You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!"Here, kid, a new gift for you!"

This nearly 3,000 yuan Barbie doll is so much better than the little girl before the little girl I don’t know where it is. The little girl’s gaze is instantly attracted, and she forgot to cry, and the tears are still hanging on her pink face , Then firmly held the new Barbie doll in his arms.

"Thank you Uncle!"

The little girl said milkily.

Chen Hao smiled and said, "I'm not that old, just call my brother!"

"Thank you brother!"

The little girl took a long tone to thank again. She looked at Zhou Xitong again and was amazed by this beautiful sister, so she also politely said, "Thank you beautiful sister too!"

"So good!"

Zhou Xitong was amused. As expected, children are all angels, and it is easy to make people smile happily.

However, Zhou Xitong found a strange place. They only took their carry-on bag when they came. Chen Hao's bag was not big, it was just an ordinary handbag. If you said the concentric lock just now, it might be prepared in advance, but This Barbie doll is too big to fit in the handbag. This cannot be explained by preparation in advance. It seems that this Barbie doll was made out of thin air.

Thinking about it this way, Chen Hao has always been as magical as Doraemon. It seems a bit strange that there is something for him. There must be a big secret hidden in him.

However, as a mature and intellectual woman, Zhou Xitong found that the strangeness did not break the casserole. Since Chen Hao did not want to tell her, she did not ask. Everyone should have privacy. Maybe when the time comes, Chen Hao will tell her the answer. .

Therefore, Zhou Xitong hid this secret in his heart, as if he hadn't seen anything.

Indeed, Chen Hao’s tens of billions of subsidies are so magical, it’s hard to hide it from the people around him. The women around him, Zhou Xitong, Cao Rui, and Xia Jing, are almost aware of his magical abilities like a treasure bag, but everyone There was no questioning, and there was no rumor.

Zhou Xitong is intelligent, intellectual and independent, and knows to protect the privacy of both parties, so she won't say it; Xia Jing is a big-hearted mad girl. Whether you have superpowers or not, she doesn't care at all, as long as she is happy; Cao Rui She is the gentlest and most understanding of the three women. When she discovers Chen Hao’s secret, she will keep him without warning. She is soft on the outside and strong on the inside. Even if someone tortured her, she will never reveal half of it. The word, because in Cao Rui's heart, Chen Hao is her benefactor and her ideal person.

It is Chen Hao's luck to meet these three women who can keep secrets. Otherwise, with his magical ability, if he encounters a street trumpet, he will be a woman with a long tongue. I am afraid that the world will know it long ago and cause unnecessary trouble. .

Next, Zhou Xitong and Chen Hao played with the little girl for a while. After the little girl burst into laughter, she was very lively, and her brothers and sisters started screaming non-stop.

Soon, the little girl's parents came, and when they learned of the situation, they quickly thanked Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong.

"You're welcome." Zhou Xitong said with a smile.51 Aesthetic Novels

The child's father was also shocked by Zhou Xitong's peerless beauty. He was taken aback for a moment and said, "You are from a foreign city, you are very face-to-face."

Indeed, this lover's slope is a natural park. Basically, nearby residents come here every day in their leisure time, and many of them are familiar with it.

"Yes, we are here for the first time in Litong County." Zhou Xitong said casually and politely.

The little girl’s mother saw that her daughter was holding such a big doll, she knew it was valuable, and immediately educateed: "This toy is too expensive, so I will return it to my uncle and aunt."

"But I want it!" The little girl was very reluctant, and held the new baby tightly in her arms.

"It's okay, this is a gift I gave her, it's not expensive." Chen Hao humbled a bit. This 2999 doll is really not expensive for him, and it cost 2 yuan to buy it.

"Then I'm sorry, thank you uncle and aunt!" The mother of the child is teaching her daughter to be polite.

"I want to be called brother and sister, thank you brother and sister." The little girl corrected her mother's misnomer, which drew a burst of laughter from the adults.

When the parents talked with Chen Hao, the little girl tilted her head, staring at Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong in confusion, and then suddenly asked a weird question: "Brother, will you beat sister?"

Chen Hao was startled and replied: "Don't fight, I like it but it's too late, how can I fight."

Zhou Xitong was also amused, and said: "Brother Chen is very good, he only beats bad guys, not me."

"Then you are a good person," the little girl uttered a startling statement, "but my father is very bad. He often beats his mother at night, and his mother is always crying, and he said that he will force him to exert himself.

Now the four adults were stunned. After a while, everyone realized that Zhou Xitong looked strange, wanted to laugh but was embarrassed to laugh, and he was holding back very hard.

This is really childlike, and it shakes out the privacy of parents.

"Don't talk nonsense, that's not a real fight!"

The girl's father still wanted to explain. The girl's mother was already flushed with shame and wanted to find a place to sew in. She quickly picked up her daughter and ran away without looking back.

"I'm really sorry for making both of you laugh!"

The girl's father was also embarrassed and hurriedly bid farewell to the two, and quickly fled from here. It is estimated that there will be a period of time when he will not dare to come to Lover Poe again.

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