You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!That night, the Supreme Entertainment City was still brightly lit and drunk. Rows of luxury cars parked in the parking lot. Beautifully dressed men and women walked into the entertainment city to have fun.

Suddenly, among the many foreign luxury car brands, a purely domestic car drove. Although the shape is a bit old, it makes people look in awe, and that is the most special domestic brand-Hongqi.

Hongqi has sales models for the public, but this one is obviously not. The solemn shape and the Geely license plate of the white A66668 show that this is not an ordinary car.

Sure enough, the car stopped in the parking lot of the Supreme Entertainment City, and the surrounding millions of good cars did not dare to fight with it. All of them evaded automatically and made way for the red flag on the crowded road.

In China, this type of red flag can be opened. It is not a ho or an official. Anyway, it is a big-timer level.

"A red flag is coming in, please pay attention backstage to welcome it!"

The security guard at the door notified the internal colleagues through the walkie-talkie, and at the same time two doormen ran over to serve.

Hongqi parked firmly in the parking space, and then the driver's door opened, and a chubby man in a suit of about 20 years old came down and trotted to the back row, took the initiative to open the car door, and leaned slightly in a gesture of greeting.

Suddenly, a black Gucci leather shoe stepped on the ground, and then everyone shuddered, and a handsome young man wearing sunglasses got out of the car, covering most of his face.

He was dressed in a straight Versace suit, and his beautiful body was supported by his sturdy figure, and the handsome young man's temperament with no anger and prestige made people think that he was the son of a big family.

"Master, do you see this okay?" the fat driver asked respectfully, and they exchanged glances when they were talking.

"It is ok."

When the handsome young man saw the luxuriously decorated Supreme Entertainment City, he just said something indifferently. There was a bit of disgust in his tone. Obviously, he had seen a big scene. Such a luxurious entertainment venue in a prefecture-level city. Invisible.

The two doormen hurried up and said, "This sir, our Supreme Entertainment City is the largest entertainment city in Baihe City. The facilities are complete and there are many kinds of tricks. You like it."

The handsome young man with dark glasses ignored the two door boys and walked straight forward, while the fat driver opened the road in front of him. Before entering the door, he ordered: "My son has a high vision. Call your manager here. The best beauties come and serve."

The temperament boy who came with the red flag paid great attention to the entertainment city and soon arranged the lobby manager to come over to listen to the announcement.

"This gentleman, what do you call it?" the lobby manager asked carefully.113 novel

The young man in sunglasses did not answer, but remained silent, very cold, while his fat driver said displeased: "Our son's name is not convenient to disclose. I am afraid that it will scare you, so I just call it Shao Chen."

The lobby manager shuddered in his heart, and secretly linked this young Chen with the famous domestic acquaintances. It seemed a bit mismatched, but this man was only higher than those well-known rich second generations, and he had also served. The rich second generation like Wang Scallion doesn't have this kind of temperament, and this kind of temperament can not be brought by money, it is the aura of a superior.

"This must be the second generation of officials, or the third generation of red."

Reminiscing that Chen Shao was the red flag, the manager came to this conclusion, and he was very convinced and proud of his guess.

Now that he guessed the identity of the other party, he didn't even dare to neglect, let these two go to the best VIP to the box.

This VIP area box has to go through a special security gate. It is heavily guarded and has a high degree of confidentiality. Therefore, it is welcomed by many dignitaries. This is one of the reasons why those inconveniently exposed dignitaries like to spend here.

Entering the box, the manager asked Chen Hao, what kind of beauty do you like?

The fat driver said displeased: "What nonsense, call all the best girls here, don't look for those vulgar fans, you have to be nice and easy."


The manager nodded hurriedly, and then left to call for the beauty to serve.

At this time, the box was empty, and the fat driver suddenly smiled slyly and said to the handsome guy in sunglasses, "Brother Chen, do you think I acted like this?"

It turned out that this pair of mysterious high-rollers was Chen Hao and Xing Zetao posing, and they deceived everyone by doing a little dress.

There are some people who have met Chen Hao in the entertainment city, so he wore sunglasses, redoed his hairstyle and got fake beard. He looked like the second generation of Hao, who is 27 or 18 years old. success.

"It's quite similar, and we will act according to the established plan for a while."

While talking in a low voice, Chen Hao took out a number of pinhole cameras from his pocket and attached them to various positions to facilitate their recording and evidence collection. On a button on his collar, there was also a latest miniature camera pinned to it. This is usually The model used by the spies is also thanks to the supply of tens of billions of subsidies.

"Look, you will drag them here to find evidence, and I will go out and set up their security system for you, and when I send you a signal, I will see you!" Xing Zetao smirked.

Chen Hao nodded, he was very confident in killing Brother Snake this time.

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