You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Zhou Xitong's business nerves were really different. She saw it not for the pleasure of revenge the first time she saw it, but found that this was a good opportunity to strike at competitors.

She immediately greeted her assistant, sent this video to the public relations department of Zhou's International, took a shocking title like UC, promoted it on the whole network, and then bought a hot search and it was all alive, making Wei Tian anxious. Be thorough.

"Awesome!" Chen Hao gave Zhou Xitong a thumbs up. This move beat the dog in the water so badly that it relieved his anger and made him feel uncomfortable.

"I still have to thank you for taking such a low probability event and letting you capture it. I think Wei Tianyi must be crazy now." Zhou Xitong smiled.

"It's more than crazy."

Chen Hao laughed secretly in his heart. He encountered this kind of public relations crisis on the basis of losing one billion. The stock price of their group was about to fall sharply. The loss of tens of billions of dollars in the stock market would be the bulk.

"By the way, why did you transfer your deposit to me? Are you afraid that I will spend it for you?" Zhou Xitong asked suddenly.

"It's okay, just take it as the gift I paid in advance." Chen Hao doesn't care about these tens of millions.


Zhou Xitong's white cheeks were slightly flushed. In order to maintain her image, she quickly turned around, thinking in her heart that she didn't need so much bride price.

At noon, the passenger flow began to dwindle, and the take-out box lunches ordered by everyone arrived. Zhou Xitong and his subordinates shared the joys and sorrows together. This is the quality of a good leader.

Chen Hao was also mixed in, but he and Zhou Xitong sat at a small table alone for dinner, and their subordinates were not stupid, and no one came to make do with annoying people.

This box of lunch tastes good. The 68 yuan set meal contains fish, shrimp, beef, soup, and seasonal vegetables. However, Zhou Xitong feels that the taste is not right.

Her beautiful eyes looked at Chen Hao and asked, "Doraemon, do you bring fermented bean curd?"

Zhou Xitong's Doraemon with a universal pocket is of course Chen Hao.

"Of course, you say there is."

Chen Hao opened the interface through the ten billion subsidy vr mode, and then searched for fermented bean curd, and found Zhou Xitong's favorite flavor.

Wang Zhihe Hongfang fermented bean curd, the price is 16 yuan, the subsidy price is 14 yuan.

Chen Hao bought it without hesitation, then took it out of the bag he was carrying, opened it with bare hands, and shared food with Zhou Xitong.

"Um...very authentic taste."

Zhou Xitong took a bite and felt that the food had become more fragrant, but compared to gourmet food, she became more interested in Chen Hao's bag.

The two have been getting along for a long time. Chen Hao always has some magical abilities, and he carries her favorite things with him, which is incredible.Novel 3800

"Can I look at your bag? If it's convenient." Zhou Xitong was very curious now and asked a question that was not polite. After all, the handbag is a person's privacy.

"Just look, I'm not so particular about it." Chen Hao gave her the bag casually.

Zhou Xitong opened it and glanced at it. There are indeed some gadgets inside. Mobile phones, car keys, wallets, power banks, tissues, etc., are all daily necessities, but they don’t touch the Wang Zhi and fermented bean curd just taken out. Zhou Xitong still can’t understand why. There will be fermented bean curd in his bag.

"I have learned magic before, you know." Chen Hao arranged for himself an excuse that sounded more reliable.


Zhou Xitong returned the bag to Chen Hao, but asked casually: "You still use perfume, I didn't smell it."

Chen Hao was immediately embarrassed. It was the Drunk Dream perfume that Sister Zhen gave him. I forgot it just now. Fortunately, Zhou Xitong didn't know him, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

"Uh, I haven't opened the package yet." Chen Hao then covered it up.

Zhou Xitong nodded, then stopped questioning.

In the afternoon, it was another busy start. Zhou's International was crowded with customers from home and abroad to visit.

Soon, there was a foreign blond boy who came here with a brand name, and was accompanied by many entourages. There were two translators, one man and one woman, and reporters filming.

After the blond boy arrived, he did not look at the product, but was searching for beauties. When he saw the beautiful Zhou Xitong in the background, his eyes lit up and he shouted: "MISS Zhou, long time no see."

This sentence is spoken in American Chinese and the intonation is extremely strange.

"Mr. George, hello." Zhou Xitong met this blond boy and walked up to say hello.

However, Chen Hao keenly noticed the eyes of the blond boy named George. They were old-fashioned eyes. As a man, he couldn't be more familiar with him. Chen Hao felt unhappy in his heart and followed him.

"Dear Zhou, the last time I hurriedly met in Magnesium, there was no detailed discussion. It is a pity that I made a special trip to see you this time and found that you have become more beautiful!"

Blond George changed to English and said nasty things, and then reached out to grab Zhou Xitong's jade hand, just to give a kiss.

Zhou Xitong knew that this was a habit of foreigners, and it was not easy to reject this consortium under the public, so he acquiesced.

As a result, when George was about to succeed, a pair of powerful hands suddenly stretched out beside him, leading Zhou Xitong's jade hands ahead of time, making George rush away.

Of course it was Chen Hao who made the shot. He did not allow his woman to be kissed by another man, even if it was a normal etiquette abroad.

Chinese men, that's how willful.

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