I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 173: How Long Have You Been Together

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!"Wow, it's Zhou Xitong! There is also a handsome guy, is it her boyfriend?"

These reporters are like sharks smelling blood. They stretch their microphones long to interview the parties. This kind of scandal of celebrities in the city is their favorite hype.

"Let let, let all let."

Chen Hao acted as a bodyguard and stopped the reporters outside. He opened his arms all by himself and blocked five or six reporters.

"Zhou Xitong, is this your boyfriend?"

"How long have you been together? Are you a business partner?"

"When will you get married? Where are you going to hold the wedding?"

These reporters are even more gossiping than the street aunts, and each of them is tricky and terrifying, and they directly define the nature of the incident.

"We are just friends, you can go away." Chen Hao dealt with the reporters and guarded Zhou Xitong to the door. Finally, a security guard took over and stopped the reporters outside.

This auction was conducted in private and no reporters were allowed inside.

"Boss Chen, Boss Chen, you must accept my interview when you come out!"

Among the reporters, there was a woman's voice. Chen Hao didn't need to look back to know that it was Zhu Min who had met during the day, but she was here too.

Chen Hao stretched out his hand in the air and made an "OK" gesture, which was an answer to her.

When I arrived at the venue, I saw Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong's people. They were very surprised. The handsome men and beautiful girls were amazing in their appearance, and their identities were not ordinary. Needless to say, Zhou Xitong, the famous domestic top 500 company Zhou's International Heir, strong woman, first beauty in Baihe City.

And Chen Hao is not bad, at least the staff at the Convention and Exhibition Center knows that Chen Hao is a good friend of Chairman Cui, and he can walk sideways in Baihe City.

Therefore, the combination of this pair is the second of the heavyweight guests tonight.

They made a high-profile appearance. After entering the venue, they saw another group of people in the seats, Qian Rongkai who had met during the day, and he was chatting for many people.

As a well-known wealthy businessman in the province, naturally many people come to hold the thighs.

The two groups met in this way.

"Qian Rongkai is here too?"

Zhou Xitong knew this person and had a bad impression of him, because a branch of Zhou's International had some economic disputes with Qian Rongkai's company, and he also had a lawsuit.Tianya Tiny Talk www.tywxs.com

"He also came to bid." Chen Hao explained to her.

When Qian Rongkai saw Chen Hao, his face was stunned. After all, he lost face in Chen Hao during the day. Now seeing Zhou Xitong with him makes him even more jealous.

"Why is this kid coming to Zhou International again?" Qian Rongkai's expression was gloomy.

If he is more informed, he will know that Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong have an extraordinary relationship. After all, the company is in the Zhou International Building.

Qian Rongkai pondered for a moment, then put on a false smile and walked over, reaching out and shaking hands with Zhou Xitong: "Zhou, long time no see."

Zhou Xitong did not shake hands with him, but just nodded faintly. Zhou's International was larger than Qian Rongkai's company, and the two were not of the same weight. Zhou Xitong was too lazy to shake hands with him.

Qian Rongkai's hands froze in the air, ignored by the beauty, and his face was sweeping.

Chen Hao was inexplicably happy, his own Tong Tong really knew what he wanted, and his mood was inexplicably comfortable.

Qian Rongkai's face was cold, and after putting down his hands, he asked tentatively: "Ms. Zhou also come to participate in the auction?"

Needless to say, Zhou's financial resources, if Zhou Xitong also participates in the auction, it will be difficult for Qian Rongkai. The auction price this time will definitely be a sky-high price.

He couldn't help but scolded the person in charge of the exhibition center in his heart. He gave him tens of thousands of yuan to get him stuck in the bidding application channel. In the end, he also recruited Zhou Xitong, and he became a fool.

He didn't know that Zhou Xitong was not qualified to bid, but only accompanied Chen Hao to take a look. He belonged to a group of relatives and friends.

"I came with a friend." Zhou Xitong said flatly that the China Garden is too expensive and has no commercial value for her, so she is not interested.

Qian Rongkai couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. As long as Zhou Xitong didn't participate, he hadn't paid attention to the other bidders.

He especially glanced at Chen Hao, and saw that Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong were close, and he blamed Chen Hao on the level of the face and the little white face. It is estimated that Zhou Xitong and Cui Yongbing got on the line. Thinking about this, Chen Hao’s threatening nature Straight down, I didn't think about it.

"You were always busy that week, I still have something to do."

After Qian Rongkai left, he went to call. Obviously he realized that he could not win the China Garden at a low price today, and asked his assistant to prepare more funds in his account to avoid losing the chain during the auction.

"Boss, there are more than 200 million in the account, shouldn't it be enough? It's already night, and it's a bit difficult to raise funds." The man reported.

"It should be enough. Although the China Garden is good, it is too bad to buy 200 million. I don't believe anyone is so stupid." Qian Rongkai made an empirical mistake.

Indeed, the price of more than 200 million villas in such a prefecture-level city is too high, but Qian Rongkai did not expect that some of the auctioneers do have financial resources and do not care about the money at all, only the living experience.

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