I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 209 My Mother Wants To See You

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!"By the way, are you free recently?" Zhou Xitong asked suddenly.

Chen Hao thought she wanted to give herself a chance to make money, and then nodded, he could do it anytime.

Obviously, the clever Bingxue Zhou Xitong saw that Chen Hao had misunderstood, and quickly explained: "It's not what you think, it's my mother who wants to see you..."

"Huh? Mother-in-law wants to see me, so I have to prepare well."

Chen Hao suddenly had a sense of mission. Although there is an old saying that the mother-in-law sees her son-in-law, she is more satisfied with her look, but this is related to whether she can marry Zhou Xitong smoothly in the future.

"The ginseng you sold last time, my mother only took it for good health, so she wanted to know you as a person."

Zhou Xitong's fair face flushed slightly, and she rarely showed a shy expression. The more she said, the lower her voice, obviously she didn't believe this excuse.

Zhou's mother came to visit Chen Hao this time, in fact, she wanted to see what her daughter’s new boyfriend was like. Although Zhou Xitong concealed everyone’s relationship with Chen Hao, as the mother who knew her daughter best, how could she not see her daughter? Recent changes?

Zhou Xitong originally went out early and returned late. He wore almost the same OL suits and skirts and other work clothes every day. To make-up, he also simply dressed up. He usually acts in a rush, chatting with his mother and always talking about work.

However, just over half a month ago, Zhou Xitong suddenly seemed to have changed. He likes to buy some nice and beautiful clothes, he likes to make-up, and his style is much gentler, and sometimes he stares at the phone and giggles. This is the first time a little girl fell in love. The usual performance of the time, and although Zhou Xitong is more than 20 years old, he has not been in a relationship, which is understandable.

And Zhou Mu, as a person who came over, couldn’t see it, plus yesterday when he went home yesterday, Zhou Xitong walked a little unnaturally, so her mother knew it well, so she told Zhou Xitong to bring people back and she saw it, Zhou Xitong explained There are no chances, and they can't even hide them, so they can only do so.

However, Chen Hao understood that when he went to meet his future mother-in-law this time, he would definitely show it, so he asked Zhou Xitong what his mother-in-law liked in her daily life.

"My mother usually believes in Buddhism, eats a fast, and goes out as a gathering among Buddhist friends. There is no special preference." Zhou Xitong said.

A person is afraid that there is no need. For those who are devoted to the Buddha, there is even less demand. Last time Chen Hao accompanied Zhou Xitong to buy a Buddhist bead bracelet.

Gifts must be sent to the other person's heart. Zhou Xitong gave a broad answer here, and Chen Hao needs to make his own decision.

"Is there a picture of my mother? I will pay close attention to it." Chen Hao cheeked and "brought closer" the relationship between the two.

"We haven't reached that level of relationship yet. Don't call it that when you see my mother." Zhou Xitong was ashamed and anxious.


Chen Hao was overwhelmed. He liked to tease Zhou Xitong the most. He didn't expect that she would get the bait right away. It is really not fun to see a strong woman who is so powerful in the business world and such a small woman.

Zhou Xitong was also concerned and confused. After reacting, he glared at Chen Hao "viciously". However, that look seemed to be about flirting.

But she still took out her mobile phone and showed Chen Hao a picture of her mother.New Novel City www.xxsc.cc

In the photo, a woman in plain clothes sits dignified and looks like she is in her fifties. There is Zhou Xitong's charm between her eyebrows. It is undoubtedly her mother, but her face is not very good because of her illness all the year round. , And people are very thin.

"Why is our mother so thin?" Chen Hao asked.

"My mother has been sick and only eats fast food. She has a small appetite and is a little malnourished." Zhou Xitong sighed, but she didn't notice. She has no objection to Chen Hao's name "Our mother". Maybe she has acquiesced in her heart. Their relationship.

"Yes, I will not only give my mother some Buddhist treasures, and then invite her old man to eat a fast meal, what do you think?" Chen Hao thought suddenly.

"It's okay, but my mother has no appetite for any kind of food, so she just eats white rice. Those greasy fast food can't be eaten even more." Zhou Xitong said sadly.

"It depends on who does it, and I know a great cook."

"Oh really?"

"Of course it is true. Do you remember when I opened the business, I told you that the beautiful woman was my chef?" Chen Hao was referring to Xia Jing.

Women's brain circuits have always been very strange, they automatically filter key information, and they are particularly sensitive to "the opposite sex" to their sweetheart.

Zhou Xitong immediately said sourly: "You mean that girl from Hungarian University? Do you men like women with good bodies?"

Chen Hao was speechless: "Where are you going, I mean, that Xia Jing's ancestor was an imperial chef, and he cooked top-notch dishes. If I let her cook Zhai, my mother would definitely like it."

"Answer me, do you like big girls?"

Zhou Xitong didn't speak, but stared at Chen Hao with blazing eyes, she was still struggling with the question just now.

Chen Hao spread his hands together: "Well, I solemnly answer, yours is very big, I am very satisfied."


Zhou Xitong uttered a word, but he also agreed with Chen Hao's suggestion to invite his mother to eat Zhaifan.

That's all, the time is set for tomorrow evening, so that Chen Hao can prepare gifts and fast food in advance. As for the place to eat, he will simply be in the China Garden. Then let his mother get a taste of Chen Hao's industry.

As a result, the two left the meeting room, but before leaving, Chen Hao printed a mouthful on Zhou Xitong's scented cheek.

"Oh, it's all your saliva!"

Zhou Xitong's complaints were both tender and annoying, which seemed to be a special way of acting like a baby.

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