I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 344: Imitate Taoyuan's Three Knots

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!Although Chen Hao was not afraid of Guan Song's threat, after all, he still had to be on guard in someone else's territory.

He called to find the security personnel called in advance from the tens of billions of subsidies and asked if they were in place.

"We have arrived, we are outside the hotel, but the hotel also has a security guard at the door. If you forcibly break in, there will be conflict." The security captain said.

"You don't need to come in for the time being, you can just stay outside."

Chen Hao was relieved now. There were those elites outside the hotel, and Zhou Xitong also found some employees nearby. There should be no major problems.

As a result, the two chatted easily over wine tasting.

"Mr. Zhou and Mr. Chen, it's so elegant here!"

With a burst of hearty laughter, Cui Yongbing, the chairman of the provincial chamber of commerce, came over.

Zhou Xitong and Chen Hao had a good impression of the president, so they smiled and greeted each other. The three clinked glasses and drank their drinks.

A few words of courtesy, Cui Yongbing’s eyes seemed to convey something. Seeing that the two of them didn’t seem to be enlightened, he pretended to be overwhelmed with alcohol, and said with a smile: “When people are old, they can’t keep up with just a few drinks. It seems I am leaving early."

"Is to take a good rest, do I need to see you off?" Chen Hao asked politely.

"No need, I have subordinates to follow."

Cui Yongbing smiled and waved his hand, and suddenly before leaving, he said suddenly, "Oh, there are so many people at the reception today. It is good to leave early. Maybe it will be overcrowded for a while, and it will be too crowded to move."

Cui Yongbing left immediately. Zhou Xitong and Chen Hao realized the hint in his words and told them to leave early. It seemed that the other party had prepared a lot of people.

"Does the Guan family really intend to use violence? But why?"

Chen Hao was a little puzzled. If it was just a grudge with Guan Song, it would not be such a big fight. Moreover, this reception was prepared before his contact with Guan Song, indicating that the original target was definitely not him, but Zhou Xitong. This It was a conspiracy against Zhou Xitong.

Do many people need to be prepared to deal with Zhou Xitong, a weak woman?

Chen Hao is a little puzzled.

It is indeed possible to leave now, but there is a saying that if you are not afraid of thieves, you are afraid of thieves. Today, if you don't understand the purpose of the housekeeper, I am afraid that there will be more insidious methods in the future.

Thinking of this, Chen Hao said: "I think I can wait to see what cards they play." You Reading Book www.euyue.com

"Well, I agree. I don't think the housekeeper will do anything. I have never heard that the business will not be successful and will be threatened by force. I also arranged some security guards from the provincial capital branch. There are about a dozen people who will respond. Ours, no matter how bad you are, you can call the police."

Chen Hao nodded, his intention was to watch the changes, and he also had a back hand. He immediately picked up the phone and called the security group hired in advance to ask if they were in place.

Now that they have a back hand, they don't panic in their hearts, and the two continue to wait.

However, their comfortable time together was soon interrupted again, and four elderly celestial groups, surrounded by a group of people, came over.

"Isn't this the most beautiful lady Zhou Xitong in our province, I saw it again after more than a year, she is more beautiful than before!"

The man who was talking was a man about fifty years old, dressed in casual clothes. Among a group of guests in formal dresses and suits, he was a strange one, but no one dared to say anything, because he was the organizer of the reception. Guan Yunchang, the person in charge of all businesses in the four central provinces of the Guan family, is known as the chairman of Guan.

"Guan Dong Miu praised it." Zhou Xitong responded lightly.

Chen Hao also put away his relaxed posture, knowing that tonight's highlight is coming, he wants to see what the evil intentions of this old man are hiding.

"Let me introduce to Mr. Zhou. This is Director Cui of Yungui Group, this is Boss Zhong, general manager of Huamao Company, and this is the former boss of Jinqiu Industrial."

Guan Yunchang introduced three old wealthy businessmen one after another. Zhou Xitong had heard of them all. They were all rich men who had been famous for a long time, the rich one, so he nodded his greetings to them one by one.

"Zhou is really beautiful, and young and promising. It seems that in the future, the domestic business community will be the world of up-and-comers like Mr. Zhou."

"No, I can manage a large group like Ms. Zhou. I really admire this ability. My daughter is a few years older than her. Now I know how to eat, drink, play, and lose money everywhere. I have a headache!"

These little old men, who were over half a hundred years old, met with a compliment. Zhou Xitong just dealt with it lightly, because she knew that these were all ecstasy soup.

After chatting about some trivial matters, the little old men exchanged glances concealedly, the group of people following them automatically dispersed, and repelled the guests around, leaving room for a few people to talk.

Chen Hao's heart moved, it seemed that the fox was about to show his tail.

"Zhou, our business community is also a small society. A chopstick is easy to break, and a chopstick is difficult to break. We businessmen still have to unite to resist risks, especially in the current turbulent international situation." The boss Zhong said suddenly.

"That is, I think President Zhou's Zhou International is also strong. Otherwise, we will form a business alliance. Wouldn't it be a strong alliance?"

"This is a good idea. In the future, the exchange of funds and the exchange of information will definitely have the effect of one plus one greater than two."

A few old men sang and sang together, and they were about to be allied with blood. Those who didn't know thought they were going to learn from Liu Huangshu and come to Taoyuan for a trio.

It seems that their conspiracy begins with an alliance.

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