I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 280 Centurion Black Card

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!When the two sides have opened 80 bottles of wine, Tong Zixuan will not calm down. He is about to break through his card balance. Chen Hao does not admit defeat, he will bear the full amount and cannot pay the bill by then. I'm ashamed and thrown to grandma's house.

The KTV manager was very happy at first, and he wanted to make a lot of money tonight. For this reason, he also invited the real big boss of KTV to host the scene, but as more and more good wines were opened, the manager knew that this matter was a bit big , I couldn't control it, so he asked Tong Zixuan quietly, "Don't drink the wine?"

If you continue to open it, it may really fail to end.

"let me see."

Tong Zixuan was very upset. He was betting that Chen Hao would surrender early, but Chen Hao was still talking and laughing with Zhou Xitong. He didn't even look here, as if he had forgotten the fact that the two were fighting for wealth.

The amount of money at the scene was only over one million, one indifferent, the other nervous about to collapse, and the realm of the two was clear at a glance.

"Hey, did you forget that you are in Doufu?" Tong Zixuan couldn't help but speak actively.

Then Chen Hao looked over there and saw Tong Zixuan who was a little irritable.

Chen Hao smiled and shouted "Manager, come here!"

"Did you admit defeat?" Tong Zixuan was about to jump up with excitement.

Chen Hao said: "No, I'm afraid that the KTV's good wine is not enough, so I quickly contact the source in advance so that it won't be enough for a while."

Tong Zixuan was immediately discouraged and gritted his teeth thinking about whether to continue, because he had already opened seven or eighty bottles and seven or eight hundred thousand hits, he was no longer in pain, but heartache.

Chen Hao smiled and decided not to tease this stupid, cute and rich second generation, so he took the initiative to say: "Tong Zixuan, I'll give you a chance. You can admit your mistake, and I will pay for this wine today."

The two people opened the wine, according to the agreement, a bottle of 11,000, plus a total amount of 1,500,000, which Tong Zixuan could not afford. This seemed to be the best opportunity to borrow the donkey.

Tong Zixuan let out a sigh of relief. He was a bit stunned, but he was not stupid. He had realized that Chen Hao was a big man than him. He had not blinked his eyes for more than one million dollars, and he was a big local tyrant he couldn't provoke.

When facing an equal opponent, people will be competitive, but when facing an expert who can crush oneself, they will have awe.

Thinking of this, Tong Zixuan finally let go of his poor self-esteem, and bowed his head to admit his mistake: "I'm sorry, this boss, I was wrong!"

At this moment, everyone in the house was shocked. In Litong County, the No. 1 Dan Tongzi Xuan, who was in Litong County, was actually admitting his mistake to an outsider. Then this outsider is even more arrogant. It is simply unimaginable!Wonderful Novel Network www.meimi.cc

Chen Hao smiled and said to him: "You still can't figure out what my name is? Remember, my last name is Chen and this is Zhou."

"Boss Chen, Sister Zhou, I was wrong!"

Tong Zixuan bowed again to admit his mistake.

"Forget it, Hao, don't be a kid."

Zhou Xitong was in a good mood with Chen Hao all day, so he forgave Gangzi before, but now he also intercedes for Tong Zixuan.

In front of the big presidents, Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong, Tong Zixuan, the rich second generation of the county seat, is indeed as weak as a "child".

"All right, then you go, but don't bother!" Chen Hao waved his hand and told him to leave quickly.

"Mr. Chen, Sister Zhou, I'm sorry!"

Tong Zixuan left with a little shame. He had already decided that he would never fight with others for wealth and chariots again.

At this time, the big boss of KTV had already arrived, and he was shocked when he learned that Tong Zixuan was in charge.

Chen Hao took the initiative to demand that all drinks be 10,000 bottles. It was the first time that the KTV boss saw someone voluntarily raise the price. This was definitely met by a big man, so after he entered the box, he looked at the good wines placed everywhere, cautiously Inquiry: "Mr. Chen, I am the owner of this shop. You have come from afar. It is my honor to be able to come to my shop today. Then I will charge these wines at the cost price. Make friends!"

After all, the boss handed over a business card.

Chen Hao smiled, and took the business card, thinking that this boss is quite sensible, and it is a pleasure to cooperate with such a smart person. You can take care of him when you invest in Litong County in the future.

"No, just follow the ten thousand bottles, what I said, Chen Hao, will not take it back."

Chen Hao then took out the credit card from his bag and prepared to swipe the card to pay the bill, but found that his credit card seemed to have a single maximum limit, and he couldn't pay more than one million at once. If you swipe it separately, it would be too shabby, so he just Open the tens of billions subsidy app, ready to find a more convenient payment method.

"The American Express Centurion Black Card Credit Card has the function of unlimited overdraft, global emergency call service, 10 points required for processing."

It takes 10 points to apply for a credit card alone. If you put it in the property area, 10 points are enough to buy several shops, but this Centurion Black Card is extraordinary. It is a symbol of power and wealth, even Zhou Xitong is not qualified to apply. , Only accept applications from well-known capital bosses in the world, and referrals from old members are also required.

This card has unlimited overdraft and can be used in any scene. It is more convenient to use, so Chen Hao just spent 10 points to get one for convenience. If you have points, it is willful.

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