I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 169 My Wife Is Difficult to Give Birth

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!When he arrived at the unfinished building mentioned by Zhu Min, Chen Hao suddenly discovered that there were five or six people here, a middle-aged man with the appearance of a big boss, and several people around him were talking about something.

"Boss Qian, here we will be able to give out the decoration drawings in three days, and guarantee to rebuild according to your wishes." said a bald designer.

"Yes, your decoration company is the best in the city. I can rest assured that the renovation project of my China Garden worth nearly 100 million yuan will be handed over to you. You can't do it, otherwise you know the consequences." Say.

"Boss Qian, rest assured, we will definitely live up to your expectations." The bald designer nodded and said with a bow.

When Chen Hao came here, the middle-aged boss's male attendant sneered coldly: "What are you doing? How did you get in?"

Chen Hao looked at them coldly, even if he was an open trader, his attitude was too bad.

"He is Qian Rongkai!" Zhu Min whispered in Chen Hao's ear.

Qian Rongkai is a well-known boss in the province, and he often appears on the provincial news, so Zhu Min is familiar with him.

Speaking of it, Qian Rongkai also came to buy the China Garden, which is considered a competitor of Chen Hao, but before he bought the house, he hired a designer to prepare for the renovation and construction. This was a bit too hasty.

Since there is no auction, everyone is a buyer, so it doesn't matter. Chen Hao ignored them and walked into this unfinished room to check.

"What about you, I didn't hear it!"

Qian Rongkai's male attendant was reluctant, and even wanted to drag Chen Hao when he came over.

Chen Hao's eyes widened, and he moved away the opponent's hand. The male attendant felt a surge of force and fell into a squat.

"You dare to do it to me!"

The male attendant was on fire. Together with another attendant next to him, the two men came up aggressively.

As soon as Zhu Min saw that there was a conflict, out of professionalism, he immediately turned on his mobile phone and prepared to shoot. This was relatively hot news. The buyers of China Garden fought on the eve of the auction. This news headline is very eye-catching.

Chen Hao twisted the arms of the two attendants and both stopped them. They kept saying "Ouch" one by one, begging Chen Hao to let go.

Chen Hao snorted coldly, whether rich people are hooligans, or hooligans have become rich, why do these people like to do things like this?


Chen Hao let go of these two followers.

The next two attendants rubbed their arms and looked at Chen Hao in fear, not daring to make trouble.

"Don't shoot me!"

Qian Rongkai is not afraid of being beaten by his subordinates, but he doesn't like being photographed. When it is posted on the Internet, he has to spend a lot of money to delete posts to invite the navy.

"Take the phone, you don't want to mix it up, don't you? Do you know who the boss is?" The attendant didn't dare to attack Chen Hao, turned his head and started targeting Zhu Min.

Zhu Min ignored them. The Uncrowned King didn't say that he would always encounter violence when he was a reporter, and would not choose to be a reporter if he was afraid of things.

Qian Rongkai's attendant got furious and came down to grab Zhu Min's cell phone at the boss's instruction.

Zhu Min swiftly hid behind Chen Hao to shoot, and the two attendants were shocked and afraid to go.Kuaiyan123 www.kuaiyan123.com

"Boy, are you sure you want to have trouble with me?"

Qian Rongkai asked with a cold face.

"Your hand came down to provoke me. They are all coming to see the house. I advise you not to be too lenient!" Chen Hao counterattacked without showing any weakness, pretending to be the wrong person here.

"Okay, I haven't come to Baihe City for a long time, but someone dares to challenge me."

Qian Rongkai sneered, and ordered his subordinates to call Brother Snake to fix this unopened boy.

"Brother Snake?"

Chen Hao laughed as soon as he heard it. The news about Qian Rongkai was too unclear. Brother Snake had entered the detention center.

Sure enough, when the call was made, someone over there answered, but it was not Brother Snake, and the attendant asked him, but the other party asked him to explain his identity. The two quarreled on the spot without speculation, and the attendant revealed the identity of Qian Rongkai.

"Very well, you, together with Qian Rongkai, please go to the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau to explain the situation."

In the end, it was the city police officer who answered the phone. It is no wonder that Brother Snake was arrested and his mobile phone was confiscated. Every day he opened the opportunity to see who was in contact with him. As a result, the attendant hit the gun.

"Ah, this can't be done well!"

Qian Rongkai slapped his hand angrily, his face was gloomy, he obviously lost face in front of others and couldn't help it.

"Who else to call? Please speed up, I'm very busy." Chen Hao said indifferently, and to show that he was bored now, he even checked his mobile phone.

"By the way, I remember that there was a man named Chen who drank with him and gave me a gift."

Qian Rongkai took out his mobile phone, found Brother Chen's number, and dialed it.

When Qian Rongkai said that he was going to come to China Garden to teach a kid, Chen Ge immediately made a decision: "Don’t worry, Mr. Qian, I will summon the brothers to kill him right away, right? I dare to provoke Mr. Qian in my place, and I don’t want to be confused. !"

Qian Rongkai was very satisfied with Brother Chen's attitude, which was much more reliable than Brother Snake.

However, Brother Chen suffered a loss on someone last time, so he became more concerned, so he asked Qian Rongkai who he wanted to deal with.

"Hey, dare you to report your name." Qian Rongkai's staff asked for the boss.

"Chen Hao."

Chen Hao took the initiative to report his name, but he wanted to see if Brother Chen dared to come.

He had already taught Brother Chen with his own hands. If you feel emotional and don't mind making another lesson, the public security in Baihe City is too bad, and you can encounter these blind currents everywhere.

"He said his name is Chen Hao." Qian Rongkai replied on the phone.

Brother Chen "thumped" in his heart over there, and hurriedly asked: "Is he a handsome boy in his twenties?"

"Yes, it's him, do you know?" Qian Rongkai asked unclearly.

"Uh, I don't know...Oh, I'm so sorry, Mr. Qian, I just received the news that my wife has a dystocia and can't go today. I'm really sorry, please ask Gao Ming.

Brother Chen hung up the phone in a hurry after speaking, not even giving a chance to communicate. It was obvious that he was shocked when he heard Chen Hao's name.

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