You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!"You have a ghost in your heart!" Xia Jing immediately put on a fierce look, "Say, what do you do with us behind your back?"

"Why, I'm just tired." Chen Hao broke free of her and quickly slipped back to his villa.

"Hmm, there must be something tricky."

Xia Jing put her hand on her chin, and suddenly thought of a possibility, she turned around and asked the six model girls: "Have you lost your stockings or other privacy clothing recently?"

Xia Jing, with a big brain, actually suspected that Chen Hao was stealing their clothes.


"Our boss is the most upright and will never do such a thing!"

All the model girls believe that Chen Hao is a good person. This is also a fact. These single girls have been attracted by the generous and handsome Chen Hao recently.

If Chen Hao made some excessive demands on them, he might not refuse it because of the atmosphere. However, Chen Hao respected them during this period. He never made a joke, and he did not take the identity of the boss. Coming to oppress them, let the girls admire them, they believe that Chen Hao is the best man in a million.

As a good man, naturally he would not do the dirty things of stealing women’s clothes.

"Didn't you steal the clothes? Then why does he have a ghost expression in his heart?" Xia Jing couldn't understand it. In fact, the "ghost" in Chen Hao's heart was herself.

Everyone hasn't seen Chen Hao for a day. By returning to perform sitcoms in the evening, you can sit down and chat together. The models and nanny girls cherish this short time.

After talking for a while, Chen Hao took out his mobile phone and checked the completion of the tens of billions of subsidies. He found that it was quite gratifying. Within a few days, more than 700 people have registered new users. At this rate, it can be completed within the prescribed time. Complete the task within.

"U Dan, you did a good job of promoting mobile phones." Chen Hao praised him, and there was also U Dan's credit.

"Boss, you are too partial to Sister Wu. We should also help you complete this kind of task. Let's not mention the trip to Chengdu."

Several other model girls also came with a little coquettish begging, mainly because they have always been favored and taken care of by Chen Hao, and wanted to do more for him.

"I gave out all those mobile phones, Wu Dan, or you share the mobile phones with a few other sisters, then the promotion fee will be saved for you. When it is over, we will give out bonuses together."


Several girls happily agreed.

"Why have you been entangled in the promotion of counterfeit machines? Who gave you the task?" Xia Jing asked curiously.

"Nobody, it's just a business partner who asked me to do a little favor." Chen Hao said in a prevarication.

After a while, the girls went back to their rooms to go to bed. Chen Hao washed and lay back on the bed, thinking about the countermeasures for tomorrow.Look at

The most important thing is the so-called celebrity cocktail party. Chen Hao thought that the weapon he used to beat Lai at 5 o'clock that night was very easy to handle, so he specially tied the leather belt to his trousers and brought this "weapon" in reasonably and legally Hotel.

In addition, he still needs to leave a way out. He is not afraid of normal confrontation. He is worried about the other party's arrogant and direct use of violence. He is not worried about it alone, but considering the protection of Zhou Xitong's safety, he must also consider the worst.

So Chen Hao checked the living area with tens of billions of subsidies. Last time he hired a security service. This time he plans to spend more points to hire these people. Not afraid of 10,000, just in case, it’s best not to use it. To these people.

Chen Hao clicked on the appointment service option and changed the time and place of the security personnel to the reception site. This was more appropriate, but the maximum number of people this time was only 30 people.

But with their strong combat power, they should be enough to protect the safety of both of them.

After setting up everything, Chen Hao went to bed to rest and fell asleep in a while.


The next day, after breakfast in the morning, Chen Hao received a call from Wang Qiang. The office space of the leasing company has been set up and the license has been issued. It can be said that the company is officially established. Chen Hao is invited to inspect it.

The new company was established. Of course, Chen Hao wanted to visit, so he drove off and arrived at the venue in the western suburbs.

The author has a small building used as an office building and several large warehouses for storing construction machinery, which is enough for a small company.

This venue was provided by Zhou Xitong, and it is still rent-free. Chen Hao can also be considered as a female friendly back to enjoy the cool, saving a lot of trouble.

After Chen Hao arrived, several employees of the company came to greet him at the door. Most of them were old classmates. The ones who were familiar could not be familiar again. There were two new faces, one was a mechanic and the other was a security guard.

"There is no need for pomp." Chen Hao waved his hand and asked everyone to return to work.

Wang Qiang, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, has the temperament of a leader, leading Chen Hao around the factory.

The factory building is relatively empty. After all, it has just taken over, but the sanitation is good, the items are also neatly arranged, and the 5S standardized management mode is implemented, which looks neat and standardized.

The office area is similar, unlike some small companies that are randomly scattered, their offices are well organized.

Because the company’s machinery and equipment are already in use on the Miaojie construction site, they basically don’t have much work. These classmates are doing sanitation around, and with such a high salary, no one wants to be idle.

"Not bad."

Chen Hao nodded, Wang Qiang still has the ability to manage, and he manages a small company in an orderly manner.

"Chen Hao, I want to discuss something with you."

Wang Qiang's address to Chen Hao did not call President Chen like everyone else. That would be a difference. The two still called each other's names.

Chen Hao and Wang Qiang came to the conference room, wondering what he was looking for.

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