I love

Just like this, Chen Hao walked out of the corridor. When everyone saw Chen Hao coming out of VIP Box 1 unscathed, they breathed a sigh of relief and stopped the noise.

"Let us go Snake, otherwise you don't even want to leave this shop!" The horses yelled.

Xia Jing said her part: "We are crowded, you can't get out of this shop!"

"That's right!" Chen Hao laughed. He liked Xia Jing's temper more and more. He was straightforward and not pretentious, but his mind was too "broad", which made him always feel excited.

Chen Hao then said: "Open my Lamborghini to the door and let your boss go."

The horses discussed it, and someone called and drove Chen Hao's car downstairs. A friend went to the door to check and confirmed that the car had arrived.

Snake, a tool man, completed his historical mission. Chen Hao pushed him, and the horses quickly took over.

Brother Snake also woke up at this time. After Ma Tsai simply treated the wound for him, he looked at Chen Hao bitterly, and said viciously, "This is not over, you are dead!"

"Oh? I made a mistake first, and I don't know how to repent, so today I will make you hurt a little."

Chen Hao then turned around and said to the friends who came to help the punch: "Help me smash the shop, I will carry it if I have something!"

This group of buddies also drank alcohol, and when they heard such a stimulating thing, they screamed and rushed out, smashing things when they saw it.

People have the potential for destruction, this time is a kind of venting, facing the entertainment city of the rogue leader, they will not be merciless.

Suddenly, there were screams, and many guests ran out. Chen Hao reminded Xia Jing to tell the group to pay attention to the scale and smash the store. Don't hurt the innocent people, otherwise he would not forgive.

At first glance, the shop was smashed. The horses had never suffered such humiliation. They had always bullied others. Today, they were "bullyed" by others. They all had red eyes and tried to fight Chen Hao and the others.

"Let them smash it." Brother Snake said viciously, "I was injured and smashed the shop. The crime of injury and the destruction of property are enough for him to sentence him to several years, and we have to compensate us for our losses."

As soon as the horses heard it, it was wonderful, so they all started calling the police one by one.

The so-called gangsters understand the law, and God also has a green face. This time they provoked the incident, but according to the law, it was indeed Chen Hao's crime that was more serious.

However, Chen Hao always had a faint smile on his face, and it seemed that he didn't take this matter to his heart, and he was able to smash the local one's shop, so he didn't even mention the refreshing energy in his heart.


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