You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!"Boss, are you drinking?" Cao Rui asked with a smile, her tone still gentle.

"Yes, I was drinking the fruit wine you made, and they are all complimenting you." Chen Hao also smiled back.

"Where I make it, I don't know how to make it. It is the result of the hard work of the staff." Cao Rui is very humble.

The two exchanged greetings for a while, and Chen Hao asked, "I am very short of people now. Have you found someone to take over? Go back to Baihe earlier."

Chen Hao missed Cao Rui being by his side at the beginning. He didn't have to worry about anything. He would deliver meals when he was hungry, and deliver water to his comfortable life when he was thirsty.

"I have been training and observing. There are two candidates. One is the workshop director. He has a management system, but the people are a bit slippery and need to be beaten frequently. The other is an old craftsman in the workshop. This uncle has the most skilled brewing skills. He controls the quality of the fruit wine, and I am relieved. I plan to let them all become deputy directors in the future, with one manager and one responsible for technology. What do you think?" Cao Rui asked.

"Yes, if you are familiar with the factory environment, you can decide for yourself." Chen Hao said.

"Also, it is late autumn, the apples have passed the season, and the stored apples in the workshop are also used up, so apple-flavored fruit wine cannot be produced for the time being. But now is the harvest season and the price is cheap. I tried to make a batch of fruit wine with grapes. The result is still delicious, but the aroma has changed to grape flavor. The taste is similar to the previous apple recipe. We can develop fruit wines with different flavors in the future."

"So good? Manager Cao is really a talent, and he developed new products so quickly." Chen Hao smiled.

"It's not a new product, because the fruits are seasonal. I think it will be locally produced in the future. It will be used as raw materials. This way, there are apple, orange, grape, peach, and pear flavored fruit wines, and there is no local in winter. For fruits, tropical fruits can be imported in large quantities, and bananas and other fruits can be used to make wine, so that production capacity can be maintained throughout the year."

When Cao Rui talked about work, it was as if she had changed a person, full of confidence and order, and she was not like the original stupid real estate saleswoman.

Chen Hao is very pleased that Cao Rui has grown into an independent management talent, and when she returns to him in the future, Chen Hao will let her be her personal secretary to help herself manage internal affairs, which will save a lot of effort.

At this point, Chen Hao suddenly had a bright prospect in his mind: Zhou Xitong was in charge of the company, responsible for formulating the corporate strategy, and calling the wind and rain in the world, and Cao Rui was his personal secretary, taking care of all the food, daily life and business processes for him. Xia Jing, is in charge of the catering logistics, plus the ghost ideas from time to time...

"Boss? Boss? What good things do you think?" Cao Rui yelled a few times, and found that Chen Hao was stunned and laughed.

"Oh, no, I'm thinking about my future development, and I need you to come back quickly and help me." Chen Hao said.

"Well, I also want to go back immediately. It may not be possible to complete the run-in and deployment until around the Spring Festival, but..." Cao Rui said, "If I have time on the weekend, I can fly back and see you, can I?"

"Of course, this is your home, and the China Garden has also been completed, leaving you with a separate villa. You haven't lived in yet, so you can come back and try it."

"Well, I haven't lived in a villa in my life, of course I have to try it."

Cao Rui said that afterwards, thoughts filled her heart, and she was very disappointed. After looking at the left and right people, she suddenly whispered: "Chen Hao, I miss you..."

This time he called his name directly, and the true feelings were overwhelming. Chen Hao suddenly felt shocked. The dignified, beautiful, gentle and considerate Cao Rui in the video is so beautiful and pure that it is hard to resist.

There was Xia Jing's compelling question before, and now it was Cao Rui's affectionate call. Chen Hao suddenly felt that it was too difficult and too difficult to be an innocent man. It seemed that God would not allow it.

It's just that conditions don't allow him to be a passionate prodigal, so he can only say goodbye briefly, and then hang up the video.Kuwen Novel Network

"Talk to that little sister again?"

Xia Jing's voice suddenly came from behind Chen Hao.

"Hey, why are you always fascinated?" Chen Hao said.

"It's a ghost in your heart, deliberately avoiding me, there must be something tricky." Xia Jing pouted.

The two are not lovers now, but this sour and ambiguous atmosphere is better than lovers.

"Don't talk nonsense, go back to eat."

Chen Hao greeted her to return to the dinner table together.

At seven o'clock after the meal, some greedy people were already drunk and couldn't straighten their tongues. As the new leader, Wang Qiang was also a bit drunk, but everyone was very happy.

Chen Hao saw that it was almost done, so he asked to leave, everyone can leave with a bottle of wine, and then he asked Xia Jing to contact the vehicle and put everyone in the vehicle safely.

He wanted to drive away later, but Xia Jing stopped him: "Hey, where are you going, take me."

"I slept in the Jade Community today. Go back to the China Garden by yourself." Chen Hao said.

Xia Jing’s eyes lit up when she heard that there were fewer people in the Jade community, and it seemed more suitable for two people to be alone. On a night of drinking, something might happen to a lone man and a widow, and she fulfilled her wish, so Xia Jing yelled Also follow.

However, Chen Hao was planning to catch the thief, but he didn't want Xia Jing to follow, so he could only persuade him.

"I don't, I will go!"

However, Xia Jing is not a good girl. The young lady has a temperament and is very willful. There is quite a posture that you disagree with me and I will make trouble.

"Good." Chen Hao was coaxing.

"Not good!" Xia Jing didn't listen.

"I'm going to be angry!" Chen Hao cocked his face.

"Then you hit me for a good meal, aren't you strong? Anyway, if you don't beat me down, I just want to follow you!" Xia Jing suddenly crossed her arms and put on a woman's self-defense technique. To stage a full martial arts.

Chen Haoton felt helpless, Xia Jing didn't eat hard and soft, it was not easy to subdue her little fairy.

No wonder Xing Zetao didn't dare to consider Xia Jing at all. She was kind to her and wanted to play her temper. If she came hard, she wouldn't be allowed to practice her yin legs. Normal men really couldn't control it.

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