You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Zhou Xitong felt the maddening feeling of pushing her back again, and couldn't help but scream. This is a rather novel experience. I never dreamed of riding in such a fast car before, and she would only be able to get in with Chen Hao. So rest assured, if others drive so fast, she will stop early in the morning.

Chen Hao stepped on the accelerator and glanced at the speedometer from the corner of his eye. He saw that it had reached 260 yards, and the engine roared and began to approach its maximum power. At this time, you can see that the price of a sports car is reflected. The car, not to mention that it cannot be driven at this speed, it is reached, and because of the unreasonable structure, it is likely to float or be out of balance, and then there will be a rollover accident.

Once the car overturns at such a high speed, it means car crashes.

And this Koenigsegg is still very stable at this speed, and the assisted steering system allows him to remain quite stable when changing lanes without any trouble.

"Good car!"

Chen Hao praised it in his heart. No wonder the car is so expensive. There is a reason why it is expensive. It is not impossible to drive a domestic car of tens of thousands, but to drive comfortably and speed, you must have a luxury sports car.

Chen Hao is constantly accelerating here, and Ferrari near the lane is not to be outdone. The young man in sunglasses has been stepping on the accelerator and not letting go, and the speed is also increasing. You chase me and ride the dust.

Chen Hao saw that the hand of the watch was close to the bottom limit of the speedometer. It was 270 yards. At this speed, the surrounding vehicles were really stationary. He needed to switch lanes constantly to avoid other vehicles, and the speed was too fast. When turning, I feel an uncontrollable dangerous feeling in the car body.

Chen Hao had to work very hard to control the steering wheel and throttle, and switch to manual gear at critical moments. This is quite a test of driving skills and responsiveness. If there is a slight difference, he will crash into other vehicles.

Up to this point, the speed of the two is comparable, and if you want to exceed each other in speed, you have to be more aggressive.

The two cars rushed through a high-speed speed measurement point at the same time. Their speeding images were quickly captured by the surveillance system. The afterimages of the video shocked the traffic police who saw it. This is no longer driving fast. It's flying too low.

This kind of serious speeding behavior is likely to cause major traffic accidents. Therefore, several police cars drove immediately and went to different sections to intercept. The two racers who were at the center of the incident also faced a choice.

Chen Hao realized that although he could still accelerate, it was already quite dangerous. Now that he is approaching the highway entrance of another city, the number of vehicles is gradually increasing. Biaoche is prone to accidents. It is too unworthy to gamble on life and happiness for the rest of his life for a moment. Hao decided to fight quickly.

At this time, a few kilometers ahead is a straight road, and before the next turn, there is a very eye-catching giant billboard of a Tesla car, which seems to be a more suitable destination.

Chen Hao looked to the right, and it happened that the young Ferrari man also looked at him. The two eyes met across the window, and a spark burst out. Chen Hao reached out and pointed at the billboard in front of him, and then suddenly accelerated.

The young man obviously understood what Chen Hao meant, and stepped on the accelerator to the end. The two sports cars were now like beasts on land, rushing straight ahead.

The speedometer has reached the end. At this speed of about 300 yards, a farmer on the side of the road looked up and saw a red and a black group of colors "swooshing" disappear in front of him, and then a gust of wind passed by. The two cars seemed to tear the air.Chinese bar

"My mother, why is the car so fast!" The old farmer shouted in shock.

It just so happens that there is a railway viaduct next to the highway, and there is a high-speed rail on the bridge. The speed of the sports car and the high-speed rail are almost the same, both are about 300 kilometers per hour.

There was a passenger on the high-speed rail who was unconsciously admiring the roadside scenery. He suddenly saw that there were two sports cars on the road below that were stationary, and the other cars were passing by the windows quickly, which seemed very strange.

He rubbed his eyes to confirm that he was not dazzled and that there were indeed two cars stationary relative to the high-speed rail.

Passengers pondered for a while before they realized that the speed of the two cars and the high-speed rail were the same, so the relative speeds were the same, and they seemed to be stationary.

The passenger looked at the speedometer of the high-speed rail car in astonishment, showing 303KM/hour, and then called out in surprise: "Look, everyone, there are two sports cars at the same speed as ours."

"How can a car pass the high-speed rail, don't be funny."

The customer on the other side obviously didn't believe it.

"If you don't believe me, come and see!" the passenger shouted.

A few curious passengers walked by and looked at them, and they were shocked from ear to ear. Other cars and vehicles were instantly thrown behind by the high-speed rail, and the two sports cars, one black and one blue, were almost parallel. , It's incredible.

"Cow, is this Schumacher coming to our country?"

"This is a serious violation of traffic regulations, right? The traffic police don't arrest them?"

Excited travelers talked about.

But more people say this is too awesome, this is the romance of a man, driving a luxury car, driving a car at high speed, and shooting with a mobile phone when envied, this is such a good material that it will become popular on the Internet.

Just when their mobile phone was ready to shoot, the two cars rushed past a giant billboard. It was obvious from the high-speed rail that the cool black sports car was half of the body ahead and passed the billboard first. The blue Ferrari behind is second.

Then the two cars started to slow down, it seemed that the car was over, and soon disappeared from the sight of the passengers.

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