You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!"What's the matter?" Chen Hao asked.

"That's it. We were short on time just now and we didn't take care of it well, so we still look at Haihan."

With that said, Manager Pang took out a business card and handed it over with both hands. This is a familiar face.

"Okay, but I didn't bring my business card." Chen Hao said.

"You don't need a business card, I have your contact information, and now in Baihe, who doesn't know you!" Manager Pang flattered loudly.

Chen Hao reacted rather coldly and took a sip of the wine. Manager Pang understood at a glance that this was an order to evict customers, so he took the initiative to leave, so as not to bore the big man.

As soon as Manager Pang turned around, he saw Tan Boyang standing in front of him.

Contrary to Chen Hao's indifferent attitude, Tan Boyang saw this manager Pang and greeted him with surprise and joy: "Manager Pang, you are here too."

"Yeah." Manager Pang smiled when facing Chen Hao, but when he saw Tan Boyang, he became cold and cold.

Tan Boyang said flatly, "Manager Pang, I would like you to have a drink. This is a Bordeaux red wine in 2005, more than ten thousand yuan!"

"Stop drinking, I have something to do, and I will leave as soon as I come to see Boss Chen."

Manager Pang and him are only in business dealings, and they are not very familiar. Tan Boyang opened a building materials store, and Manager Pang was responsible for real estate development, so Tan Boyang wanted to cheat each other.

"You call him Boss Chen?" Tan Boyang asked in disbelief.

Manager Pang, who is his own father, respects Chen Hao so much, and makes him feel that the world is a bit unreal. When Chen Haoming was in school, he was still a poor man. How short a few months he became Looking up to the existence?

Originally, Manager Pang didn't take Tan Boyang seriously. He was just the smallest of the many building materials suppliers in the real estate company. Who knew that he had contact with Chen Hao. Manager Pang immediately changed his attitude and asked for details very closely.

"Chen Hao and I are alumni, and we are in big classes together." Unconsciously, Tan Boyang is already taking advantage of Chen Hao's relationship without any psychological burden.

"Oh, that's a good relationship. Go back to me and arrange more business for you." Manager Pang laughed, and now even the difficult orders are sent out.

"Thank you, thank you so much, I will definitely visit my door next day." Tan Boyang said happily.

Tan Boyang kept sending Manager Pang outside to the car. When he returned to the bar, he looked at Chen Hao's eyes differently. From the original display and contempt, he now turned into envy and horror.

Reminiscing about Zhu Min's words just now, and everything around him, the 200 million purchase of the China Garden does not seem to be groundless. Sure enough, the former alumnus Chen Hao has become an unattainable existence.

Chen Hao had finished drinking Chivas at this time and was about to leave. After walking out of the bar, Zhu Min hurriedly followed.

Tan Boyang was aroused by Zhu Min again, and he hurried to catch up, stopped Zhu Min in front of the parking lot and said, "Beauty, I'll see you off!"

Zhu Min seemed unheard of.

Chen Hao pressed the car key at this time, and Porsche's cool scissor door rose.The latest novel

Zhu Min took the initiative to ask, "Boss Chen, can you take me home?"

"Of course, I don't think I drank some wine, so I got in the car." Chen Hao said.

Zhu Min jumped into the car happily. It was the first time she took a Porsche, and she was very excited.

The door closed, Porsche was roaring away, while Tan Boyang stood in the parking lot, watching Chen Haoyuan go away blankly, his whole person messed up in the exhaust of the car.

Chen Hao sent Zhu Min back to the rented community and stopped.

"Thank you today, handsome guy Chen, don't worry, I will write your report wisely." Zhu Min said happily after getting off the car.

"Just remember to keep a low profile, don't forget the pseudonym." Chen Hao said.

"Okay, please follow the request!"

Zhu Min smiled and waved goodbye, then turned and entered the community.

Chen Hao also drove home. When he got home, he saw the property security guard at the gate of the community. He suddenly thought of one thing, that is, his Chinese garden is too big, and he really needs to hire a property company to help him take care of it. It's going to be a wasteland.

"To find a property company tomorrow." Chen Hao decided happily.


The next day, Chen Hao was going to find a property company, but after inquiring about the manager Pang, he learned that Zhonghua Park had a cooperative property company in the past, and their services were fair and the charges were not expensive. Chen Hao directly renewed the contract with them Just do it, don't bother to find it.

Chen Hao felt okay, so he made an appointment with the person in charge of the property company, and then signed the contract.

At breakfast time, when Xia Jing, who delivered the meal, learned that Chen Hao had spent more than 200 million to buy a villa area, stars appeared in her eyes, and she folded her hands together, admiringly said: "Boss, you are so amazing. My admiration for you is like a surging river, endless, and like the Yellow River overflowing, it is out of control."

"Why are you still memorizing the movie lines, don't be funny, give me normal." Chen Hao reprimanded.


Xia Jing smiled immediately. Of course she pretended to be just now, but she was very longing for the new villa group. She immediately pouted and began to pretend to be cute. She grabbed Chen Hao’s arm and began to shake, saying in a milky voice: "Boss Let me take a look at the villa. I really want to experience the feeling of living in a villa."

"It looks like the dormitory I assigned to you is in the community." Chen Hao deliberately reminded.

One of the reasons why he bought the villa was that Xia Jing was so small or too big. He often came to his room to make surprise attacks without any privacy at all. Now he still wants to live in the villa with him.

"There is no villa in the community!"

Xia Jing started the coquettish mode: "Boss, let me live in a villa. It's a big deal for me not to have a high salary. I will be a cow and a horse for you in my next life."

Chen Hao was amused by her: "You are talking about how to be a cow and a horse?"

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