You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Chen Hao went back to the trustee that night to inquire about it. Sure enough, the entire entertainment city was sealed up. The main criminal Snake Brother She Junyu was arrested. The case is under further investigation. This Snake Brother's good days are over, and Chen Hao also exasperated.

So that night, Chen Hao took Xing Zetao and Xia Jing together, and went to a nearby restaurant to have a big meal, and both of them went to order.

And those two were not polite, they really ordered a large table of dishes.

As a half-hearted chef, Xia Jing still criticizes the food in this restaurant. She grew up with the dishes of the chef’s grandfather and dad. She sneered at the food made by this kind of assembly line chef. It was either tasteless or MSG. Put too much, oily and salty, difficult to swallow.

Chen Hao said that he will still dine in his own restaurant in the future, and Chef Xia's craftsmanship is still trustworthy.

"Of course, whoever will marry me in the future will be happy in the next life." Xia Jing said, and glanced at Chen Hao proudly. In that gaze, she knew whether there were other factors hidden. .

Seeing Xia Jing's tight top, Xing Zetao nodded in agreement. Xia Jing himself was too right. Whoever marries her will definitely be "sex blessing" in the next life.

Chen Hao then toasted to celebrate the killing of Brother Tumor Snake in the city. The three of them had a drink together.

As a result, Xia Jing and Xing Zetao both drank a bit more. In the end, Chen Hao found a driver and sent them back to the community. Thanks to Chen Hao's strength, he supported each of his left and right arms and sent them back to their respective rooms.

Xing Zetao was very convenient. He threw it directly on the bed upstairs, covered it with a quilt and it was done, but Xia Jing's side was inconvenient to deal with.

She was wearing a skirt, her white and tender calves hanging by the bed, her curves were infinitely beautiful.

Chen Hao put her on the bed and found that the clothes were a bit dirty, but he couldn't get started to take off other girls' clothes.

Chen Hao thought about seeing the "content" under her pajamas by accident that night, and suddenly felt like Xia Jing was really ecstatic. Especially after drinking, Chen Hao's hand was hanging on her clothes for several seconds. , In my mind, there was a battle between heaven and man.

In the end, reason battled the upper hand. Chen Hao took a deep breath. Xia Jing is indeed attractive and hard to resist, but if she wants to obtain it, she will take advantage of it when she is awake or when others are unconscious.

So Chen Hao covered her with a thin blanket and closed the door and left...

Early the next morning, after Chen Hao got up, he exercised first. After half an hour of exercise on the fitness equipment, his body sweated, and then he practiced Wu Qin Xi.

Huber said that Wu Qin Xi requires more practice, which can play a very good role in strengthening the body. After all, in the simplified version, many grandpas and aunts are also practicing. This kind of "real kung fu" is of course more effective.

The experience of facing the line with Snake has proved that Wu Qin Xi has a great effect. It is an advanced martial art. It is really powerful to abuse ordinary Sanda players by practicing a few tricks in tiger play.

However, this is also the reason for Chen Hao's extraordinary talent. After taking Jinjin and Bodybuilding Pill, his strength is close to the limit of the East Asian race, so it is not disadvantageous and has a bonus to Wu Qin Xi.90 Literature Network

If a weak person is practicing Wu Qin Xi, he does not have the exaggerated combat power of Chen Hao, and maybe he will be beaten up by a strong man who does not know martial arts, so the strength of kung fu varies from person to person.

After practicing Kung Fu, Chen Hao was all sweaty and uncomfortable. He went into the bathroom to wash in vain. When he was washing, suddenly Xia Jing in his living room shouted: "Hey, have breakfast. Yo!"

"Hey, you hooligan, don't come in!"

Chen Hao was embarrassed, and hurriedly went over and locked the bathroom door. This woman acted recklessly. If she didn't know, she would forcibly break in, and she would be out of control.

"Smelly, who wants to see you take a bath? What's so good about men!"

Xia Jing snorted coldly outside.

Chen Hao washed up in twos and then put on his clothes. Xia Jing had already set a steaming breakfast on the table and invited him to the table.

Chen Hao sat down to eat, but Xia Jing stared at him with a smile.

"What are you looking at?" Chen Hao wondered.

"You said, I was drunk yesterday, have you done anything nasty to me?" Xia Jing asked with sharp eyes.

"Of course not, am I that kind of person?" Chen Hao took it for granted.

"I haven't moved at all? Am I unattractive like that? Or are you not good at some aspect of your body?" Xia Jing stared at Chen Hao's lower abdomen maliciously.

"What are you talking about! I am a gentleman!"

When Chen Hao spoke, he was really so vain.

"Haha, funny, this is all taken seriously." Xia Jing laughed.

Chen Hao was speechless, and there was really no way to take this heartless woman.

But this also reminded him. Recently, I walked too close with Xia Jing. The two are not boy and girl friends. This relationship is not normal. I must find a good place to live, otherwise I am really afraid of doing something. Things about animals.

At that time, dealing with the relationship between Zhou Xitong and Cao Rui would be too messy.

After dinner, Chen Hao went to check the information of villas on sale in the city. He wanted to buy a villa.

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