I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 255: Be Careful I Eat You

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!Xia Jing was originally in good shape. Today she is still wearing a small leather skirt with suspenders. Her long white legs are too eye-catching, and she has a black collar around her white neck. It seems that men and women who have some special hobbies like to let their spouses Wearing a collar and pretending to be a cat or dog can add to the fun.

Especially with Xia Jing's hot figure and this attractive dress, Chen Hao thought of the ambiguous idea for a moment.

"Guilty, sin!"

Chen Hao realized that and hurriedly cleared up his distracting thoughts, all blamed on alcohol, and his concentration was much worse.

"Knowing that you drank a lot of alcohol, I deliberately boiled sober soup, drink it quickly."

Xia Jing obediently opened the food box. Inside was a dark red translucent sober soup. Chen Hao was shocked by the smell of ginger. He remembered that the sober soup was quite effective, so he wanted to pick it up and drink it.

"Boss, don't move, just let us come!"

Xia Jing took the initiative to take the spoon and scooped a spoon of warm sober soup, then knelt in front of Chen Hao and put the spoon to his mouth.

This treatment is no one.

Chen Hao was indulged in such dedicated service, as if he was in a top clubhouse, but the girls around him were not those dusty women, but Xiaojiabiyu, beautiful and pure, which was not an ordinary enjoyment.

Chen Hao sat happily, opened his mouth and let Xia Jing feed him soup.

With one spoon or two spoons, Xia Jing was not impatient at all. Instead, she had fun. She seemed to be serving Chen Hao and she felt happy.

Of course, Xia Jing didn't repay Chen Hao for processing the money, but mixed other emotional factors.

Suddenly, the two did not cooperate properly, and a little sober soup poured from the corner of Chen Hao's mouth.

The nanny girl next to her hurriedly wiped Chen Hao with her handkerchief. The handkerchief and the girl's hands were fragrant. This treatment completely exceeded Chen Hao's expectations. At least he did not see other nanny with this sense of service.

"Who did you learn this from?"

Chen Hao issued a question, because in the first few days when these girls were employed, although they were respectful to him, they did not have so many routines. Now it seems that they have been trained in high-end clubs for several months. They are completely following the way to please him. service.

"I brought them to the rehearsal, do you like it?" Xia Jing blinked her big eyes and said delicately.

Xia Jing is now sitting on the floor on her knees, and Chen Hao's top-down gaze makes it easy for her to have a full view of her heart.

"It's fake to say that I don't like it, but it makes me a little bit..."

Chen Hao wanted to say "It made him want to commit a crime", but fortunately, reason prevailed and changed his words temporarily "It made me feel very sorry."

Wu Dan explained with a smile: "The boss should not have this kind of thought. You are good to us. Of course we will try our best to repay you. Xia Jing told us that you like this, and we also think it is feasible. So we rehearsed for a while and we will serve you. This master will not be very tired either."

"Yes, yes, I have Miss Xia's delicious food every day, and I can still live in the villa. The salary is also one of the best in the industry. We are very satisfied." A nanny girl expressed her thoughts.

"You don't feel wronged."

Chen Hao was relieved, since he was willing and he was enjoying it, there was no reason to stop it.

"Boss, you can rest assured and enjoy it. You will be our master in the future. We can meet any requirements!" Xia Jing let out a bewitching wink and electric Chen Hao.

The speaker has the heart, and the listener has the heart. The other girls think of other aspects, and they can't help but blush. They are thinking wildly. If Master Chen Hao really makes a request, then they will refuse or obey, it is difficult. Topic selection.

This issue is difficult even for model girls who are self-cleaning.

In the past, they hated the criticism of their bosses, but during the time they were in contact with Chen Hao, they were attracted by Chen Hao’s elegant demeanor and hearty temperament. Unconsciously, their attitude towards Chen Hao has undergone subtle changes. , So that even this privacy issue began to hesitate.

However, Chen Hao was not a stallion. He coughed and deliberately pretended not to understand the meaning of Xia Jing's words, and drank the sober soup with peace of mind.

The sweet and sour sober soup dilutes the liquor in his stomach and makes Chen Hao's spirit sober.

Chen Hao looked at his watch, it was already ten o'clock in the evening, and said, "Okay, thank you for your excellent service. I am very satisfied. It's late. You go back to rest early."

"Yes, good night boss!"

The girls bowed together, then filed out, leaving Xia Jing in the living room.

"Why don't you leave?" Chen Hao asked her.

"Do you want me to go?"

Xia Jing mischievously squeezed her eyes and put on a charming poss, which seemed to suggest that she wanted to stay.

"Don't challenge my concentration, be careful I eat you!"

Chen Hao used Jiu Jin to speak his mind. As the saying goes, wine is a sex matchmaker. He has feelings for Xia Jing, and if Xia Jing is so proactive, he may be unable to control it at any time.

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