You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!The old man had to look at other places. When he saw the seasoning, he said, "Is oil, salt, sauce and vinegar these ordinary goods?"

Xia Jing explained: "These are all high-end seasonings available on the market. Your granddaughter and I don't know how to use guilty stuff."

"Vinegar is apple cider vinegar? Soy sauce only has light soy sauce and dark soy sauce? This is home-cooked food, but you can't make imperial meal-level fast food." Xia Lao said critically.

"Oh? What brand of seasoning do you always want, as long as you tell it, I will buy it for you." Chen Hao said.

Xia Lao said: "You buy it? Are you buying it? Those top seasonings are customized by famous chefs. The annual output is limited and they are exclusively for state banquets. They are not available in supermarkets."

Xia Jing knew the magic of Chen Hao, and said teasingly: "Grandpa, if you don't tell me, how do you know that Chen Hao can't buy the spices?"

"Okay, I'll just talk about it, you can listen carefully!"

Mr. Xia began to declare the name of the dish and said: "The Lee Kum Kee soy sauce in Hong Kong is suitable for steaming, and Changchun's Beikang soy sauce is suitable for braising, eating white chicken, dipping in Shaoxing soil soy sauce, eating seafood, using blue seafood soy sauce!"

"As for vinegar, there are four famous vinegars in my country, namely Shanxi old vinegar, Zhenjiang balsamic vinegar, Zhejiang rice vinegar, and Baoning vinegar. Among them, Baoning vinegar is the only medicinal vinegar. The color of old vinegar is black and purple. Astringent, fragrant and slightly sweet, the color is strong and the taste is fresher, the more mellow it is, the rice vinegar is known for its lightness, suitable for people with clear mouth, as a chef, these are all necessary, do you have it here?"

I thought that Chen Hao had been stunned, but Chen Hao had already opened the tens of billions of subsidies in VR mode at the same time, and clicked to buy these things.

Lee Kum Kee Soy Sauce (Special Edition), 500ml, priced at 138 yuan, with a subsidy price of 0.9 yuan.

Beikang soy sauce (special edition), 200ml, priced at 117 yuan, subsidized price 0.7 yuan.

Zhenjiang Fragrant Vinegar (Special Edition), 300ml, priced at 131 yuan, with a subsidy price of 0.85 yuan.


These seasonings, which are regarded as classic by Xia Lao, are generally not available in supermarkets. They are sold only in a few channels. It is difficult for normal people to get them in a short period of time. However, in Chen Hao's case, it is just a workload with fingers.

"Look, are these?"

Chen Hao asked a few buddies to go to the warehouse to bring all the seasonings that had just been put in the warehouse. Old Xia was shocked again. After checking it over, it was indeed the one he asked for, and the bottle was not bad.

Old Xia used his eyes to blame his granddaughter. When chatting on WeChat, he said that he didn't buy these condiments. Why do they have them now?

Old Xia suspected that his granddaughter had completely taken refuge in Chen Hao, and joined hands with him.

However, after Chen Hao ordered all the necessary items as required, Father Xia also extinguished his continued probing behavior. Being able to have these shows that Chen Hao really wants to do high-end catering. Generally, low-end restaurants would never prepare. These expensive kitchenware and condiments, he indirectly recognized Chen Hao.

"Okay, the fast food for the evening will be ready around 5:30." Old Xia finally agreed to cook.I love e-books

"Thank you Mr. Xia." Chen Hao thanked him earnestly. He respected the old man very much.

A buddy nearby complained to Chen Hao in private, who is this old man, why is he so picky, and he respects him so much.

"This is Chef Xia's grandfather. Chef Xia's cooking skills are all learned from her grandfather. Do you want to respect it?" Chen Hao asked.

This guy slapped his tongue when he heard it. The people in their restaurant like to eat Xia Jing’s food. Even Xia Jing who only knows only a few dishes is so delicious. Then Grandpa Xia must be too strong, restaurant guy. Don't dare to neglect this time.

At noon, Chen Hao arranged for Father Xia to eat in the restaurant.

Xia Lao is here for lunch, so I definitely don’t need someone else to cook it. Xia Lao exposed his hand. In 20 minutes, he made eight dishes and one soup. During this period, it also includes pretreatment, washing, heating, cooking and other processes. match.

Chen Hao went to the sidelines and watched Xia Lao cook. The four stoves fired at the same time. Each Zhangqiu iron pot was spooned a few times. Before the dishes stopped in the pot, he went to the other one. It was almost acrobatics. The same, only to see the shadow of Xia Lao's hands, the dishes in the pot flew up and down, without a piece of it falling out.

For this cooking skill, I can apply for the Guinness World Records.

Chen Hao was amazed when she watched, but Xia Jing yawned when she watched. She was tired of seeing big things since she was a child.

After a while, all eight dishes and one soup were out of the pot, and they were all served on the table. Chen Hao was attracted by a burst of strange fragrance. After smelling it, his appetite was greatly appetite.

"Taste my craft." Old Xia pushed several dishes to Xia Jing and Chen Hao.

"Boss, you eat first!"

Xia Jing smiled and gave Chen Hao some dishes. It was not a pleasure to see Mr. Xia, she sighed inwardly: "Girls are outgoing..."

Chen Hao stepped on Xia Jing's foot under the table, indicating that she should love the old and the young.

Xia Jing suddenly remembered that Grandpa was still here, so she put a piece of prawn into Grandpa's bowl and let his elderly eat it first.

"It's about the same."

Old Xia was also a little arrogant, and ate the prawns his granddaughter gave him.

Chen Hao also took a bite of prawns. The taste of salt and pepper is very delicious. After chewing, the shrimp meat is pliable, and the salt and pepper conceal the fishy smell of seafood. It tastes not more delicious.

"Well, it's delicious!"

Chen Hao took another chopstick to slip the tofu, which looked greasy and swayed back and forth on the chopsticks, but it was not broken.

After eating this piece of tofu, it burst like jelly in the mouth, but it was filled with hot heat, which made Chen Hao hot, hissing haha, while the tofu pieces were extremely slippery and went down the esophagus. .

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