You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!"Mr. Chen, step back a little, and we will protect your safety!"

These security guards are already very familiar with Chen Hao, have dealt with many times, and saw conflicts with others, of course, they will protect them immediately.

Moreover, the security captain is still using the walkie-talkie to notify other security guards to join here. There are more than 20 security guards working in the entire building, and there are hundreds of male employees in the building, all of whom are Chen Hao's solid backing. Whoever dares to move Chen In general, we must pass their level first.

"Mr. Li, this, this seems to be overwhelming."

Those young people were summoned by him. They were not from Baihe City, so they didn’t know Chen Hao. If the local rascals were able to know his identity almost by relying on the car that Chen Hao drove and the Zhoushi International Building where he was located, Jianghu The above is full of Chen Hao's legends.

There is even a proverb of "I would rather suffer three times than to provoke Chen Hao", which is enough to show their awe of Chen Hao. They picked out the city's several rogue leaders Chen, Snake, Niu and others. Countless examples prove that Chen Hao is not something they can provoke, but unfortunately, these outsiders still don't understand his reputation.

It seems that violent smashing of the car is no longer desirable. Li Changjiang had to give up and told the young people to step back. He snorted coldly: "Do you think you can hide for a lifetime with these security guards? Believe it or not, you can't open your company with a word !"

When Chen Hao heard this, he was a little interested, and took the initiative to cater to him: "I really want to see how you make me unable to drive, even if you start your performance!"

This is like a child clamoring to challenge an adult. Chen Hao didn't feel the insult, but felt childish. He wanted to see how the other person was tossing, maybe he could laugh at himself.

To this end, Chen Hao also took the initiative to send his business card with the words "Chen Hao, General Manager of Haoran Trading Company" written on it, so that he could show his skills.

"I really don't shed tears if I don't see the coffin, you wait for me!"

Li Changjiang seemed to be satisfied with Chen Hao, so he picked up the phone and dialed.

"Lao Hu, it's me. The one who helped me set up and bought the company is called Haoran Trading Company, and the owner's name is Chen Hao."

He seems to have called a great man.

The old Hu was also very helpful and said, "Small, where is the address, I'll take someone there in a while to look up illegal operations, tax evasion, etc., I'm sure I can't handle it."

"In the Zhou International Building, the 18th floor." Li Changjiang said to the phone.

And Chen Hao watched them perform like a harlequin acting in a comedy.

"What, where, do you say it again?" Old Hu asked suspiciously, his tone increased by an octave.

"Zhou's International Building, looks pretty grand." Li Changjiang said.

Lao Hu said angrily: "Are you drunk too much? Let me go to the Zhou International Headquarters to check, even the city leaders must consider it." Yunnan Biquge

"I also know that Zhou's International is a big company, but this kid is just renting a venue inside, not a subsidiary of Zhou's International."

"You still don't notice it? The general relationship allows him to start a company in his own headquarters? Bringing people to the door is not to beat the face of Zhou International? I want to stay in this position for a few more years. Please also be smart."

Old Hu hung up the phone angrily, and he was probably already cursing "stupid fork" behind his back. A small person actually wanted to shake the towering tree and he couldn't help himself.

"Chen Hao, what's wrong here?"

Suddenly, Zhou Xitong's voice came from the rear, a gray OL suit with a waist, making her look slim and slender.

Chen Hao has the most say in this. He has measured it many times on the spot, and it is a genuine A4 waist.

"Zhou Zhou!"

Nearly twenty security guards standing upright around him bowed and greeted him. This ostentation shocked Uncle Li's nephew. Their small business did not have such a stylish security.

It turned out that Zhou Xitong deliberately avoided it when she saw Chen Hao answering the phone. She knew there was something in it. She asked assistant Su Li to find out and found the confrontation downstairs. She was uneasy. Of course, she had to take a look. .

"It's okay, watching them perform." Chen Hao said lightly.

This made Li Changjiang instantly angry, and he threatened to pretend to be cool for a while, in Chen Hao's eyes, it was a performance?

However, his two axes are no longer valid. Whether he is looking for a social youth or a civil servant, Hu, Chen Hao can't help but now he is a bit hard to get off, either he will go to the end, or he will go awkwardly.

However, he has used all the literary and martial arts he can use, and they are all eaten up in front of Chen Hao. For the time being, he can't think of a better way. He can only leave a ruthless word according to the usual situation to save face.

"Then wait, I will deal with you sooner or later, let your Diaomao company go bankrupt!" Li Changjiang said a very vicious threat.

Chen Hao smiled, this ruthless remark didn't have any strength, but on the other hand, it was almost the same.

Chen Hao didn't think the other party's grade was too low, but Zhou Xitong, as Chen Hao's girlfriend and the president of Zhou International, was prickly in his ears.

If she dared to threaten her boyfriend face to face, it was because she couldn't afford it. The chief executive's arrogance became angry, and he immediately stepped forward and said, "Mr., were you targeting Haoran Trading just now?"

"Yes, it is the personal grievances between me and the kid surnamed Chen, which has nothing to do with your Zhou International!"

Feelings Li Changjiang also knew that he couldn't afford Zhou International, so he hurriedly understood the relationship.

However, he was still wrong, and it was very wrong. Li Changjiang did not expect that Zhou's International and Haoran Trading are actually one family. The two bosses only "exchanged" all night last night. It was the closest cooperative relationship, which was affected. whole body.

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