You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!This time the horses finally saw clearly that the so-called tiger just now was an illusion created by the mad tiger in front of him. He almost beat them to the ground one by one.

Seeing Chen Hao's bravery, the horses felt hairy in their hearts. They wielded the machete one by one. They wanted to stop Chen Hao from passing. Instead, a group of them were frightened by Chen Hao alone. This is how a group of dogs is hard to beat. Tiger's truth.

Chen Hao stared at them with a grim gaze like a beast king, looking for possible flaws, and once there was a flaw, he would give a thunderous blow.

As a result, a stalemate was formed, one party did not dare to go, and Chen Hao was waiting for an opportunity again.

"It's all special, you guys face each other!" Snake cursed from behind.

The two horses in the front couldn't stand the majesty of the boss, so they shouted to embolden themselves and slammed a knife at Chen Hao.

Chen Hao is now energetic and reacts as soon as the opponent strikes. He instinctively retreats to avoid the chopping, and then waits for the opponent's knife to fall and can't bear the force, and he slams forward with his heel. With a move to "black tiger's heart", a pony flew out without a doubt, and fell to the ground without any sound.

This time, everyone has been completely restrained. He has never seen such a fierce ground before. Chen Hao is really like a king of the forest. As long as he has the opportunity, he will give people a thunderous blow.

The king of the forest has his own kingly dignity, he will take the initiative to attack when he has the opportunity, taking advantage of the other horse's stunned, punch him again, this kind of punching superman feeling, I have to say it is true It was cool, and all of this was a qualitative improvement brought about by Wu Qin Xi, and Chen Hao had only just learned one trick, and he couldn't imagine how effective it would be if he learned the whole Wu Qin Xi.

Chen Hao's attack completely defeated the will of the horses, and they backed away in horror, thinking that he was really facing a fierce tiger alone.

Chen Hao, who was immersed in the tiger show, replaced himself with the tiger's aura, his eyes were fierce and terrifying.

"Waste, nothing special!"

As the boss of the snake, he finally couldn't help but drew out a Japanese sword and wanted to go on the court himself.

At this moment, the sound of police sirens came from far and near. It turned out that people passing by saw someone fighting and called the police.

When all the horses heard the police siren like a mouse and a cat, they all got in the car and fled by appointment. Now even Snake's expression changed. He was very reconciled. So many people surrounded Chen Hao, but it didn't work. Instead, he was knocked down. Several brothers.

But at this time, many people were ignored. Those who were able to move all escaped by car, leaving only a few masters who were knocked down on the ground.

He couldn't see clearly, it was the police who came to rescue them, otherwise Chen Hao would have them overturned one by one.End Novel Network

In an instant, a group of hooligans drove away cleanly, and Chen Hao regained his momentum, let out a suffocating breath, and returned to his body from the state of Beastmaster.

"Boss, you are too handsome, you looked like a tiger before!"

Now even Xia Jing could see it, excited she got off the car and bounced in front of Chen Hao, so that the two lumps in front of her also flew up and down, making Chen Hao dizzy.

"Okay, okay, don't jump, my blood pressure will rise in a while." Chen Hao pressed Xia Jing's fragrant shoulders, and finally let her stop.

The two police cars stopped, and when they saw the situation in front of them, they couldn't help being stunned. They came to Chen Hao to find out the situation.

"Uncle police, they did it first. There are many people. The leader is the villain boss who runs the Supreme Entertainment City. I have a video here."

Xia Jing acted as a narrator and showed the police the video she shot with her mobile phone.

The police were all clear and knew what was going on at a glance. With so many people beating Chen Hao with a murder weapon, there is nothing wrong with Chen Hao's definition as a legitimate defense, but the transcript still needs to be done. The police let the two get into the police car and go to the police station.

As for the wounded, they also dialed 120 and rushed to the hospital.

When he arrived at the police station, things quickly became clear. Chen Hao belonged to the victim and could go home soon. This time he didn't even need an exemption card. The police also said that they would find snake brother She Junyu to understand the situation.

Chen Hao didn't report any hope to the police. People like Brother Snake have been committing crimes and crimes. They have not been able to do so. Obviously they have a background background. It is estimated that this "small case" will not be able to take him down.

But the other party repeatedly troubled him, Chen Hao was already angry, looking for an opportunity to teach Snake a "unforgettable" lesson.

After driving home again, it was almost midnight. Chen Hao and Xia Jing both went back to their rooms and slept peacefully.

On the second day, Brother Snake had a peaceful day. He didn't come to trouble Chen Hao any more. He seemed to have given up, and Chen Hao was busy with the opening ceremony and had no time to find him, so things dragged down.

After a busy day, all the opening matters have been prepared. Recently, several company employees have been recruited and are ready to open at any time.

Zhou Xitong also invited a few reporters to the site to promote the event, waiting for the good day of tomorrow morning.

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