You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Although the task is time-limited, there is no need to rush for a while. Fill up your belly first, and then think of a way when you are full.

At this time, Xia Jing had already brought his food box to bring him breakfast, smelling the fragrant food, Chen Hao lamented that this logistics supervisor was too diligent, and she would be able to increase her annual salary of one million in a short time.

Xia Jing noticed the big cardboard box in the living room. When she opened it in the past, it was a box of brand new mobile phones.

"Wow, so many mobile phones, but there is no brand!" Xia Jing took out a packaging box and looked at it. There was nothing on it. It was a white box. Through the transparent packaging, you could see a mobile phone inside.

Chen Hao asked Xia Jing to take it and take it apart and check the situation of the new phone together.

Xia Jing likes unpacking the most. After opening the mobile phone box, she saw a small mobile phone. In today's era of large screens with full screens and water droplets, this screen is pitiful, only about two-thirds of ordinary mobile phones. , As if the product five years ago.

As soon as I turned it on, the sluggish startup interface also proved that this phone is a garbage configuration, and it is estimated to be similar to the cheap phone that is sent to the business hall to charge the phone.

However, the logo of China Mobile on the display of the mobile phone proves that this is a mobile contract machine.

"What kind of garbage phone, don't give it to me for nothing!"

Xia Jing threw the phone to Chen Hao disgustingly, and started having breakfast by herself.

However, Chen Hao continued to observe the contents of the mobile phone. There were few desktop applications, and only one icon of Bin Xixi was very eye-catching. After Chen Hao clicked in, the login interface appeared, which seemed to be similar to the normal Bin Xixi app.

Chen Hao thought for a while, then asked Xia Jing: "Have you ever used Bi Xixi before?"

"No, I don't need such low software."

Xia Jing, who has a petty bourgeoisie, uses Jingxi and Kuanbao, or Amazon overseas purchases, and does not need to be grounded.

Chen Hao smiled, but he couldn't explain that today's achievements, thanks to the tens of billions of subsidies for the special edition, are actually not low.

Chen Hao asked Xia Jing to log in with this phone and register a new user to try.

Of course, Xia Jing wanted to listen to the boss's words. After she swallowed a wonton, she gave instructions and registered an account with her identity information.

Chen Hao immediately checked the interface of the Binxixi app, and found that it was the same as the regular version used by the public, and the fancy interface was obviously different from the tens of billions of subsidy special edition he used, and he asked Xia Jing to place an order on the spot. A hundred yuan rice cooker is also the normal payment process, only 10 yuan is discounted, which is completely different from the special edition he owns.

Chen Hao is relieved. It seems that the built-in mobile phone is a regular version with tens of billions of subsidies, which is different from the special version he uses. There is no need to worry about someone coming to grab special offers with him.

At the same time, Chen Hao also received a prompt from his mobile phone.

"Promotional task new users +1, the remaining users 3999."

It seems that this task must be completed with a cheap mobile phone, because the contract machine configuration is low, it is estimated that it will not be enough to give it away. Many people will not want it, and if it does, it will not help promote it for

Chen Hao thought for a while. There seemed to be quite a few employees in his China Garden, and they were also potential crowds that could be used.

However, Xia Jing was not very reliable, and Chen Hao still felt that he had to hand it over to someone who he could trust.

After eating, Chen Hao called to find Wu Dan, the captain of the model, and solemnly handed the mobile phone to her.

"Give you a task." Chen Hao said.

"My boss, please!"

U Dan with long legs responded immediately.

Today, she is wearing standard work clothes, with a white shirt and jacket on the upper body, and a step skirt and flesh-colored stockings on the lower body.

Chen Hao wears long trousers by herself. Seeing that Wu Dan wears so little, she hurriedly add some clothes. This is really beautiful and not warm, and she wears stockings in winter.

But Wu Dan pursed his lips and snickered: "Boss, these stockings are made of cotton, very warm, not inferior to the warmth of woolen pants."

With that, she also grabbed a corner of the silk stockings, which were elastic and cotton, and they were really thick.

When Chen Hao saw it, he felt that he didn't know women too much. It turned out that there is still this kind of winter artifact, which can maintain beauty without being cold, a good thing.

In that case, Chen Hao didn't force it, so he gave her the phone and said, "You are responsible for asking all colleagues and acquaintances. As long as they have not registered and are not registered, let them register through this phone. "

"Attention," Chen Hao emphasized, "It must be a new user who has not registered before, and must use this mobile phone to register and log in once. Any successful registration will be issued a 200 yuan cash red envelope."

As Chen Hao said, he took out a stack of money and gave it to Wu Dan, which was regarded as activity funds, and he had to promote it at his own expense.

"Okay, I will get it done, but I can't earn red envelopes after using it myself." Wu Dan joked.

"It doesn't matter, I will give you a commission of 100 yuan every time you develop a new user. The action must be fast. There are personnel restrictions for this promotion and only half a month."

Chen Hao decided to use cash rewards, so the motivation would be much higher.

"Okay, I must develop more offline!"

Wu Dan is very happy. There are still many people around her who have never used it before. As long as you develop 10 people, you will get a 1,000 yuan reward, which is very cost-effective.

After Wu Dan left, Chen Hao looked a little worried at the box of 99 mobile phones. According to the task requirements, on average, each mobile phone had to develop at least 40 new users. Leaning on acquaintances around him would definitely be a drop in the bucket, even if he had to promote it at his own expense. It is also necessary to hire a large number of people to go to the streets one by one to pull heads, but it is easy to be misunderstood as a liar, and it is estimated that the harvest is not good.

This matter needs a long-term discussion. Turn back and discuss with the CEO's girlfriend Zhou Xitong. She may have a good idea as a business elite.

Chen Hao put a box of contract mobile phones on the Hummer, and then drove out.

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