I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 215 Future Mother-in-law

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!The grandparents of the Xia family are busy in the kitchen, while Chen Hao is already at the door ready to welcome guests.

Soon, the Bentley that Zhou Xitong often sat in drove over, and when the car stopped, Chen Hao went to help open the door, and Zhou Xitong helped her mother get in and out of the car.

Compared with the photo, Zhou's mother is more dignified and thinner, but she seems to be wearing makeup today, she looks very rich and looks like she is forty-six or seventeen years old, not very old.

"Hello Auntie!" Chen Hao bowed in response. No matter how good a man is in society, he must be pious when he sees his future mother-in-law.

Zhou Mu also looked up and down Chen Hao, nodding secretly in her heart, she was indeed a talent.

Old people usually have the ability to know people, and Chen Hao is righteous and energetic, really like a dragon and a phoenix.

"Hello." Mother Zhou nodded faintly, and then pushed away Zhou Xitong's supporting hand to make her step up the steps.

Chen Hao looked funny, Zhou Xitong’s strong woman character was probably inherited from her mother.

It was getting dark at this time, and Chen Hao asked the property staff to turn on the lights, and the entire China Garden was lit up. Various lighting and RGB lights were brilliant and colorful.

Zhou Xitong's mother and daughter and Chen Hao were visiting the yard and wandering around. The scenery here is as good as visiting a park.

"You bought this garden?" Zhou Mu asked suddenly.

"Yes." Chen Hao replied honestly.

If you put it on others, you have to brag about how expensive the garden is and how awesome it is, but Chen Hao doesn't like bragging. Besides, Zhou Xitong's mother believes in Buddhism, not a secular old lady, and certainly doesn't have much pursuit of money.

Facts have proved that Chen Hao's idea was completely correct. Zhou Mu was noncommittal. Then he walked around the courtyard and arrived at Chen Hao's completely antique-style main villa, where he would have dinner here today.

Walking into the house, Zhou Xitong, who came here for the first time, was also a little surprised. It was very suitable for making costume dramas. I didn't think it was Chen Hao's residence. I couldn't help but applaud it. The decoration took a lot of thought.

Zhou Xitong didn't know that this was the proud work of the beautiful chef Xia Jing.

"Auntie, please sit down!"

Chen Hao let Zhou Mu sit at the head of the Eight Immortals Table.

Because the family hasn't hired a nanny, Chen Hao personally went to make tea and served Zhou Xitong's mother and daughter.

The tea used this time is also very particular, the authentic West Lake Longjing, 20,000 yuan per catty, the tea is green and green, the tea is overflowing, and it is a top-quality tea.

Now the first and second youngsters are sitting down, Zhou Xitong and Chen Hao are looking at each other, not knowing what Zhou Mu is thinking now.Three K Novel Network www.kkkxs.com

Zhou Mu suddenly asked: "How long have you known Tongtong?"

This question made both of them startled, and neither of them had counted the number of days.

Chen Hao was recalling that when he first saw Zhou Xitong, she sold her 100-year-old ginseng. It seemed that they hadn’t known each other for long. However, the two of them had been in love with each other and had an intimate relationship. The progress was rapid.

Chen Hao finally calculated the days and reported the number: "21 days."

Zhou Xitong was also surprised when he heard this number. The two people have not known each other for a month?Why do you feel that you have long known each other?

"21 days..." Mother Zhou couldn't see anything on her expression, but Chen Hao felt that her old man was not satisfied, maybe the time was too short, thinking that the two were together impulsively.

Chen Hao sternly said: "Auntie, although Xitong and I have known each other for a short time, we are sincere."

Zhou Mu then said: "You young people pay attention to feelings, love, we older generations look farther away, sometimes, the feelings are not hot for a while, but accompanied by day and night, you can guarantee that when Xitong is old and not beautiful , Will you still love her?"

This question is quite sharp, but Chen Hao has a clear conscience and immediately nodded his head to answer: "Yes."

"This needs to be proved by actual actions, but I am not optimistic, Xitong has never been in a relationship, you are also very young, and you are destined to make many mistakes."

Zhou Mu's expressions and actions indicate that she does not approve of two people being together, which is quite obvious.


Zhou Xitong was a bit unwilling and wanted to explain, but Zhou's mother waved her hand to stop: "You are my daughter, I know your personality, and will not listen to me, but my opinion is very clear. I hope you can keep your distance. The two are not suitable."

Chen Hao frowned, how well the future mother-in-law came out to disrupt the situation, it really added obstacles to his love life.

Chen Hao stopped Zhou Xitong's quarrel with his mother. Now that he is quarreling, Zhou's mother will not blame her daughter, but will only spread grievances on him, so what she needs most at this time is a calm mood.

Chen Hao said: "It's okay, auntie, come here today as a guest at my house. Let's not talk about other things, but specialize in food. I specially invited a chef from outside to cook a table of Zhaifan. I hope you like it."

"I don't have any preference for food, so I don't eat food. I have visited my home, so I'll leave."

Zhou Mu stood up and wanted to leave. This was the rhythm of "severance of grace". This trip was troublesome. Chen Hao quickly gave Zhou Xitong a wink and kept her mother.

"Mom, it's impolite to leave when you come here, don't you want to teach me to be kind to others? Why do you do it now? Chen Hao just helped me on the board of directors, otherwise I was made difficult by Yu Hong and others. Does that make me treat my friends?"

Zhou Xitong's words caused Zhou's mother to stop. She thought for a moment, then sat back on the chair, planning to eat this meal.

Chen Hao let out a long sigh of relief. Others are now begging to eat with him, but now he is begging Zhou's mother to come and have a meal, no trouble, who made her the mother of Zhou Xitong, can only hope that this meal will turn the tide and promote it. Weng and son-in-law feelings of both parties.

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