You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!"Are you satisfied now?" Guan asked Chen Hao with a false smile.

"No." Chen Hao said calmly, "The captain's fist was very hard just now, and now my hand is still aching."

The captain bowed his head aggrievedly, and the scene was embarrassing here.

Guan Tong is also a ruthless person. In order not to be involved in himself, he was heartbroken and said to the people around him: "Help the captain and let Mr. Chen calm down!"

The subordinates understood the leader's meaning, four people came up, two of them held the captain, and then two people raised their feet and kicked Captain Qi fiercely with their hard leather soles.


Captain Qi was beaten and screamed, and the torturer made a heavy move. They would not stop until they got the order from their superiors.

After a while, Captain Qi collapsed on the ground, his nose and face swollen.

Guan Tong smiled again this time: "Mr. Chen, now he can't harden his fists, do you think that is satisfied?"

"Chen Hao..." Zhou Xitong whispered his name. She was a woman. She couldn't see this bloody scene, and she felt a little softened.

Chen Hao nodded slightly. He wanted to take care of Zhou Xitong, so he said: "Okay, this apology is still sincere, I accept it."

Guan Tong was relieved and waved his hand to drag the security captain like a dead dog down, and then greeted him with a smile and made an inviting gesture: "Please!"

Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong turned around and walked into the hotel.

This time through the security gate, no one dared to pick things up and search their bodies. They calmly walked into the hotel, and then walked into the elevator under the leadership of a welcoming beauty, and rushed to the venue upstairs.

When I got out of the elevator, I walked another ten meters on the splendid corridor before I arrived at the main venue of today's reception.

Two security guards in black suits opened the door, and Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong saw that it was already very lively. Many men and women were present in costumes. Various delicacies and fine wines were placed on the long table. The reception was a lively scene.

However, behind the excitement, Chen Hao felt an uncomfortable feeling.

"Chen Hao, tonight will definitely not go well, we have to be careful." Zhou Xitong whispered.

"I know that they will be cruel to their own people, so they will naturally not show mercy to us outsiders, but we are safe for the time being. It is estimated that the other party will be in trouble only after contact with us."

When the two entered the venue, the security personnel at the door quietly used the internal intercom to notify: "The target has appeared."

Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong walked into the venue and took a glass of champagne before the wine table. They felt heavy footsteps behind them. They followed their reputation and saw a cold face, Guan Song, who had just met yesterday.Reading book nest

Today's Guan Song is wearing a dazzling white suit. His hair is reflected by the wax and the light reflects. He looks very fashionable and cool.

He walked over with a glass of cocktail, without even looking at Chen Hao, facing Zhou Xitong, he proactively said, "Mr. Zhou is here, and I would like to extend a warm welcome on behalf of Uncle Jia."

With that, he stretched out his hand and wanted to shake hands.

Chen Hao didn't want his woman to shake hands with this kind of man, so he arrogantly held Zhou Xitong's right hand, and Zhou Xitong's left hand was now holding a wine glass, so he couldn't shake hands anymore, making Guan Song's hand froze in the air.

Zhou Xitong smiled slightly, saying that she was inconvenient to shake hands, but actually didn't want to.

"Are you making trouble again?" Guan Song burst into anger.

Chen Hao ignored him. Instead, he pretended to check Zhou Xitong's palm pattern and said: "Zhou has a very good palmistry. He will have a good future in his career and love, but he may encounter annoying flies tonight. I hope to pay attention.

By looking at his palmistry, Chen Hao was actually mocking Guan Song.

Guan Song was furious, clenched his fists and wanted to do it, but at this time a guest passed by and greeted him, Guan Song had to nod his head in return, and his anger would not be good.

He took a deep breath, and then said, "Ms. Zhou, I invite you to dance."

Zhou Xitong smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I have a pain in my feet recently and I can't dance."

This is considered a decline. Since Chen Hao is by her side, she will not have any close contact with Guan Song.

"Since the foot hurts, let's go to the sofa over there and sit and chat. I have a big business and want to talk to you." Guan Song changed his plan again.

"Sorry, I have more important things to discuss with Mr. Zhou, you just stand in line, after three or four hours, maybe it's your turn." Chen Hao teased.

"What are you going to talk about with me?" Zhou Xitong asked him in a low voice.

"Of course it is a major matter of inheritance. This is about the reproduction of human beings. There is nothing more important in the world than this." Chen Hao was whispering to her.

Chen Hao always made herself happy, Zhou Xitong wanted to laugh and was embarrassed, so she had to endure it.

The two people chatted privately, leaving Guan Song aside, as if he were a cloud of air.

Guan Song couldn't help it now. When he grew up with a golden spoon, he had never been so despised. He immediately said loudly, "Zhou Xitong, do you really look down on me Guan Song? How am I worse than this kid? "

Zhou Xitong glanced at him, and said that he was far behind, and you are no better than Chen Hao.

Chen Hao was also amazed, there is such a shameless person.

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