I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 357 The Magical Use of the Formation

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!They were rehearsing here. A bus drove up outside. The security guards from the security company arrived. When they got out of the car, they saw the luxury equipment of the ninety-odd people, and they all looked at them.

Most of them are veterans. They were in the team at the beginning, and they had never used such high-end equipment. It seems that only beautiful soldiers who don't need money can wear this way.

"Which company is this? Can you earn back the service fee if you wear such lavish equipment?" the security captain asked in astonishment.

"Hehe, brother who just came to help, there are still equipment in the car, you can take it yourself if you like." Chen Hao pointed to the truck.

This group of security guards are professionals after all, and they are drooling when they see the luxury individual equipment, and they can't help but look at their captain, who needs his approval.

"This... President Chen, aren't we good at using your new equipment?" The security captain said embarrassedly.

"It's okay, help me win this fight, and I will give you all the clothes." Chen Hao said.


The security captain's eyes brightened, and he asked excitedly, knowing that this is a set of a hundred thousand sets of luxurious individual equipment. After putting it on, the combat power has not increased by a little bit.

"Of course, would I lie to you."

Chen Hao smiled. Don’t look at the high prices of these equipment, but they can’t hold up his tens of billions of subsidies, which is nearly 1 yuan per piece. The most expensive is the individual clothing, which adds up to only tens of yuan per set. Not distressed.

"Thank you Boss Chen!"

The security captain gave an order, and these professional security guards rushed to the equipment like wolves.

Many veterans here, even in the team, have never used such luxurious equipment. This body is simply a super soldier piled up with renminbi. It may be a little thin in the hot war, but it is used for the cold weapon battle, that is the god of war. level.

And this luxurious combat equipment, Chen Hao said that it would be given to them afterwards, that is, each one was worth more than 100,000 yuan. They looked at Chen Hao with different eyes. This is the real heroic boss!

"Now that everyone is here, let's practice a simple formation."

Chen Hao began to teach them military formations that were only used in ancient times. These were all seen in the pictures recorded at the end of the Wuqinxi book.

For example, when the opponent rushes upwards in a swarm, then a circular formation suitable for defense should be adopted. When the enemy's first attack is to be defeated, when it is time to counterattack, it can be replaced with a square formation, which has sharp edges and corners and is suitable for subsequent changes.

If the opponent is defeated, he can use the front arrow array suitable for charging to chase and defeat the opponent's team in one fell swoop.

These formations are the secrets used by the ancients in small-scale battles. They are the cultural crystallization of thousands of ancient people and are required courses for generals in the cold weapon era.

It's only because of the development of modern thermal weapons that these formations have faded out of the stage of history, but today is a decisive battle with cold weapons, and it just happens to be used.

"These formations are so fun." Someone sighed, "I don't know where Boss Chen learned it. I feel like I'm shooting an ancient war movie." Read the book www.yshuobaxs.com

Lai Wu reprimanded: "Stop talking, our boss is a strange man, of course he can do everything!"

He now has a mindless trust and admiration for Chen Hao.

Chen Hao's cell phone alarm rang, reminding him that it was half past two and it was time to leave.

"Time is up, let's go."

Chen Hao gave an order, these heavily armed camouflage boys, one after another got on the bus, and then drove to the battle site.

In the car, Chen Hao received a call from Xing Zetao, saying that the other party drove a huge convoy of more than fifty cars. They were on the highway and were about to reach the place soon. There were almost two hundred people.

"Two hundred people?"

Chen Hao smiled contemptuously. There are about 120 people on their side, and there is a gap of more than 80 people. However, Chen Hao has no worries. There are 30 professional security personnel taking the lead. Everyone is fully armed. Are you afraid of just 200 thugs?

It should be the other party who should worry!

When Chen Hao's four buses and Chen Hao's Hummer drove to the agreed Suiyuan warehouse, the other party had already arrived, a black car and a crowd.

Part of it is the black suit thugs who met yesterday, and the other part is the scornful young people in society. They all carry various cold weapons in their hands. Seeing the arrival of Chen Hao's convoy, they all stood up and gathered. In a pile, staring at each other.

And their leader is Guan Song standing in front of a Bugatti.

"I thought you were afraid to come."

Because of the long distance, Guan Song spit out the smoke in his mouth, took out a loudspeaker and started talking.

Of course, Chen Hao was not to be outdone. He placed an order from the tens of billions of subsidies. He also bought a handheld loudspeaker and shouted: "I should have said this to you."

The men from Chen Hao's side all got out of the car, making the opponents all startled. How can a group of people wearing camouflage equipment be similar to the foreign special forces in the blockbuster?

"Wearing this suit to scare people, like a fool!"

The group of young people burst into laughter at their opponents armed to their teeth, and some of them burst into tears. They fight all the year round, and they have never seen anyone wearing this outfit.

However, Guan Song’s group of thugs had knowledge after all, so they immediately reported to Guan Song anxiously: “Boss, they seem to be wearing Kevlar gear.”

"What Kevlar, Divra, they are not copper heads and iron arms, you are afraid of clothes?" The arrogant Guan Song glared, and the group of thugs did not dare to speak.

The thugs were all professionally trained. They were arrogant. They didn’t feel that they were very good in wearing individual equipment. After thinking about it for a while, the group of young people rushed to be cannon fodder, and then they made up the knife behind them. Can defeat opponents from weak clicks.

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