You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!After a pause, Chen Hao was about to drive home. He suddenly remembered something. There seemed to be two construction machinery parked in his parking lot, which happened to be able to drive together so as not to be idle.

So Chen Hao called Xia Jing, who was sitting at home: "Miss Xia, you have a task. You need to apply for a new license from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, and find someone to park the excavator and the excavator in the China Garden before this evening. The bulldozer drove to the construction site of Chengnan Development Zone."

"No problem, don't worry, if you have something to do, leave it to me, and I will handle it properly for you." Xia Jing agreed very simply.

Having said that, Chen Hao always feels unreliable about Xia Jing’s carefree personality, but now that she lacks people, she can only do this. If Cao Rui is there, it will be fine. Rest assured a lot.

Chen Hao left for a day, and Haoran trade had many orders for him to handle.

Chen Hao received a list of items sent to him by a staff member on his cell phone. It looked strange, asking for socks from a certain female celebrity, or buying a certain banned book, and he really regarded him as an omnipotent little Ding Dong.

Now his Haoran company has become the target of netizens' curiosity, and many people deliberately find some exotic items to buy.

Of course, for rude demand, just ignore it, other Chen Hao is trying to satisfy customers as much as possible, as long as the tens of billions of subsidies are included, he can complete the supply.

Chen Hao then went to the company to sit down, and in addition to providing goods, he had to approve recent financial statements.

I don’t know. I was shocked. It turned out that since the company was founded almost a month ago, it has achieved a turnover of more than 20 million. Because of subsidies, these are basically zero costs. In other words, Chen Hao, a newly established company, has had a pre-tax profit of more than 20 million in the first half of a month. He said that he would scare people to death.

But Chen Hao knows that this is not the end. Most of the performance was completed in the last week. That is, the big reporter Zhu Min published the interview and became popular. I believe there will be a blowout growth in business volume next month. The president's gambling agreement of 100 million yuan is not a problem.

Chen Hao went around the company and found that more than a dozen employees were very serious at work. Although he did not often work in the company, no one was lazy, and his performance was booming, which made him very satisfied.

Chen Hao slapped his chin twice in the company, attracting the attention of all employees.

"In view of your hard work and good performance this month, I decided that starting from next month, your salary will increase by 10% as a whole!"

As soon as Chen Hao made the announcement, there was a burst of cheers in the company. No one didn't like salary increases. Moreover, the working environment in Haoran Trading was easy and the income was high. The salary could be increased. Everyone was happy to have a good boss. .

"Colleagues, the boss is so kind to us, what should we do?" At this time, gold medal sales Zhan Yifei suddenly shouted.

"Work hard and make more money for the boss!" Colleagues babbled, but the answers were not uniform.

"Yes, we have to work hard and achieve new highs in performance!"

Zhan Yifei worked in a large company and knew the importance of spirit, so he shouted a loud slogan.

"We work hard and our performance hits a new high!" Biquge Book Bar

Other colleagues also yelled out. This is not brainwashing, but their willingness. Everyone who chanted a slogan was filled with joy.

They talked about important things three times, and then they all devoted themselves to the intense work. This energy is just like being beaten up.

Chen Hao looked at the energetic staff with a satisfied smile.

At this time, his cell phone rang suddenly, it was Xia Jing's call, but Chen Hao always felt that something bad had happened.

"Boss, I crashed and someone bullied me!"

Sure enough, Xia Jing yelled over there as soon as the phone was answered.

"Is it serious?" Chen Hao asked hurriedly.

Xia Jing is an important employee of his, and she doesn't want her to be surprised.

"Of course I'm okay, but it was the kid who was rubbing my car, but he was reasonable and even angry at me." Xia Jing said unconvinced.

"Well, it's okay if people are fine, where are you? I'll go over."

"I'm next to Hualian Supermarket on Qianxi Road." Xia Jing reported her position.

Chen Hao immediately went downstairs, drove on his Koenigsegg and set off.

Before getting there, Chen Hao was still wondering. Xia Jing usually drove a Lamborghini. If someone touched him, he would be nervous and afraid of losing money. Why was there an accident this time and the other party kept chattering instead? Could someone else be a more expensive car?

When he arrived near the destination, there was no need to call again to confirm. Chen Hao found Xia Jing's location, and suddenly felt a little pain in his brain, because the car in the accident was too conspicuous.

This crazy girl actually drove the excavator at home on the road and had a scratching accident with a BMW 320i.

When the accident happened on the side of the road, many people had gathered at the moment, because this was a spectacle. A beautiful female excavator driver collided with a BMW car. It is something to watch.

"Ran." Chen Hao squeezed in from the crowd after stopping.

"I am racing, another sports car, this time it's lively!"

As a result, Chen Hao did not disperse the crowd when he came, but instead made more people eat melons.

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