You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!"Young man, are you funny? My lock is metal. Be careful not to stretch your arms. I won't pay..."

The lady boss hadn't finished speaking, but her mouth turned into an O shape, because the padlock suddenly "clicked", and the shiny lock ring was pulled out by Chen Hao directly, and the entire lock was also scrapped.

However, Chen Hao was only a little red because of his fingers, and his body, which had been nurtured by two muscle-strengthening pills, could not hold him back at all with such a low-quality padlock.

"Okay, pay me a box lock."

Chen Hao threw the broken lock into the trash can and demanded compensation from the proprietress. It was useless for him to come with a box of locks. He just wanted to educate the profiteer proprietress.

"Young man, you can't talk indiscriminately. It would be nice if I didn't let you pay if I broke my lock. There is a box."

The proprietress is worthy of being a professional profiteer.

"Forget Chen Hao, since the quality of this lock is so poor, I won't buy it from her."

At this time, Zhou Xitong also came to persuade. She occasionally violated the girl's heart and wanted to buy a concentric lock for romance, but the concentric lock would break when pulled. She didn't want such an unreal "love".

"Auntie, I advise you that honest management is the foundation of business, otherwise you won't be able to do long business." Chen Hao said with a sharp glance.

"When I was young, I came to teach me what to pretend to be a large clove of garlic. I don't think the two of you will get along well. I hope you can divide it soon!"

The lady boss turned into a poisonous woman to curse the relationship between Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong.

"You are too much."

Now even Zhou Xitong couldn't stand it anymore, and blamed the middle-aged aunt.

"The two poor ghosts are reluctant to buy the lock." The proprietress rolled her eyes, and she looked like a shrew.

Chen Hao suddenly turned back and smiled: "Auntie, you provoke me."

Zhou Xitong was afraid that Chen Hao would hit her, so she took him by the arm and said, "Forget it, we don't know her as well."

"Relax, I don't know how to beat people, I have many ways to fix her."

Chen Hao didn't know how to hit a woman, because he got dirty with his hands, so he could deal with such a small person with just one call.

Chen Hao picked up his cell phone and called the civil servant under Xu Shixian.

"Hello, Mr. Chen, I just went to the guest house to look for you, but you were not there. Team Leader Xu asked me to bring you wine and tea!" The civil servant said respectfully.Romance Novel Network

"Thank you, Team Leader Xu, for me."

Chen Hao made a few polite words with him, and then the civil servant asked where Chen Hao was now and if he needed to send a car to pick him up.

"You don't need to pick up, but the investment environment in Litong County is worrying." Chen Hao said casually.

The civil servant became nervous when he heard it, and hurriedly asked about the situation.

Chen Hao said, "I'm here in Lover's Slope. There are small shops slaughtering customers and insulting customers. Such vendors will destroy the image of your county."

"If there is such a thing, don't worry, I will take someone to conduct a thorough investigation immediately, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer!"

The civil servant hung up the phone, acted immediately, and called the relevant law enforcement department personnel to rush to Lover Poe.

"Hey, boy, I still need someone to tell you, I know Wu Ye Lai, if you dare to move me, be careful not to go out of Litong County!"

The proprietress is still a social person, and she has no idea where she is confident.

Indeed, there is a saying in the rivers and lakes that a strong dragon does not suppress the earth-headed snake, but she forgot, there are two other sayings, one force will drop ten times, and a strong force will produce miracles. When the strong dragon is strong enough, the earth-headed snake will be crushed into one. The ground is so arrogant.

Chen Hao didn't bother to waste his tongue with this wicked woman. Then he took out two bottles of drinks from his bag and sat on the grass with Zhou Xitong to chat, and he would know the result after a while.

Small county towns also have small benefits. In less than ten minutes, two white-and-blue-painted law enforcement vehicles stopped at the end of the street, and then a group of law enforcement officers with big caps ran towards the small shop.

Seeing that something was wrong, the lady boss hurriedly closed the shop to escape, but was still blocked by law enforcement officers.

"What are you doing, I took a look at the store for others, and I don't know anything." The lady boss began to pretend to be dumb.

However, the county town is so big, and law enforcement officers who often come to Lover Poe also know this proprietress, and several have even bought water in her store. Her sophistry is not valid. She opened this store.

"You are suspected of price fraud, take out your business license!" the law enforcement officer shouted solemnly.

"The license and the license are at home, wait for me to get it for you."

The lady boss took the opportunity to slip, but she was stopped and refused to leave.

"That is unlicensed operation plus price fraud," the law enforcement officer sneered. "Tell us back to the office and explain the situation. We will temporarily detain your store-colored goods."

Usually these law enforcement officers also know what the proprietress is, and they open one eye and close one eye, but if she has no eyes and offends the big person, then only business affairs are done. Therefore, the proprietress was taken into law enforcement very reluctantly. The car and the shop are also sealed.

The civil servant of the investment promotion team saw Chen Hao and ran all the way to report on the law enforcement situation. The illegal merchants had been investigated for evidence and the shop was also closed, asking Chen Hao whether he was satisfied with the results.

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