I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 171 The President's Arrival

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!"Are you sure this little trick can stump me?" Chen Hao asked back.

Qian Rongkai said, "Huh, isn't it just a rich second generation with a bit of money? I will teach you this kid today. The society is not only rich, but also has connections!"

"It's terrible, I actually used this kind of trick."

Now even reporter Zhu Min couldn’t stand it anymore, and asked the staff of the convention and exhibition center: "Your convention and exhibition center will only listen to an outsider's command? There is no reason why you should not apply for the qualification to participate in the auction?"

"I also acted on orders. If you have any questions, you can ask our leader." This little clerk also played officialdom, and his attitude was disgusting.

Zhu Min was so angry that he couldn't get through when he called the conference and exhibition center leader on the notice board.

However, Chen Hao stopped Zhu Min's useless work. He faced Qian Rongkai and said meaningfully, "Is it, better than contacts? That's better, better than contacts."

To find contacts is to find the strongest one in the relationship between relatives and friends. In terms of the closest relationship between Zhou Xitong and Chen Hao, Zhou Xitong is the heir of Zhou's International. He knows many dignitaries. If you say hello, someone will give you face.

But this was because he was buying a house and asked Zhou Xitong to help him. Chen Hao was very embarrassed. He had his own idea. He picked up the phone and called Cui Yongbing, the president of the Chamber of Commerce.

Cui Yongbing understood Chen Hao’s strength from buying customized cigarettes and the ribbon-cutting ceremony full of big names. In the past few days, he has contacted many times to deepen the cooperation between the two companies. Now Chen Hao has encountered difficulties in his contacts. It was him, Cui Yongbing had more face than Zhou Xitong in the business district.

"Boss Chen, what's the matter?" Cui Yongbing received the call and greeted him very well.

Chen Hao told him about his encounter with Qian Rongkai.

"Is there such a thing? Qian Rongkai, right? I know him, I'll come over right away." Cui Yongbing put down the phone and drove over.

"Who are you looking for to intercede?" Zhu Min asked with interest.

"A person in charge." Chen Hao said.

"Then I'll just wait. I guess you can do it. I have this hunch that the China Garden must be yours." Zhu Min blinked and said playfully.

Chen Hao looked at her unexpectedly. The sixth sense of this female reporter was really accurate. No one could take away the Chinese Garden he wanted.

Chen Hao sat resting on a chair in the aisle of the Convention and Exhibition Center, while Zhu Min went to shoot the material and asked Chen Hao how much cash he had prepared for the auction at night.

"Don't worry about cash, as long as you let me participate, the garden will definitely belong to me." Chen Hao believes.

Zhu Min was shocked and had a foreboding that Chen Hao's financial resources were afraid that she would break through her imagination.

After a while, the staff in the Convention and Exhibition Center suddenly ran out of each room at the same time, and some people shouted: "Chairman Cui of the Chamber of Commerce has come to visit. Everyone will do the reception work in advance."

Chen Hao smiled slightly, it seems that Secretary Zhang is still very responsible, coming so quickly.

"Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce? Cui Yongbing?" Zhu Min was a little astonished. He looked at Chen Hao and asked unbelievably, "Isn't he the one you called?" Novel website www.xiao-shuo.org

"Yes." Chen Hao admitted frankly, standing up and planning to take a look.

"Oh my god, he is too powerful. Cui Yongbing is not something ordinary people can invite. He is usually a guest of important officials in the province. Chen Hao can get him over with a phone call. What kind of background is this?"

Zhu Min was shocked, unable to guess the answer, but felt that Chen Hao was very mysterious. It was really a wise decision for her to follow Chen Hao today.

When Chen Hao came to the entrance of the convention and exhibition center, he saw Cui Yongbing and several of his subordinates patrolling the exhibition hall, and the person in charge of the convention and exhibition center who could not be reached by phone before was accompanied by him at the moment.

"Chairman Cui came here to let us shine in the convention and exhibition center..." The person in charge was talking cliche.

Although Cui Yongbing is not a civil servant, he knows many high-ranking and wealthy businessmen. He speaks a lot in the chamber of commerce and can even determine the future direction of an industry. So this person in charge is so respectful.

"Hehe, I didn't come to visit today. I heard that China Gardens like you are going to be auctioned tonight?" Cui Yongbing smiled and asked with a point.

"Yes, you also came for the China Garden?" The person in charge was surprised.

"Well, it's just that a friend heard that the garden is good and is going to participate in the auction. Is there still time?" Cui Yongbing asked.

"Of course it's too late, I will do it for you myself, please here!"

How dare the person in charge neglect, lead a group of people to the office window, and then personally let Cui Yongbing fill in the form.

Cui Yongbing smiled slightly when he saw Chen Hao and motioned for him to follow him, so Chen Hao came behind Cui Yongbing.

"Chairman Choi, you are here."

When he arrived at the window, Qian Rongkai saw Cui Yongbing and hurried up to say hello, because he was one of the members of the Chamber of Commerce in Hei Province. He naturally wanted to curry favor with the boss of the Chamber of Commerce.


Cui Yongbing replied indifferently, and ignored him. Compared to an ordinary member of the Chamber of Commerce, the mysterious and energetic Chen Hao was the one he cared about.

At this time, the person in charge of the Convention and Exhibition Center brought the application form and asked Cui Yongbing: "Chairman Cui, where is your friend?"

"Oh, that's him." Cui Yongbing pointed back at Chen Hao.

Chen Hao came up, took the pen, and started filling out the form.

"Ah, it's him?" The person in charge was surprised. Before he was instructed by Qian Rongkai to refuse the auction qualification called Chen Hao, and then deliberately avoided seeing him. Unexpectedly, he was a guest of Cui Yongbing. Unexpected.

Qian Rongkai was also dumbfounded. In his own eyes, Chairman Cui, who was powerful, would actually stand up for Chen Hao, so Chen Hao's background was even more unfathomable.

At this time, Cui Yongbing was present, and no one could say anything to make things difficult, so this person in charge who was in a stubborn relationship with Qian Rongkai bit his head and handled the auction approval qualifications for Chen Hao.

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