You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Chen Hao couldn't help being astonished on the spot. He and the female snitch once fought each other. She stole her own wine and took advantage of her. It can be said that she is an enemy, but this "enemy" is now pointed out to Chen Hao in desperation. The only way to escape.

Chen Hao didn't know why the female snitch came to help himself. It was not the time to think about it. He rushed to the window without stopping.

Chen Hao does not have the flexibility of a female snitch, and his body is large. He cannot replicate the female snitch. However, he has a unique advantage, that is, his rough skin and strength. Chen Hao let go of Zhou Xitong’s hand and was at the window Accelerating abruptly, protecting his head with his arms, using a flying collision posture, leaped into the air, hitting the window with his head and shoulders.

This window was also just ordinary goods, unable to hold Chen Hao's weight and momentum, it shattered all at once, and the glass fragments scattered in all directions.

After landing, Chen Hao rolled over and felt a pain in his back. It felt like he was pierced by glass ballast, but he finally rushed out of Kaihua Hotel and came to the back of the hotel. There were no thugs, only a few private cars parked. With.

"Tong Tong, come out quickly, I will follow you!"

Chen Hao returned to the window and stretched out his hand. Zhou Xitong was pulled out by him. The two ran towards the street. Chen Hao wanted to find a car. As long as he got out of this area, he was safe.

Suddenly, there was a sudden brake, and Chen Hao’s Hummer suddenly stopped on the side of the road. The female thief wrapped in black got out of the car, and she glanced at Chen Hao with her agile eyes, like a bird, several ups and downs. Hidden in the darkness.

Chen Hao was very strange. The car key was clearly on her. This female thief could actually drive her car. It seemed that she would not only steal alcohol, but also steal the car.

However, I can only thank her now, and the female thief will have the opportunity to thank her in the future.

Chen Hao then opened the car door and let Zhou Xitong sit on it, and carefully fastened her seat belt. He returned to the driving position, then slammed on the accelerator, and the Hummer rushed out like an arrow.

At this time, Guan Song led people to the smashed window. He watched the Hummer driving away on the street. He roared, "Where is the hole? This can make him run. I will chase, chase!"

This group of subordinates knew they were at a loss. One by one they contacted their outside companions through the walkie-talkie, drove after them, and called for more vehicles. They wanted to launch a city-wide raid and must catch Chen Hao, otherwise they would lose their face.

Using a hundred people, he couldn't stop a man and a woman. He was killed from the eighth floor all the way downstairs and successfully escaped. If it spreads out, the thugs will no longer have to mix in the security sector.

The most important thing is that the strict order laid down on the above plan to keep Zhou Xitong strong for one night failed. This is terrible. It was the order of the chairman Guan Yunchang, and the consequences of violating it are unpredictable.

Afterwards, cars of various brands drove out of Kaihua Hotel, like a long dragon, chasing Chen Hao.

Chen Hao set off a minute earlier than them. It stands to reason that he should be able to get rid of it quickly, but after all, this is someone else's site and they have off-site assistance.

Guan Song contacted the inside line of the traffic police team, and quickly found Chen Hao's Hummer through the traffic probe, and then told the chasing soldiers where Chen Hao was.101 Chinese Network

The group of thugs drove the vehicle and kept biting, and the inside line also passed through Chen Hao's route, guessing that Chen Hao was going to return to Baihe City on the highway.

With this guess, the thugs' vehicles took a shortcut and caught up with the Hummer.

"Boss, found him, we are stopping!"

First, I found that Chen Hao's thugs were reporting to Guan Song through the walkie-talkie.

"No matter what method you use, you must stop him for me, even if he is killed, I will pay for it!" Guan Song roared.

"However, Guan Dong said that Zhou Xitong's safety must be guaranteed. She is also in the car." The thug hesitated.

"Listen to my uncle but not to me, believe it or not, I stripped your skin!"

Guan Song yelled at the phone, Chen Hao had slapped him in the face many times, and now to this young housekeeper, face is everything.

The thug was silent, and he dared to violate it. After turning off the phone, he slammed on the gas pedal to accelerate and don't stop Chen Hao's car.

However, the Hummer is also a five million-class luxury car after all. It has military quality and excellent quality. The car body is very stable when accelerating, and it is difficult to exceed it.

This thug drove a black Audi A3, and in desperation he slammed on the accelerator, and desperately exceeded Chen Hao's body by half, then turned sharply to the right to leave Chen Hao's Hummer.

Chasing scenes of vehicles are common plots in movies. To win in such a dangerous car, one must have the courage to sacrifice one's life, as well as proficient vehicle skills, or, perhaps, excellent vehicle performance.

Maybe this thug has the same driving skills as Chen Hao, and he has the courage to drive at high speed on the road to stop the car, but for one thing, he forgot the gap in the vehicle itself.

After Audi left the car, the two fronts collided.

Chen Hao's car is a military Hummer. It was designed and manufactured to be able to drive in a rain of bullets. Even if a bomb explodes nearby, it can withstand several blows. Such a vehicle impact is purely pediatric.

"Tong Tong, hurry up!"

Chen Hao gave a reminder, and then slammed on the accelerator. As the body slammed, Chen Hao's Hummer won within a second and knocked the Audi away.

At high speeds, the thugs could no longer control the balance. The Audi car hit a nearby obstacle and rolled over. Eventually, the airbag popped out and buckled on the green belt and turned off.

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