You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!When the van drove to the compound parking lot, Lai Wu stopped the car carefully, and was shocked when he saw a black Koenigsegg sports car next to him.

"Is this Boss Chen's car? It costs millions. Why is he so rich?" Lai Wuxin was amazed.

Next to the sports car, a civil servant was wiping the body with a white towel.

Chen Hao got out of the van and recognized that this was Xu Shixian's civil servant. He actually came to help wash the car. The other party was really attentive and took him seriously.

This shows that this cooperation should be completed smoothly.

"Mr. Chen and Mr. Zhou, our leader asked me to wipe the car. The county is very dusty. If you don't wipe it, it will be a layer of dust." The civil servant said with a smile.

"That's OK, thanks a lot, this is your hard work."

Chen Hao took out two packs of Soft Zhonghua as a thank you gift.

"Oh, that's not okay, we will be punished for receiving things!"

The young civil servant declined in every possible way and refused to accept the gift.

"That's all right, thank you, Team Leader Xu, for me. I have something to go. If there is something, you can call me." Chen Hao said.

"Okay, you go slowly."

The civil servant took the bucket and other sundries aside, then watched Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong get on the sports car and drove away.

"What a handsome sports car!"

What Lai Wu was watching was also envious, thinking that when he could get such a car.

"Aren't you Laiwu? You can still catch up with Boss Chen, it's pretty awesome." The civil servant said jokingly.

"Of course, I am..."

Lai Wu was proud. The two big bosses sat in his car and felt the glory, and wanted to brag, but the words were too cracked, affecting the wounds, and pumping in pain, causing the civil servants to laugh. .


Besides, Chen Hao drove the car all the way on the highway. This time, he obeyed the law and did not drive any more. He returned to Baihe City after more than two hours.

When he arrived in the city, he went to the construction site in the Chengnan Development Zone according to Zhou Xitong's wishes.Read the book

When they arrived at the construction site, Zhou Xitong's female assistant had not left yet, and greeted the two at the construction site.

"What's the situation now?"

After Zhou Xitong got off the car, he resumed the president's glamour, and asked.

"Manager Zhang went out to borrow large machinery, but there is no response yet," the assistant said.

"In other words, the problem has not improved a little?"

Zhou Xitong couldn't help feeling angry. The manager of the engineering department, Chao Zhang, was just a technical talent, and his management ability was too poor. The time limit for such small things was delayed. It seems that his position was adjusted over time.

But the most important thing is to catch up with the construction period. If the project is delayed, the business strategy of the following group will be affected, and the whole body will be affected.

Chen Hao looked up and saw that, unlike the usual scene of busy construction sites, there are relatively few large machinery here, and many constructions cannot be completed. Some workers squatted in the corner to smoke and rest. It is true that the work is affected by the mechanical equipment.

Zhou Xitong was silent. To be stronger, she didn't want to be tied up by this small problem. As soon as she gritted her teeth, she said: "No, contact the equipment manufacturer and buy a batch of brand new machines. This is considered an investment in the engineering team."

The assistant said: "Zhou, I have calculated before. To catch up with the progress, at least a dozen cranes, excavators, concrete mixer trucks, etc. are needed. Together, it may require an investment of 8-10 million yuan. I also asked yesterday. The supplier has only a few prototype vehicles. To supply such a large number, it will take a transfer from the provincial capital. It will take a few days for the goods to arrive. At that time, the equipment may be able to be borrowed."

Now it’s a dilemma that the purchase of equipment cannot arrive in time, and it will be idle and wasting funds later. Failure to buy it will delay the progress. It is really a dilemma.

Zhou Xitong couldn't help feeling a little frustrated, feeling that this construction site always made her unhappy.

Suddenly, Zhou Xitong's hand was surrounded by warmth, and Chen Hao shook her hand and said: "Don't worry, forget what I said? I'll solve it."

Zhou Xitong suddenly started, thinking of Chen Hao's Doraemon-like magic, and the large construction machinery couldn't help him, but can he deliver the car in a short time?This is a question.

"Don't worry, I will solve the equipment problem, and it will be in place by this evening, and the investment is my personal injection, without using Zhou's International funds." Chen Hao said with a smile.

When Zhou Xitong heard this, he was determined in his heart, and then smiled and said in a low voice, "Thank you."

"What are we being polite to do? It's okay to contact us more when we have time." Chen Hao raised an eyebrow, revealing an ambiguous look that only the two of them understand.

"Can't contact for now."

Zhou Xitong's cheeks blushed quietly, and now she is still exhausted. Yesterday she tossed so hard that she was temporarily unable to fight again, so she could only retreat.

With a smile, Chen Hao immediately asked the female assistant for a list of the number of machines that were missing on the site, and prepared to make up all the equipment for the site.

Chen Hao looked at the list of large and small equipment, and felt that it was a trivial matter. He went to a quiet place, opened the tens of billions of subsidies, and checked the construction machinery.

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