You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Seeing Chen Hao's departure, Xia Jing stomped her shoes heavily, her mouth pouting.

Although they felt uncomfortable, Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong were both single, and they couldn't control how they interacted. Xia Jing was too emotional and could not interfere, so she could only sulk herself.

However, she seemed to have thought of something, humming happily in a blink of an eye, walked into the door, and let the security guard close the door.

At the China Garden, after a day of noisy, finally ushered in a quiet night.

Chen Hao returned to the room again and lay back on the slightly messy bed, feeling the fragrance of the Iraqi still on the pillow. Recalling the heat, Chen Hao couldn't help but turn up the corner of his mouth, forming a charming arc.

Zhou Xitong was cold to people outside, but when the two were private, they were so hot that they couldn't help forgetting the time before playing until midnight.

But it was not time to go to bed, Chen Hao called Xing Zetao to ask if the troublemaker could find out.

"No, I just hacked into the traffic monitoring system, and I'm checking surveillance video." Xing Zetao said.

"Okay, you rest early, don't make it too late, talk about it tomorrow." Chen Hao said.

"Okay, I'll fall asleep in a while." Xing Zetao agreed.

Chen Hao then took a shower, then returned to the bed, smelling the scent left by Zhou Xitong on the pillow, and slowly fell asleep.

The next day, Chen Hao got up early in the morning and saw that the banquet venue last night was already neat and clean, and there were no traces of it. It seemed that everyone was busy until late last night.

Yesterday, the guests generally responded well to the subordinates he hired, which gave him a lot of face. Chen Hao felt that he could give them red envelopes as a reward.

Chen Hao sent a 5,000 yuan red envelope to the WeChat group named "China Garden Elite Group". In this way, there are more than 20 people in the group, and each subordinate can grab two or three hundred red envelopes. The atmosphere is enthusiastic. Fortunately, there are red envelopes, which makes them more motivated to work.

At this time, Chen Hao suddenly received a call from Xing Zetao.

"Brother Hao, I found it. These grandsons are really hard to find. They use a licensed car!"

Xing Zetao couldn't hold back his pride in his tone, and then told Chen Hao the information he found.

It turned out that the trouble was caused by Brother Snake yesterday. After investigation, the backbone of Snake was caught up, and some small fish and shrimps were released because there was no evidence.

However, this group of gangsters used to rely on Snake to do their best. Now that they lost their backing, they became lonely ghosts. They went everywhere and were unsatisfactory. Later, Qian Rongkai found them and said that they were looking for Chen Hao. The trouble, they hit it off.

Brother Snake’s subordinates followed Brother Snake for a long time, and they were contaminated with Snake’s sinister and venomous character, so the big stones blocking the road and cutting the electric wires were all made by them. Qian Rongkai provided financial support and transferred 30,000 yuan to them. Money is regarded as employment expenses.

There is evidence of these circumstances. Xing Zetao then sent the surveillance footage, transfer and call records he found to Chen Hao's mobile phone.Baiyue Novel Network

Chen Hao saw such detailed evidence and understood that all of this was true. Snake brother's remnants were indeed abominable, but in the final analysis, Qian Rongkai was the one who was instigating him, and he was the black hand behind him.

"Qian Rongkai, your good days are over!"

Chen Hao said harshly, the Liangzi of the two was irreconcilable, and Chen Hao wanted him to pay the price he deserved.

But seeing so much evidence, Xing Zetao didn't sleep for almost all night, and Chen Hao said gratefully: "Lao Xing, thanks."

"Thank you, who are we buddies with whom!" Xing Zetao chuckled, "Okay, I will wash my face and eat some breakfast to make up for a rest, and when I wake up, go find them together."

"You go to sleep, I can handle this by myself." Chen Hao then hung up the phone.

Now that the housewarming banquet has been settled, Chen Hao has nothing to do with everything, and his only task is to avenge those social scum.

Those brothers of Snake, as long as they report to the police and provide the monitoring, they will definitely be asked to go to the police station to squat in the cell. These little guys are not worthy of his attention. The real difficulty is Qian Rongkai.

Qian Rongkai is a well-known entrepreneur in the province. He owns the Rongkai Group, a listed company with billions of assets. It is very difficult to bring it down. He also has a position in society. Violence is not desirable. It is best to use economic means to let Qian Rongkai's becoming a pauper was the greatest punishment for him.

Such wealthy and unkind businessmen should do so.

Chen Hao is not a business prodigy. If you want to use economic means to bring down Qian Rongkai, you must find someone, that is, the underground girlfriend Zhou Xitong. Her own woman understands business operations, and if she swallows Qian Rongkai’s business, there is a high probability that she can still drink two sips. Tang, if you have this good thing, of course you have to get your own woman to make money together.

Chen Hao immediately drove to Zhou's International Building.

"Hello Mr. Chen!"

"Mr Chen early!"

As soon as he entered the gate of Zhou's International Building, the senior staff of Zhou's International passing by were all greeting Chen Hao.

They are the most informed in the group. Although they have not made it public, the ambiguity of their beautiful president and Chen Hao can not escape the eyes of the masses. They have been widely spread within the group and become the most popular talks of the group.

According to his status, Chen Hao is the future husband and wife of Zhou's International, and of course their employees have to curry favor.


Chen Hao smiled and nodded in return, and then got on the elevator leading upstairs. When some employees saw Chen Hao taking the elevator, they all voluntarily withdrew, not daring to squeeze with Ma Ye.

Now Chen Hao is in the Zhou clan, he is also a powerful figure.

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