I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 220 Recruitment Interview

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!"So I know you best. I know that a good man like you will definitely attract butterflies. An ordinary girl like me will definitely not be able to enjoy you alone. It will be cheaper for you. No matter how many girls you have in the future, remember, I want Be the boss!"

Xia Jing clenched a fist with one hand, with her thumb facing herself, as if the queen was king over the world. This moment was particularly fanciful.

Chen Hao was a little stunned. The amount of information in this sentence was a bit too large. Did Xia Jing agree that he was with Zhou Xitong and Cao Rui?And she is confessing to herself?Want to be the main house?

This does not seem to be an idea that a woman in the 21st century should have. Chen Hao couldn't argue whether this was the truth or a joke.

"I'm not kidding," Xia Jing said emphatically, "I am also a woman, and I also have selfishness, but I know my strength. Zhou Xitong is richer than me, more beautiful than me, more capable than me, Cao Rui is gentler and more capable than me. Be considerate, and the most important thing is to know you earlier than me, so I don’t blame you. Before you get married, I will play fair with them."

Xia Jing raised her head proudly.

"Did you drink too much tonight?"

Chen Hao felt that Xia Jing's head was a bit broken, and for a while he said that he wanted to be the East Palace, and for a while he wanted to compete fairly.

"I also think that since I fell in love with you like this, my head is a bit messy, so this time we spent together made me think about it, and I believe I will make the most correct decision!"

Xia Jing pursed her mouth, watching Chen Hao's eyes gradually soften, and then smiled slyly, she stood on tiptoe, put her arm around Chen Hao's neck, took a savagely on his mouth, and even made Chen Hao strong. The pain, when they finally separated, they made a loud "pop".

"Oh, you belong to a mosquito?"

Chen Hao hurriedly checked, his cheeks were hot, and it was estimated that he would be bruised in a while. This strength was comparable to cupping.

"Haha, that's the price of your effort!"

Xia Jing left a series of silver bells of laughter, and ran back to her room.

"crazy girl!"

Chen Hao scolded him, but after thinking about it, he was still inexplicably refreshed. There is such a hot girl who likes herself and doesn't mind her being passionate. Such a good girl can be met but not sought.


On the second day, Chen Hao posted information about the recruitment of babysitters and waiters in China Park on the major recruitment websites of the province. It was urgently recruited, with good treatment, negotiable salary, board and lodging, and villa-level living conditions.

This recruitment was so attractive, and then there were constant calls coming in.

Chen Hao decided to interview these babysitters in person, and had to do it before the housewarming banquet.94haoshu.com www.94haoshu.com

After more than a day of preparations, Chen Hao held an interview in China Garden the next day. Xia Jing was responsible for helping him maintain order and acting as an HR.

This recruitment is mainly for young women. Chen Hao does not require looks and figure, but at least it must be able to reach the upper-middle level, not to be scary. Of course, seductive girls are better, and the salary can be higher.

This is not a nasty idea, but even the nanny at home is a group of beautiful women, and they will definitely have a lot of face in front of the guests.

At noon that day, Chen Hao deliberately set up a parasol outdoors, and placed a freezer with iced drinks next to it for the applicants to drink.

This recruitment is mainly for two positions, one is the babysitter responsible for housework and daily living, and the other is the receptionist, similar to the front desk of a company, responsible for guest reception, logistics management and other chores. Of course, the receptionist is The facade of the China Garden has certain appearance requirements.

Usually interviews need to come one by one, but there are 86 interviewers who signed up today, most of them are girls. If they interview one by one, it is estimated that Chen Hao will not have to do anything today. Chen Hao has the idea to come up with A good way to screen talents.

He told Xia Jing to pass on, and all interviewers had to wait in the yard for a while.

But standing and baking under the sun, which is known as the autumn tiger, these interviewing women cherish their skin and use umbrellas or fans, but they still can't resist the sun's scorching heat, and the sweat is so hot.

"I have been drying here for more than ten minutes, will it start? It's dead!"

"That is, can you arrange it better, your legs are sore."

"Who, we are here for the interview, not to be exposed!"

Soon, some spoiled girls began to complain and complain, and they were even more hot-tempered. They even scolded Chen Hao, the person in charge of this recruitment.

So they didn't hold on for fifteen minutes in the sun. Some people quit the interview and left the Chinese Garden.

And Chen Hao was sitting under the parasol at this time, observing every move of the group of interviewers.

Xia Jing praised from the side: "Boss, your sun exposure method is really effective, and you have sifted out those spoiled sisters Daiyu."

Chen Hao smiled. He hired a nanny and receptionist, similar to a receptionist or a public relations lady. He is usually responsible for some housework and chores. When there is something to do, he has a certain degree of work intensity. The meeting can't hold on, so that they can't endure hardship, these people are destined to be unable to meet his requirements, and leave early and save trouble.

Chen Hao intends to let these people dry for twenty minutes, and if he can persist, he can at least bear hardships and stand hard work.

Although this is a bit unkind, anyone who hasn't been screened and left early can get a gift at the door before leaving. They are all daily necessities such as towels and shampoo. They are not worth much, but they won't let them go for nothing. , So as to eliminate the grievances of those eliminated.

While waiting, Chen Hao opened the 10 billion subsidy app and saw a red exclamation mark that was very eye-catching, and there was new news.

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